WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 .&4 merican Legion MAKE N. U. SCHEDULE Coaches Draw Up List for Coming Season Giving Purple same Football Games as This Year Northwestern will meet on the gridiron in 1930 all the same conference opponents as this f~ll and will take on Notre Dame in the season's finale, according to the schedule . made by the Big- Nine coaches in meetmg last weekend. The practice date opening the schedule and the October 25. Saturday are not filled as yet, though ~here is some rumor that the Purple will engage an eastern team on the latter date. Six Big Nine teams, including the leaders in last year's conference standing, will meet Northwestern in basketball, giving the Purple one . of ~ts hardest schedules ever. Wtsconsm, Minnesota, Purdue, Indiana, Chicago and Illinois will be met in home and home series. In track Northwestern was awarded again the· outdoor conference championship meets to be held May 30 and 31. Following are the schedules for football, basketball, track, baseball and wrestling: Football Oct. 11-0hio at Northwestern. Oct. 18-Northwestern at Illinois. Nov. 1-Northwestern at Minnesota. Nov. 8-Northwestern at Indiana. Nov. 15-Wisconsin at Northwestern. Nov. 22-Notre Dame at Northwestern. Basketball Dec. 14-Pittsburgh at Northwestern. Dec. 19-Notre Dame at Notre Dame. Dec. 31-Notre Dame at Northwestern. Jan. 4--Wisconsin at Northwestern. Jan. 11-Minnesota at Minnesota. Jan. 13-Purdue at Northwestern. Jan. 18-Indiana at Northwestern. Jan. 25-chicago at Chicago. Feb. 10-lllinois at Northwestern. Feb. 15-Wisconsin at Wisconsin. Feb. 17-Minnesota at Northwestern. Feb. 22-Illinois at Illlnois. Feb. 26-Purdue at Purdue. Mar. 1--Chicago at Northwestern. (Northwestern at Indiana date not set.) Auxiliary Mrs. George Bassler opened her home last Monday evening to the Legion Auxiliary of Post No. 46, for its regular December ·meeting and a large percentage of the membership took advantage of this opportunity to complete the unit's plans for holiday work and enjoy the delightful program which had been arranged by Mrs. John B. Boddie. With pleasing technique, Miss. Marie Flentye pianist, created a c;lefimte atmos.p here in her interpretation of Chaminade's "Autumn," and Niernann's two descriptive pieces, "A Night 1t1 Seville" and "In a Chinese City." She generously added "J uba Dance" by Dett as an encore. Miss May Sneider, a graduate student of the school of speech, Northwestern university won her audience with a varied program which displayed her skill as a reader, and disclosed many phases of a winsome personality. In her first group of humorous monologues, Miss Sneider portrayed widely different characters with remarkable veracity. In her second group the Christmas spirit was beautifully anticipated in Weaver's "Third Aisle · Back" and "The Virgin's Slumber Song." Mrs. Arthur Johnson was presented '"·ith a very attractive past president's pin by the organization in recognition of her splendid services as president for two years. The Shoes with a S11ug Fitting Heel The ENID: a fashionable tie that fits snug to the heel and instep.· One of the season's leading patterns. Sample shoes in sizes 4B and 4Y2B in all the leading colors and materials. Values to $16.50. Now $8·50 Dr. Beatrice Hawkins, president ~tf the unit; Mrs. C. B. Cochran, Mrs. F. ]. Dowd, and Mrs. D. C. Leach attended the regular quarterly luncheon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and business meeting of the Seventh Track . Feb. 15-Quadrangular meet at Northdistrict at Niles last week. Niles Township unit No. 134 \\·as hostess for western. Mar. 1-Purdue, Minnesota and Norththe day. western at Northwestern. 634 CHl:RCH ST. EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 971 YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY MAKING YOUR HOLIDAY PURCH.\SES AT 4416 North Clark Street, Chicago REES Why Not? Andirons-Screens Fire Tools-Fenders Hearth Brushes Electric Grates Magic Log Firts Fireside Benches Coal Hods Wood Holders Vases-Rose Jars Bronzes-Ash Trays Marble Statuary Pen Sets Dresden Lamps Lanterns Antique Oak Cabinets Wrought Gates Antique Oak Chests Pedestals Clock Sets Pictures-Etchings Novelties Delegates from various units in Cook county convened at Hotel Sherman last Saturday for the annual luncheon and election of officers for Central council. Mrs. Suthers of Beverly Hills unit who has been active on the boai ~t, was' u·n animously elected to the presidency. A unique feature of the luncheon was the presence at the speakers' table of all the past presidents of the council. Ada M ucklestone, retiring president, gave an inspiring report of the council's work during ·her term. President Hawkins, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mrs. E. J. McArdle, and 1_irs. C. B. Cochran represented the \V tlmette unit. Work on the thirty-two bathrobes which is the unit's special Christmas gift to its ward at Great Lakes, w.as practically completed at the two spectal sewing meetings held this month at the homes of Mrs. James Barcus and Mrs. George Leal. Mar. 7 and 8-Indoor conference championships at Minnesota. Mar. 15-Illinois indoor relays. Mar. 28 and 29-Texas relays. Apr. 5-Minnesota relays. Apr. 19-Kansas relays. Apr. 25 and 26-Drake and Penn relays. May 3-0hio State relays. ' May 10-Northwestern at Minnesota. May 17-Quadrangular meet at Ohio State. May 24--Wisconsin at Northwestern. May 30 and 31-0utdoor conference championships at Northwestern. June 13 and 14-National Collegiate championships at Chicago. Baseball April 23-Purdue at Purdue. April 26-Purdue at Northwestern. April 28-Illlnols at Illlnois. May 3-Michigan at Michigan. May 7-Wlscon. s in at Northwestern. May 10-Wisconsin at Wisconsin. May 16-Michigan at Northwestern. May 20-lllinois at Northwestern. May 24--Indiana at Indiana. May 28-Indiana at Northwestern. May 3~Minnesota at Minnesota. May 31-Minnesota at Minnesota. Wrestling Feb. 8-0hio at Northwestern. Feb. 15-Indlana at Northwestern. Feb. 22-Purdue at Northwestern. Mar. !-Northwestern at Michigan. Highest Grade UP BOLSTERING Cabinet Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabrin ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order ., IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS of ART OBJECTS LONGBEACH 8223-24 Higheat Grade Upholstering 808 Oak Street Eatabliabed 1895 Ph. WiDDetka 145 H. G. LINDW ALL