70 WILME.TTE LIFE December 13, 1929 CURRENT EVENTS I In Miss Larson's room we have a perIod which we call Current Events. We all have a clipping from a newspaper of (Continued from page 67) H<>methlng Interesting that has been hapIMmlng lately. We have a period that ATTEND SWIMMING MEET we study and then we talk on them. The other week we went down to the Some of them are very interesting and Medinah Athletic club to a swimmiQg I am sure we all like Jt. meet. We went to the billiard room to -Dorothy Hill, 6B Howard. play billiards. Dad taught me to play billiards. We went up to the thirtieth floor to the swimming tank. The funniest race was the rubber mat. The object was to get to the other end of the tank without falling off the mat. Apata for ALLIED VAN LINES -Bob Brumbaugh, 6B Howard. Loaa Diatuace Movera JUNIOR LIFE grades are to take place in it. Mrs. Jones is making the background and doing the getting ready ot the stage. Mrs. Vernon is taking charge of the play and Purple Cagemen to Meet Strong Eastplayers. We all hope the play is as good ern Team Saturday Night as we think it will be.-Jean Lawrence, Stol,p 7A. PLAY PANTHERS NEXT IRED A .L B WILMETTE IS32 STORAGE A LOST TITLE Eight A Howard beat 8C Stolp last Monday by a score of 8 to 0. Howard gained thetr poi11ts during the first half but during the second half we held them fairly good. This did us no good because they won the game and that meant the championship was lost for us. The boys who played on the 8C lineup were: Dick TO GIVE Xl\IAS PLAY Hall, Billy Melcho~r. Charles Wllliams, We are going to have a Christmas play Sheldon Fox, Bill Bowe~ Billy Katz, Jack on Ft·idny, December 20. Some of the Slayton. James l\1cClure.-James McClure, hnv!'l and ~irls in the seventh and eighth RC Stolp. SEE THESE SMART NEW Pitt~burgh's Panthers, strong eastern quintet, will visit the Wildcats' floor for the second game of the Northwestern seasoi1 Saturday night. A stiti combat for the new Purple machine is on slate, for Pittsburgh has a reputation for develop}ng some of the finest teams in the country and has a veteran quintet to pit against the Wildcats. They came out of the east two years ago when they won national honors and beat Northwestern, but last year they succumbed 30 to 2-J. Charles Hyatt, a great forward, will lead the team with Les Cohen at center, Ed Baker at guard, Paul Zebruss at forward and Al Wroblcskie at guard. The last mentioned, he of the twisting monicker, is a brother of the Stanley who hdpcd beat Northwestern tw o years ago. The Panthers are playing Indiana Friday night. Need More to Beat Easterners The Purple chalked up one victory, a 30-to-13 win Monday over the Cornell college of Iowa, but will have to put up a much more impressive front to beat these easterners. Walter started the season brilliantly despite his knee injury, sinking eight baskets and a free throw and leading the team offensively. Bert Riel played a fine game at forward while he was in. Of the newcomers whom Coach Lonborg gave their first college try, Lockhart, guard, and McCarnes looked the best, and should develop with more experience. These men, with Bergherm and Mundy, veterans, are the nucleus of this year's team. Whalen showed up as a capable rese rve man who has an excellent eye for the hoop despite his shortness. Lamps in all the latest styles -many with copper and brushed steel bases - shades made of tinted parchment or dainty silk-are now on dispia y in our store ... You'll want one or two to add color and charm to your home. They also make acceptable and economical holiday gifts. Priced from $1.75 up. Call in and make your selection early TANK CHAMPS IN ACTION Northwestern's national champion swimming team with its bevy of intercollegiate title-holders will engage the Michigan State swimmers in a dual meet here Friday night. Graduation did not deprive Coach Tom Robinson of many of his stars, and the new team appears to be the strongest ever assemoled at Northwestern. AI Schwartz, national collegiate champion in the . 40, 100 and 4-JOyard free style events, captains the team. Dick Hinch, conference champion in the 160-yard backstroke, and Peterson, conference title holder in the 220-yard breast stroke, are others of this team of champions. These three hold the world championship in the medley relay and with Covode as the fourth man ·are world's champions in the 160-yard relay. A newcomer to the ranks is Robert Howlett who is claimed to be faster in the breaststroke than Peterson. In addition Tom has Eddie Lennox, breaststroker, Covodc, free style artist, and Jimmie O'Keefe, fancy diver, to garner extra points. Bill Wilson, Vaughn Hardy, Bill Tracey and Aikin are Evanston boys on the team. Czechoslovakian Music and Food at Art Center Czechoslovakian music and refreshments, a talk about the art of that interesting country, and the presence o! a group of its natives well known in and about Chicago, will make interesting the tea which will be held at the Art center in the foundation floor of the Evanston public library Sunday from 5 to 7, a compliment to the exhibition of native art now hanging there. Dr. Smetanka, Czechoslovakian consul to Chicago, Ladislav Urban, assistant consul, and their wives, will be among the guests of honor. Albin Polasek, celebrated sculptor, will have charge of the program and will sing folk songs of the country, as will Boza Onmioff, his wife, Madame Spravka. will play, and the vice consul will speak regarding the artists exhibiting. Beginning December 1 4 the Public Service atores will be open evenings until 9 o'clock PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ·. lF NORTHERN ILLINOIS . JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2899 -··--