58 WILMETTE LIFE December 20, 1929 JUNIOR LIFE (CJntinued fr~m page 56) Stolp 8-C Basketeers Win ·From Howard Rivals On Monday, December 9, SC Stolp defeated 8B Howard in an exciting basketball game at Howard by the score of 5 to 0. 8C's second team was defeated by the SB second team by the score of 2 to 1. In the first team game 8C was lead in g at the half by the score of 2 to 0. Late in the secon half 8C scored a free throw and the score stood 3 to 0 until the last play of the game when two passes for the length of the floor n etted another basket for 8C. In the second game SB Howard scored two points in the first h a lf. Early in tht· second half, RC made a free tl:trow an<l the score st9o<l 2 to 1. for the rest of th . g·ame. - Dick llall , SC Stolp. We're still talking about Christmas presents Tells How Xmas Seals Help Tubercular Tots Christmas seals are sold at Howard e\'ery morning and afternoon for t~e benefit of children who h ave tuberculosis. They use this money to h elp the children and to further the investigation of th e disease. If you buy a dollar's worth <?f seals you get a little red tuberculosis cross. LaRt year the chi ldren went from d(,or-to-cloor selling· th ese sNtls. If the lady oC the house haQpened to be upstair she'd hav · to come down to answe1· the doorbdl. This yt'ar the childr n are forbidden to do this although some still persist in d(ling so.-l\1argarette H.eynolds, llowanl 8B. T HEORETICALLY, everyone's supposed to . have finish.e d Christmas shopping. But, being human ourselves, we suspect ·you haven't! Oddly enough it's often some of the more important gifts that hang over to last-minute frenzies. Gifts that you want to have show thought and real quality and individualistn. Explains Bell System at Howard and Praises Rule The Howard school has a three mmute !Jell.' After the bell ring-s we change pniods. First, there h; the regular bell and then there is a three minute bell whi ·11 rings three minutes after the first hell. If you are nol in your room when that bell rings you have to go to Mr. Todd and tell him why you were late. I think it is a v ry excellent rule. · -Helen Lindstrom, 6A Howard Cooking Lesson Teaches Jane That Oven Is Hot One day when I was in :\1 i:,;s 'Voocllt·r's cooking room having a c.:ooldng less(ln , I want0cl to see how my cake was g<:tting along, so I opened the O\'en and loolwcl in. I gues~ the O\' ·n must h:t\'e liked my nos , or my nose mui-:t ha\' e grown a ll up of a sudden, but, anyway, I felt something v<>ry hot on my nose. To be sure it was the oYen that toudH·<l my no!'e and not n , that touchetl it, hut there wns a li l de rrd mark on m:..nose and I won't aclmit it was my fault. .Jane Bmndt, 6B Howard. Just the sort of thing Tatman is known for. Here you'll find originality and taste in the smallest token as well as in the gift of impressive dimensions. o give an air to any dressing table - lamps in pairs. All the delicate, entrancing pastel shadesblue, orchid, rose beige. From $12 to $50 a pair, with shades to match, $5 a patr. T o welcome the New Year, old fashioned whiskey cocktail glasses. They come in crystal and colors. Some of them are decorated ·w ith enan1el cocks - very triumphant. From $5 to $40 a dozen. For short sten1s or long, vases in cut crystal and colors. Whoever has just the right thing for the over extended chrysanthemum or the stubby little handful of first flowers from the home gard~n? Prices range from $3.50 to $50. T Virginia Enjoys Pictures G OJ-' enough to climax any meal - dessert plates in Old French and English design. The sim· plest Prune Whip acquires haut ton. A B om be Glace'e would seem only fittingly presented. $7.50 a dozen, upward, with charming ones at $7.50. ery smart and distinctly different-a black cigarette jar and ash tray. An V inscrutable jade Buddha is mounted on the side. Even a man difficult to please might nonchalantly walk a mile for this. Jar, $5Tray, $6. or after dinner coffee, a tray table in mahogany at $25, or one in colors to match your cups, $22.50. There's nothing more con· ducive · to good after din· ner talk than the vogue of serving coffee tn the drawing room. F fter all, there's nothing handsomer than ser· A vice plates. We have beautiful, authentic designs from the leading potters of EnglandDoulton, Copeland, Spode, Royal Worcester. In such wide variety of color and pattern that you may give your individual fancy full play. $25 to $500 a dozen. 517 TATMAN DAVIS STREET 625 N. MICHIGAN AVENUE EvANSTON CHICAGO a1Hl L Wt'nt fluwn to the Field llll!S('llll1. I liJ.;e wintrr b 0ea use I lov to go sl<at~li,tJwt· hc·a nl that tht:re was a show down ing·. Jt is so muC'h fun. 1 Lotl<ey i~ a there showin~ all about Columbus' \'oy:l~-:·t· grl·at sport to mal-:~> tlw hall go ro Jlin~ antl how 11 we nt to the King an<l Que c·n an(l win a ])Oint for your sicl . An(lther of !:-'pain nnd asl.;;ecl them to give him rc>:l~on is thl' snow man, the grl'at !Jig nwlll':V to go. "·r \n~ nt and it surPly was husky t> mnn . l f ~·ou thmw a ~nnw a gf111cl pktun:.-V irg inia Oh;o 11, 6A How- ball atwhit him, h e <lot':-;n't en:n fee l it. I ard. would have to nwntion about rolling in the snow, hut don't g·t' t cold or stand ~till ('JlJtrSTJIAS 'l'DI E b t·ea us e sonwo1w might tak you for :1 I am l'iO happy :1round Chri~tmn.s time, snow mnn nnd hit you nncl I think you Ta us e r always drop Rantn a lin e. woultl ft>el it.-Durothy Hyrne, GB llowAnd l tdl him what I'd lil\ e for him to :1 rcl. !Pan· At my hous on Christma~ Ev . l;ut J like to gi\·e mtlwt· than l't'<"eivt>, Ancl that spirit is in almost (·ve ry child, 1 lw lien·.. But it's nice for ea h good girl an<l boy , At C'hri~tmas time to n ·c·dn· a toy. 'Po hnve a merry Christmas you should Santa Claus is a nicl' fdd dear. be careful and play safely, You shouldn't And if Y<·tt are good, you,'ll r e('ci \· · some- hitch on the back of a wagon or car. thing, neYer fear. B~cause if they would stop, you would I w:1tched for Santa beforp Chri~tmas one go under the. ca r and get hurt. 'L'hen you night, \\'Ould not have a very happy Christmas. And he cnme down the ehimney, though But if you are car eful you will probably the squePze w:u; rath er ti~ht. have a nice, happy Christmas, "\'hen you l le fill d all the ~toeldngs and fixed the a r e all around the Christmas tree opentree, ing lots of presents. And \,·hc·n h lool>:ed around h e saw me . -Gordon Schuber, Howard 6A 1 ~hooli: hi~ hand and asked what he did at th 0 North Pole when the weather HAIL, WINTER! \\'a~ fair. And he told me a ll about the g-ood times 'Vi nlPI' will goon be he1·e, " ' ith all its fun and cheer. lw ha~ up there. He has many little brownies who fix up Trees and bushes are bare ; many a toy l\1uch !->now lies everywhere. For Santa to tal.;;e at Christmas time to Tlw wind blows bold eaeh girl and boy. And 'tis very cold. And this giYing spirit is what fills him Rut this does not stop th e children's p!ay, with happi!wss n nd joy. For they play in the snow every day. So after awhil e Santa went up on the The childrt>n on their skates do race · I'OOf, Ove'r the ice at a very fast pace. And I could h ear the reindeer stamping On their sleds they goo their hoofs. Down the hill and over the snow. Santa yelled, "qicldnp Prancer, Dancer," What fun would the winter be wilhnut and he took his leave, the snow. And T won't see him 'till next Chtlstmas Or wind to blow. E\'e. -Howard Jones, 6A Howard. - Eilene Weakly, 6A Howard. EARLY CHRISTMAS MORNING 110WARD SB WINS It's a lovely, lovely feeling Thursday, December 12, the 8A girls Lying there in bed, were to play a volleyball game with St. Looking at the ceiling, Joseph. The St. .Joseph girls did not Wondering if your new ball's red. come so Mis~ Skirlmor~ said that .8B Then your mother calls you, ~oward could play 8A Howard. The SA And you get up quick g~rls had first serve and the game con- And dash to see your toys all new, tmu ed to be very interesting because Left there by good Saint Nick. -Betty Dodds, 6B Howard we .had about the same amount of points until some ~iris on 8B's team made six WHAT A NIGHT! or seven pomts each. At the end of the It was a rainy ni&"ht. I was scared as game we were very glad to know that SB had won 28 to 1!?_. This was our first a mouse in a trap. A hiiDJopotamus was volleyball game this season and we hope running right at me. How scared I was! that we will play as good iri the rest The hippopotamus caught me in his jaws. of the games.-Violet Lance, Howard 8B. I woke up and found mother bending over me telling me to get up and she was tickling me. That was the end of a bad . SONG OF lOY Smg a song of Joy dream.-George Petersen, 6A Howard. To each little girl and boy M.ake them happy an day long, LESSON IN CHEERING ·when Santa Claus comes This afternoon (Thursday, December 12) He will bring each a toy Frank Christy and James Chambers took ~very little girl and boy sings this song. one boy from the sixth, seventh and 'Merry Christmas," eighth grades to cheer. They taught me "Happy New Year." the locomotive, the skyrocket and the -Shirley Garniss, 6A Howard welcome cheer. I hope I get on the committee so T can cheer at the next asSTUDY BIRDS sembly.-Bou Brumbaugh, 6B Howard. We are taking great interest in our study of birds. We are studying about CAGE GAME IS TIE them in Mrs. Jones' class of reading. The 6A first team played the 6B first We are learning about how birds live team in basketball Wednesday afternoon. and all other things that they do in win- Robert Brumbaugh scored . two baskets ter. I am very interested in it because and Edwin Colegrove of 6A scored two I like very much the study of nature. baskets, too. The final score was ~ to f. -Frances Rapp, 6A Howard -George Woodbury, 6B Howard AJ~~~~r~ ,~~~~~~~1~s~~~;,'~~t~~ Dorothy Cites Reasons . for Liking Wintertime Be Careful If You Would Have a Happy Christmas