Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 1929, p. 26

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WiLMET.TE L.. F~ : Detember 27, 1929 North Shore Society -Events Nearing Holiday Climax Events for Younger Set Continue Into Beginning of Year BY JEAN TEN BROECK Tea on ·Su~d~y Celebrates · Holiday Season Knight-Burke Wedding Reu~ion of Young People Brings Marriage of North Shore Interest Saturday was the occasion of a marriage in Evanston that is of interest further north along the shore. At 8:30 o'clock in the evening, Miss Margaret Mather Knight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Vv. Knight of Evanston, became the bride of Edmund Webster Burke, son of Dean and Mrs. Webster H. Burke of Chicago at a service performed in St. Mark's church. The reception following took place at the Georgian hotel. \Vhite panne velvet combined with rose point lace that was on het mother's wedding dres~, was fashioned into the bride's gown. The bridal veil of tulle was fastened to a lace cap with a small cluster of gardenias, and the bouquet was of calla lilies. Miss Dorothy Campbell of Wilmette, the maid of honor, was in eggshell moire and held red roses. The bridesmaids, Miss Dorothy Burke, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Holly Shively of Chicago, Mrs. William Rufus Abbott, Jr., and Miss Barbara Greer of Evanston, wore Christmas red moire and carried white roses. Gerald Fearer of Oregon, Ill., served as best man for Mr. Burke and the ushers were James Grover of Wilmette, Willys E. Gamron and Lyman Hay of Evanston, and Vincent Baldwin of Chicago. After a wedding trip journey Mr. Burke and his bride '~i ll live in Evanston. Mrs. Burke is a graduate of Northwestern university, as is Mr. Burke, who has taken a law degree from the Chicago Kent College of Law, where he is a member of the faculty. His father is dean of the law college. As ,,.r write. all sig-ns point to Christmas. as \'OU read December 25 will have gone its way and plans for New Year's wilt hold. swa\'. \Vhether it the · past or news he news of of the coming holiday that concerns us. there is little "new" news we cari offer now. ~fost of it has been announced in our columns dunng the weeks that have passed, so early do ho ts and hostesses invite their guests to holidav affairs. Small. informal affairs may· he planned in an impromptu, last -min ute manner, but not ~o the larger holiday teas, dinners, and dances. Again, and mostly in resume, we list the cYents yet to take place that have come to our desk. December 27-~lr. and Mrs. Peirce C. \Vard of \\rinnetka and Mr. and. Mrs. Harr\' Lord \Veils of Hubbard \Voods are giYing a dance at Indian Hill club for Jean \Vard and. Frances \Vells. Mrs. Arch Shaw of Winnetka is entertaining at a dinner at the Petrushka club and a box party at the Princeton Triangle club show in ho~10r of ~fiss Margaret Emily Lynde of \Vinnetka. · A group of north shore boys, \Villiam V. ~fesick , Robert Kelly, \Villiam Sprenger, Robert French, Norman Ross, Edward \Vicland.. Robert Forster, and Thomas Sullivan will be hosts at a dance at the Lake Shore Athletic club. A dinner for the hosts and the girls they arc escorting will be given at the club preceding the dance. December 28-Mr. and :Mrs. Chester ·H. \\'alcott and Mr. and ~Jrs. Benjamin F. Cummins. of \Vinnetka, ~re ~~:~~ \v~f~~ct~. at Indian Hill club for Bride and Groom to Be in Russia Three Years ~{iss Ethel Repass, a third grade Mr. and ~lr.. Arthur \\·. Cushman of \\' innetka will give a dinner party teacher in the North school, Glencoe, for their daughter. Mary, preceding and Russell Ambach were married Friday evening, December 20, at Christ the \\'alcott-Cummins' dance. The Misses Bettv Barroll. Audrey rhurch, \Vinnctka . at 8 o'clock. Only Binz. DorothY Da-rb,·. Ann Louise relatives and intimate friends were presHankins, Ruth 1fary · Harristm, J can ent at the ceremony. Mrs. Sam CampHenning, Virginia Hicks, Louise hell of Northbrook and John Plimpton Hubsch . ~targaret Layer, Eugenic of \Vinnetka were the only attendants Sampson, Isabel Thompson, and Jean of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Ambach spent Christ\Vhitaker will be hostesses at a dance at tite So,·ereign hotel, preceding which mas with the former's mother at her Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hankin s of home in Spearfish, S. D. , and will sail Glencoe will entertain the ho stes se s from New York for Europe on Januand their escorts at dinner. ary 9, on the S. S. George \Vashington. Mi ss Esther Stoddard of \Vilmette They will make their home for three is gi,·ing a bridge tea at her home at years in Karkon. Russia. Mr. Ambach, 2:30 o'clock. who is a g-raduate of the Massachusetts December 29-Gioria and Jack Har- Institute of Technology, and is a civil rington of Glencoe will be hosts and engineer. has been transferred to Karhoste sses at a Sunday night tea at kon by his business firm. their home. Rohert Cochran is giving The former Miss Repass was active a Sunday night supper at his home in in the Threshold Players of Glencoe Winnetka. and had taken part in many of their December 30-A dance is to be given productions. at the Evanston Country club by Edward Cullen, Robert Haskins, Thomas Hicks, Frank Kaulback. Jr., Plans Holiday Meeting The Chicago Welleslev club is hold· John Mar shall Ling, Jack Ludwig, Richard Mann, Frederick Smith, ing a hqliday meeting Saturday after· Charles Southward, Jr., and Frederic noon, January 4, at 2:30 o'clock, at the Williams, Jr. Mrs. F. S. Kaulhack · is Fortnightly, 120 Bellevue place, Chito give a dinner at the Georgian hotel cago. Tea will be served at 4 o'clock. preceding the dance. Miss Jane Johnson, Miss Helen nue, wilt give a bridge for her daughStruggles, Miss Julia Crossle,·, Miss ter, Charlotte, and a group of the tatBetty Snider, and Miss Jean Patterson ter's New Trier friends, next Tuesday are entertaining at a bridge luncheon. afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Thomas January 3-Miss Louise Badgerow will give a small dinner for their daugh- will be hostess at a winter sports party ter, Marian, preceding the dance Mr. and buffet supper at Indian Hill club at and Mrs. Harry C. Edmonds are gi\'ing which several Winnetka debutantes will at Indian Hill club for their daughter, be guests of honor. Bett\·. January 12-Mrs. William Browne December 31-\Villiam H. Spurgeon Hale and Mrs. William Gold Hibbard is entertaining a group of friends at the of \Vinnetka are to give a winter sports Year's dance at Shawnee Country club breakfast at 12 o'clock, for three d.e· l~ter invit~ng his guests to return to butantes of this season, Miss Betty h!s home m Glencoe for an after-mid~ Durham and Miss Helen Bell of Winmght supper. netka and Miss Marianne Stevenson Mrs. Charles .Holg, 250 Laurel ave... - o.f ChiC4lgo. · . Miss Coralee Whitsett, 830 Oakwood avenue, entertained a group of friends 0 . t at tea last Sunday afternoon at her An attractive holiday wedding was home. This same group had met five that of Miss Helen Little, daughter of years ago at the home of the former_. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Little 514 Made_line· Truitt, now ~rs. Willard D. Essex road, Kenilworth, and pr. R~y E. Cunnmgh~m of ~t. Louis, and planned Brackin, which took place last Saturday to hold this meetmg last Sunday. They afternoon December 21 at the Kenilhave also made a vow to meet once worth U~ion church ~t 4:30 o'clock. every five years, and haye set the date The marriage service which was per-· the Sunday ~efore Chnstmas. formed by Dr. Howard Willett, was folThe ~roup mcludes Herbert Newp_ort lowed by a reception at the home of the of K~mlworth, who came from Ph.Ila - bride's parents. The church was prodelphia where he has been ~orkmg, fussely decorated with Christmas greens, John Robert Murray of Kemlworth, white candles, and talisman roses. who came from, .ca!lada, The bride wore a cream colored gown where he has taken a positlOn' Gtlbert fashioned along princess lines, with a Osgood, ~r. _ a nd Mrs. Carl. Evans, h~~ lo~g train. Her cream colored tulle Evanston, Mtss Mary. B_untm.g of C I veil was caught to a cap of rose point cago, formerl y of Kemlworth' Mr. and lace with sprays of orange blossoms on Mrs. Robert L. O sgood (Eleanor · h ·d Sh · d Buck); Miss Helen Fraser of Kenil- Cit er st e. . . e carne a large shower worth, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. · hou9uet ?f hhe.s of th~ valtey a~d g~r Cunningham of St. Louis. Only two d~~tas 'Y 1th matde~ ha~r fern. Mtss VIr· of the young people were not able to guua Ltttle! her stster s only .attendat~t. come to the re·union, and these were wore a betge crepe . gown trmuned m Harvey Fenton al)d Mrs. John Slate. g~ld beads, and a betge colored felt hat The latter was not able to make the Wlth a crown ~f gold l~ce. She held a motor trip from Hamilton, Ohio on bouquet of tahsman roses. account of the inclement weather conRod~ey Starkweather served Dr. ditions. Brackm as best man. The ushers were Dr. Harry Jacobs, Dr. Arthur Ferguson. Dr. Lawrence Williams, and Burt McMakes Bow Today kinney. Miss Thyrza Shumway, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Brackin will make their Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Shumway, is being home temporarily in Pecatonica, Ill.. introduced at a tea this afternoon at where the fonner has taken over practhe family residence in Evanston. The tise. young girls assisting are Phoebe Hedrick, Jean Spens, Alberta Woodruff, Lucie Hopkins, Helen Dawes, Virginia In Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart and Ruffner, Marianna Ruffner, Dorothea Haugan. and Elinor Rew. Ass isting daughters, Marion and Elizabeth oi Mrs. Shumway arc, Mesdames Edward Kenilworth, spent Christmas with' :11 r. P. Welles, Edward Pierce, Forest Hop- Eckhart's parents, the B. A. Eckharts at kins, A. B. Lord, \Vatter Dill Scott, Miss their residence on Lake Shore · drive' in Harriet Vittum, George Craig Stewart, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin George H. Sargent, Vance Roberts, (Eleanor Eckhart) and their children. Arthur Kendall, and Katherine \\' alker. of Boston, decided not to come this year Mr. and Mrs. Shumway are entertain- to spend Christmas. Charlotte Eckhart ing at dinner and dance for the assist- the second daughter, is spending Christ~ ants and their escorts after the tea. mas at St. Moritz, Switzerland. TruMiss Shumway attended Roycemore and man Brophy, III came from Los Brier Cliff in New York and now is a Angeles t? be at the family gathering. student at the Art institute, Chicago. From Mtlwaukec the son-in-law and dau~hter, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. E. Reg mal? \Villiams (Dorothy Eckhart) Usher at Benefit and thetr two · children joined the group. Miss Jean MacLeish of Glencoe was in charge of the ushers for the performance of "Bird in Hand" Monday Issue Cards for Musical evening, at the Harris theater given Cards have been sent out by Mr. and as a benefit for the Chicago Wellesley Mrs. Dudley Crafts Watson of RaYinia club scholarship fund. Assisting Miss for. a twilight musical to be given in MacLeish was a group of north sho··e thetr home, Trillium Dell, Sunday Degirls; the Misses Barbara Cook, Maida ce~ber 29. Henry Purmot Eam~s of Randall, Betty Knode, Elizabeth Pat- S~npps_ college, Claremont, Cal., is to terson, Louise Conway, Elsie Watkins, gtve l11s opera lecture recital on DeHelen Bruch, Emily Goehst, Helen bussy's "Pelleas and Melisande." A Merroff, Ada K. Rew, Theresa Rew, buffet supper will be served at the close Alice Jacques, and Mrs. Thomas Inger- of the program. soll (Mildred Wetten). f He[en L "ttle Luncheon Hostess Today Mrs. Karl Korrady of the Orrington hotel, formerly of Kenilworth, is giving a luncheon today at Indian Hill Country club for her daughter, Miss Margaret Korrady, who has just returned from Stoneleigh Manor, and for a group of her friends who have also returned from their schools for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood of Kenilworth and Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murray of Kenilworth will have a box party for their families and several guests at the Princeton Triangle club play this evening, "The Golden Dog," to be presented at the Auditorium theater. Miss Leonora Tietgens of Glencoe and Miss Mary Sanders of Evanston are giving a dinner for the Junior class at the Evanston Country club this evening preceding the Roycemore assembly · later in. -the ·evening. -·· Alumnae Tea Jrfonday Alumnae of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college will hold their annual holiday tea Monday, D~ cemb~r 30, from 3 until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, in Harrison hall. Mrs. Raymond T. Lowrie, social chairman, is in charge of arrangements. Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng of 401 Lake avenue, Wilmette, announce th~ . engagement of their daughter, Wmtfred. Rosamond, to Oscar Joseph Hollenbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. The H~llenbach of Chicago. weddmg wtll take place in June. Give Surprise Shower Miss Alice James and Miss Ruth Kinne were co-hostesses at a surprise luncheon and bridge and miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs. Walter Pilgrim (Ruth Miller) last Thursday, Dt!.cember 26, at ..Shawnee ·- Country club.

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