WILMETTE LIFE January 3, 1930 BACK. TO SCHOOL MONDAY its of the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth will return to their classes Mo~day morning, January 6. The Ket:ul~o~th .sch_ o ol dismissed for the hobdays Fnday afternoon, December KNOCKS DOWN LIGHT 20. · BROWNIE'S A stop light at Ridge road: and Wit· mett.e avenue was knocked down by a Adam Ortseifen, city · trea-surer of ".hit:-and-run'.' driver about 3 o'clock ··Tuesday ·morning. · The incident . was .C hicago during the 1200 lerm Mayor ..reported ·to the Wilmette polkf- by Carter Harrison, died early last Saturday morning at the home of , his John Kriesant, taxi driver. daughter, Mrs. Harry Sullivan, at Larchmont, N. Y., where he had lived since the death of his wife last July. Besides Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. Ortseifen is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Philip J. Reddy of Chicago, and two sons, George L. Orts~jfen of Kenil1 worth and Adolph J. Ortseifen of Chi6 6 5 Vernon Ave. Glencoe cago. ·Phone Glencoe 18 5 Mr. Ortseifen had been a resident of Chicago since 1873. He was born at Montbauer, Germany, on December 2, 1854, and came to America wh en 19 years old. He started his business career in Chicago as an assistant in an Remodeling Alterations architect's office, later became a sign painter, and 25 years ago succeeded the \Vomen' s Accessories late Charles H. \\"acker a s _president of the ~lcAvoy ]~hewing company and the \Vacker and Birk Bre·wing company. In November, 1928, he and Mrs. Ortseifen celebrated their golden wedwill fit you complete with what you have or ding. Mrs. Ortseifen died last July. Funeral serYices for ~1r. Ortseifen \vhat you will need for the coming year. were held :\1onclay morning at 11 o'clock in St. Marv's of the . Lake church, Chicago. B~rial followed at St. Boniface cemetery. Daily-8:30 to 6-Saturdays- 8:30 to 9 Adam Ortseifen, Former Chicago Treasurer, Dies R. ecords Show 415 l7ases of lJisease 'for Past 8 Months Cases of contagious diseases in Wilmette from May 1, 1929, when the health department turned in its annual report, to January 1, 1930, totalled 415. Fortunately, the number of cases of the dangerous diseases, such as scarlet fever and diphtheria, was very small , and these diseases never reached epidemic proportions. Measles leads the list with a total of 225 cases 155 of which were repor·ed in June, chicken pox is second with 96, and whooping cough is third with 59. Pneumonia, which is not a contagious di sease, showed a total of 19 cases for the eight-month period, May 1 to January 1. Five of the pneumonia cases occurred in December and the same number in November and in October. . The contagious diseases reached their peak in the late spring and early summer. In June the number of cases of all diseases· reached a total of 180, in :Niay it was 80, and in July 63.The measles epidemic which started in May, ,,,hen there were 38 cases of that disease, reached its peak in June with a total of 155 cases, and had spent itself by the end of July. Sixteen cases of scarlet fever from May 1 to January 1 were scattered, the greatest number for any single month being five. The diphtheria total of five cases for the eight-month period likewise was scattered. Onlv two cases L'Ccurred in any single month. PERSONAL SERVICE SHOPPE 1, Dorothy Ellen Brown Jl 1 ; : ; :; ;: ;.~lilililiili~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = .. uu~= l ·"l;m;m;:;m;;:;;."" l "" . . . . ............ "'""""'. ·~""'"""' ~·"· "·~· ~1 ~Ir. and Mrs. \Villiam Holmes, 622 Central avenue, entertained at a New Y car's eve party in honor of Mrs . Charles Riggs of Emporia, Kas., v.-ho is spending the Christmas holidays wi~h her son and his family, the Paul Mtllers, 8-l9 Lincoln avenue, \ Vinnetka. SPEND HOLIDAYS IN WEST Miss Eldora E. Hopkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hopkins, 1322 Greenwood avenue, and Miss Helen Hutchens, daughter of Mrs. L. A. Hutchen.5, 1505 Elmwood avenue, are spending their holiday vacation in Los Angeles with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lathrop; a cousin of Mrs. H opkins. The formal installation of the Phi chapter ci Phi Omega Pi sorority was made Saturday evening, November 23, by the Sigma team of Los Angeles. Miss Hopkins and ·M iss Hutchens were taken in as charter members. The former was elected secretary of the new chapter. Both of these girls are attending the University of Arizona at Tucson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Officer and their small sot1, of 1148 Seneca road, Wilmette. returned Saturday from Pittsburgh, where they had spent the holi~ays. The Officers formerly lived at 680 Cherry street, Winnetka. -o- First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth . Street and Central Avenue Wilmettet Ill. SUNDAY SERVICES 1 1 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNOAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9 :4 5 A. M. Mi ss Betty Marshall, 10-lO Elmwood _ avenue, returned to her home in \Vilmette Tuesday after a visit of al)out a _ week ~n Springfie ld, Ill.. as the · guest of M tss Nancy ~Iackic and ~liss - Kathryn Kimball. - ASH'S DELICATESSEN - JANUARY 5, 1930 Subject: GOD Home Baking and Cooking READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wtdnesday 9 A.M. to 7!.f5 P.M.: Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at tbt Rtadi~g Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TH& CHURCH SERVICBS AND VISIT THE READING ROOM - ROME MADE Pure Pork SAUSAGE J5C per lb. SATURDAY ONLY - Open All Day Sunday 736 11TH ST. WILMETTE . 3931 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,llllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ - A New York Coiffure by ROBERT of Fifth Avenue MIW ·) IIJiAARCK HOTEL CHI CA60 At the Vanity Box you may now enjoy the luxury of a Coiffure by Roben the same smart modes that made .him a favorite of Fifth Avenue -his haircuts are individual · . · his finger waves most flattering . . . his hair tinting so natural that it is beyond detection. Finger Waving, $1.00 Nothing so Hair Tinting, $5 up Your stay in Chicago will be made cioubly enjoy.. able by stopping at The Bismarck. Its fame for a third of a century is now enhanced by an ultra modem buUding, distinctive furnishings and invi~ ing comforts. Quiet-accessible. AU C>tdlick Roonu $2.50 up. Wich Bach $3.50 up Realistic Permanent Waving beautifies the hair as a soft natural Realistic Wave as given by the Vanity Box Artists The European Realistic ............................ -very special The Genuine Eugene Also ATallable $ 6 636 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON SUITE 212 CARLSON BLDG. UNIVERSITY 9700 Tea Served J to ; RANDOLPH