January 10, 1930 WILMETTE MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED The marriage of Miss Eleanor Martha Clifford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Clifford, 806 Park avenue, and Joseph Kaszab, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jost>ph Kaszab, 219 Central avenue, took place Saturday, January 4. The bride and groom are now on a three weeks' honeymoon to Florida. · LIFE 51 GIVES LECTURE ON . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ~ongress and Exposition of the AmerThere must be an appreciation of the Ican Road Builders assoc1at1on of fact that creation, as God's idea, is which the late E. L. Powers was secrecontinually appearing, before Christian tary and director for many years. Science can be thoroughly understood as the immutable, divine laws of God. \Vhen so apprehended perfection and harmony will be observed as insep- : arably interwoven in every part there- ! of. The scriptural account of creation as recorded in the first chapter of Genesis re,·eals a spiritual unfoldment, and closes with the signal and significant statement: "And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was ,·ery good." (Genesis 1 :31.) Herein the basic truth is stated clearly and distinctly: That God made all, and made it very good. Since He made everything "very good," so it follows that "good" is the essence · of every creative act because God is good. Hence, that which is not good was not created. And. as creation is finished, it follows that that which is not good never can he created. This vision of God's creation will appear to the earnest thinker and it will dispel the fear and mvstification due to a material sense of things. In the fullness of time St. ] olm's statement will become fully apparent: "All things were made by him: and without him was not anything 1 · made that was made." (John 1 :13.) The glorious spiritual facts of crea1ion are provabl~ to the sincere and earnest follower of Christian Science. 1'he l\J ocl us Can diYine law be unders t ood and applied'! The answer il'; positi\·e an<l direct, "Yes." Its application is prove n by ln(Ji\·idual <l e m11ns tration. A fe w ohsenat in ns may serve as hl:lpful way_ -marks to indic:-~te the m odus in the right direction. God's c.ompletPncs!'i must be assumerl ancl acknowledg·cd as the standard of perfC'c-ti(Jn at all times. Ti e must b P unde rstood as divine Mind, or Spidt and must he regarded as the Rource of all that really exif;tS. This r ecog-nition nf God ·will liberate ::tnd will e nlarge the indi- · Yidual's capacity to und e rstand and express Mind. Th e inrli\"idual is thinl;;in g: rightly to the extent that he holtls hi ~ thoughts in line with the divine onlt>l'. This right mental action is affinnatin· nroof that the spiritual man is unfoldin~ as the image of good in his consC'iousness . I !'iuspect that from the earliest dawn of time all mortals have been concerned and confused regarding th e adYent of sin and disease in the experi0nces of man'kinrl . By applying the scriptural account in G~e nesis to this state of mind, the confu s ion ::;houlcl be disnelled. For w e c>('rtain~ will all agree that sin and disease nre not states or ~tag-es of good; n nd not being: "good," were ·never creatNl. But how are they to be accounted for? The wisdom of Solomon has giYen us a ra-. tional key to the solution. H~ said: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is h e. ·· (Proverbs 23 :7.) There is an nccepted rule, that like produces like. Now Solomon's statem0nt will justify the conclusion that in th e absence of restraining influences, sinful thoug:hts will result in overt sinful aC't~ . His saying also established the fact that the material body of the man is not the offender, the culprit. The bQdY is only the convenient avenue or channel for expressing the behests of the sinful nncl depraved mortal mind. Mort::tl mincl is always the offender that deserves punishment. A sig-nificant fad, worthv of out· note at this time is , that our courts of justice mete out punishment to offender~ only after the proof hnR shown nffinnntively that a defPndnnt has first form ·rl a well dPfine(l intention to flo 'wrong- anrl has thereafter acted unon tiUtt int ent ion. Editor's note : Following is an extract from a lecture on Christian Science given Friday evening, January 3, in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in ·w ilmette, by Judge Frederick C. Hill, C. S., of Clinton, 111. Judge Hill is a member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Mrs. E: L. P~wers, 1400 Washington Scientist, in Boston, Mass. The lecture subject was "Christian Science: The Un- avenue, 1s leavmg today for Atlantic City, N. ]., to attend the Annual Road. folding of Divine Law and Order." The Most Talked of Game in America Everybody ia playing Ping-Pong Sets priced from $8.50 to $1.50 Complete Sets-BallsRa~ket!!-Tables MILLEN HARDWARE COMPANY 1219 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 3060 NOW · every household Frigidaire inside and out is orce a1n on-stee have self-sealing trays that permit the freezing compartment to be .kept intensely cold. Examine these new Frigidaires nnw on display at our showrooms. Get complete information about our liberal payment plan. Come in today. ¢- I and equipped with the "COLD CONTROL" .. Esmallest, is now Porcelain-on-steel i~side and out ··· rust-proof, smooth, VERY household Frigidaire, even the lustrous ... as easy to clean as chinaware. And besides Porcelain· on- steel, every household Frigidaire has the famous "Cold Control,. which speeds the freezing of ice and desserts. Every one has the extra power that insures better refrigeration. All Frigitlaire Cold Control." Six f~eezing speeds at the turn of a lever. 11 ~ ~ ~ ~The famous · FRIG I DA 1 ·RE MORE THAN A MILLION IN USE STOVER l'Ulchigan An. at Randolph St., }:,·anston · - 1631 ~herman An. · Mr. and Mrs. William Schmedtcren returned the first part of this "'eek ·to their home at 710 Greenleaf avenue after spending the holidays with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Collins (Dorothy Schmedtgen) of Philadelphia, and their infant grandson. o:a N. co. Randolph 49a0 890 Linden Ave. Winnetka llH2 Public Service Company Of Northern Illinois At all their Oftlces. · ~IIchlg>an Ave.) GrN·nlt>af 44~0 Hubbard Woods Highland Pnrk · 282 Central An. Jllghluntl Park laO