WILMETTE LIFE. January 17, 1930 t'ADAYBBI . See Pages SO .aad 51 Mrs. Howard L. Fogg is hostess today at a luncheon for members of her Readhtg club, at her home, 818 Ashland avenue. · Mam Street Fruit &Vegetable Market FREE DELIVERIES )9~ )9~ The Kenilworth Brid~e club met at nor road, Kenilworth, and Miss Fiorthe home of Mrs. Grant Ridgeway, 207 'enza ] ohnson, daughter of Edward Johnson, tenor, left Kenilworth yesCumberl.md road, on Tuesday. · terday for New York where they will spend five days prior to sailing January 22, on the President Harding for Europe. They will land at Cherbourg and go to Paris for a few days before f'oing to Florence, Italy. Miss Fitch ;.,ill be the guest of Miss ] ohnson at her home in Florence and expects to he gone six months. While she is in SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY Italv she intends to take vocal lessons Florida Oranges, Blue Goose, India River, and study French and Italian. In the dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ............... . ...... . spring Edwarq Jobnson expects to join Jonathan Apples, his daughter and Miss Fitch in Italy for six weeks between the closing of 5 lbs. . . ............... . the Metropolitan Opera company and Baldwin Cooking Apples, the opening of Ravinia. 4 lbs · .... .... . . . . ... . ...... TO TEACH SPANISH Texas Grapefruit, sweet, size 80, Miss Eleanor Campbell, daughter 0£ dozen ......... . ........ . . . Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Campbell, 631 Celery Hearts, Centrc:tl avenue, left last week for Edinlarge buncb ..... .... ...... . burg, Texas, where she has accepted a position as teacher of Spanish. Miss String Beans, Campbell studied Spanish in Mexico 2 qts . ........ . .. .... ........ . . . ............... .... . City last spring and continued her study 635 Main St. at Korthwe stern university la t semesWilmette 4487 ter. -o-- Kenilworth Girls to Sail · IAnnual Banquet of for Europe, January 22 N. S. Scout Council · Miss Margaret Fitch, daughter of t N · T · N eXt W ee k Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Fitch, 416 Cuma The annual banquet and meeting of the North Shore Area Boy Scout council will be held at New Trier High school Friday night, January 24, at 6 :30 o'clock. This meeting is the one great get-together during the year of the .Scout leaders and all adults who are in any way interested in Scouting. Officers of the council will be elected for the coming year, and recognition will be given to a Scout who performed a most commend~ble act of life-saving during the year. The progress of the past year will be dramatically presented throu~h a pageant put on by the Eagle Scouts of the council. \Vatter W. Head, since 1926 the tlcltional president of the Boy Scouts of America, will be the guest of honor and speaker of the evening. Mr. Head is a resident of Chicago and is pre:;ident of the Foreman-State National bank. In recognition of their faithful service to the Scouts of the north shore area, the Scoutmasters., Assistant Scoutmasters, and Deputy Commissioners, together with their wives, mothers, or sweethearts, will be guests of the council. I·.ach Scoutmaster is planning on having present a large delegation of Scout parents and Troop committe..?men and their wives. Informal dre ss will be the order of the evening. ·· 29~ . 19~ IS~ 29e ~~when I saw you buy that soup, ma'am, I knew · you'·d want Michael G. Bauer, Stock Broker, Dies Wednesday 1fichael G. Bauer, 31 of 605 Earlston road, Kenilworth, a stock broker, died at St. Francis hospital in Evanston Vvednesday morning of pleurisy and complications. He had been in the hospital less than a week. Mr. Bauer was born in \Vilm~tte and had spent practically his entire lifetime in this vicinity. He is survived hy his widow, Mrs. Alice Bauer; three children, Virginia, five years old, Alice Mac, thre:e years old, and Robert, seven months old; his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gangolf Bauer of \Vilmette; t,,.o brothers, Joseph of \Vilmette, and Mathias of Detroit, Mich., and nine sisters, Sister Bernad.ine of' Niles C~n ter, Sister I rmengard of St. Aloys, West Point, Neb ., Mrs. George Steiner of Chicago, Mrs. Bernard Steiner of Wilmette, Mrs. Michael Frake of Dundee, Ill., and Mrs. George KrueRer, Mrs. Gertrude Rau, Mrs. Christine Biederer. and Miss Cecilia Bauer, all of Glenview. Sixty nieces and nephews and fifteen ~rand nieces and nephews also survive Mr. Bauer. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning. HEAR RAIL PRESIDENT Fred Sargent. president of the Chicago and N_grth Western railroad, wilJ be the principal speaker at a dinnc meeting of the men of the Wilmeth F ;, rish Methodist church Monday evening, January 27. The meeting will be held in the Shawnee Country club. Miss Edith Clerk, daughter of th~ Frederick E. Clerks, 932 Tower road, Winnetka, who underwent an operation last week for appendicitis at the Presbyterian hospital, now is recov~ ing rapidly and soon will be abt ·· return to Carleton college, Nortl. Minn., to resume her studies. plenty of these Pre· mium Soda Crackers ··· because Premiums with soup are about all you'll need for a remind. the UneetiG Boy. Ie'a li.teraUy true lhtJt more Premium Soda Cracker· are sold than any other salted cnac:1cer. Crup.;..:... irre$i.tttible. Baked by ______ ...,.,~'7f2~~~~;:~~... --oTom Gillett, who came home frc · the University of Illinois to be usher at the wedding of his sish. Mary Giliet, and Alfred L. McDoug~ ] r., on January 9, has returned to c lege. --o--; ' Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bauer Matawan, N. ]., arrived in the Thursday to attend funeral servi for Michael Bauer, 605 Earlston ro to be held Saturday morning. ,.Uneeda &leers." Of course, they'd be beuer. Sold ill pacltage& or by the pound. ~nONAL I.ISCOrr COMPANY ,._... Bllaa"'