Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jan 1930, p. 11

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j anuary 17, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE : 11 romantic appeal t o h is a ud ience. Son~s Lora Hartwell Rice ~like " M io Viejo Amor," "Clavelit os," At Woman's · Club an d "Adios Granada," were effectively Becomes the Bride present ed, {or Senor Espino knows how of E. T. Wheeler ' - - - - - - - -· to project the story, and how to sing Miss Lora Hartwell Rice, daughtf·r of Mrs. May Rice of DunecHn. Fh .. became the bride of Edward Tnrld Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey A. Wheeler of 26S \Vood court. at -t o'clock Saturday afternoon, January 11. The wedding was solemnized in the Women's Guild room of the \Vilmette Parish Methodist church. \Vith the Rev. Abbott P. Herman of the Cniversit~· of Chicago reading the ceremony. Piano selections by Miss \Vinnefrtd .Mickey and a vocal solo bv Mrs. ]. E. Poole. accompanied hy Miss Mickey. preceded the ceremonv at whose clnse a reception was held i;1 the Guild rlwm graced with a charmingly al)poit11 \'(1 tea table at which Miss Lillie ~~ :tr' Humphries of Wilmette and ~fi·· s Eleanor Perkins of Evanston pour ~rl. The bride \Vore a dress of dark hl,w silk creoe and held a bouquet of salm,)n pink Kilarnc,· roses and lilies nf the valleY. Miss - Alherta Ht1ff of 0 ,1k Park as maid of honor was dressed georgette crepe of dahlia sharle and carried deep pink Radiance rn~t~s. Jeffrev E. Poole sen· eel \f r. \Vlwckr as best man. ~fr. Wheeler and l1i:-> bride '"ill l)r at home at 2319 Lincoln street. f:,·an 'tnn after Januar~· 26. By R. L. P . . : ~~ ' The brilliant turquoise blue skY 1'£ New Mexico, the mountains of ·sapphire, the stripes oi bluish pink of peach blossoms. and the deep lapis lazuli of the Rio Grande, were described glo,,·ingly h~· ~~ rs. Thomas \ Vood Stevens to members of the Mrs. Clarence \\"orthington oi Gle!l\'loman's club of \Vi lmettc last \V cclcoe entertained the 11\l'mbcrs of h~~r nesclay afternoon. She wore a picturWilmette bridge lunchenn club Tuesesque costttnH· of a r\avajo Indian squaw, and she brought \\'ith her ho\\'ls day of this \\·cck. made by the Pueblos, blankets uf bright hues, and manv art tn: a~urr..':-: of the Indians nf ~ew -~~ exico. · Perhaps the most interesting exhibit \\"as the \\·uvtll rabbit skin blank..:t, \\'hich ~Irs. Stn·ens found b,· chance during one uf her trips through the state. She explained hu\\' the rabbit skins are cut in strips spirall., ·, an<l these long strips arc \\·oven into a hlclilket with a basket \H'ct\'e, somctim~s combined ,,·ith ~trands of \\"oven hair, or as in the case of the blanket she had, \\"ith coarse n>pes of \\'OOI. M:·s. Stevens spoke of the state as one \\'ho 10\·ed it, and she seemed to transport the club members from the enid ski~s of \Vilmettc to the balmY skies nf tiic south we st, when: the ;~ir smells li~.-e incense. " ·ith streaks oi heat irom ti1e sun and streak~ l)f cold from the mountains. She beat rh\'tbm:-; un an Indian <lrum, and tuld uf the allure the drum held for tlw:H· \\'ho heard it. She had much to sa'" al>out thl' Indian mtt.iic, \\~hich is cPm to rL"ach the :-;k~·, i\l appeal to the hrea::-t oi the dcih· fur pity and sympathy. "The drum." she said, "is the heart and soul nf Jndian music." She gave a dcscripti1 111 nf thL· Indian village and cen·mlmials. and : made it Sl'Cill, indeed. "the \'aratinn land wc\e dreamed ni." Mary Jane Smith, small daug hter o f M r . and Mrs. Robe rt S. Smith, 324 C umnor road, K e nilwo r th, recently gave a sm all d in ne r p arty at h er home fo r a few of he r f r ie nds in h o nor of with t he warm friendliness of the Latin. h er birtrday. The children had d in ne r He seemed to be singing over a cold, and th n were ent ertained at t h e but his voice was for the most part Teatro lei L ago. smooth and melodious. His :>inging and his manner ""on enthusiastic applause after each number . Milk Fed B·ollers Alive ot Dressed to Order Skokie Poultry Ranch W a uk egan Rd. and Winnetka ATe. Glen,·Jew, Ill. Tel. Glenview 11-R·l In Our Beauty Shop :-iklllt·cl . OJlerntors !Cil'l' yo u th e t ype of p erm u ut· nt wave brst suitNl to yo ur personality. Eugene, Frederick, LeMur, Duro P ermanent Waves Extl.-rt ath·ntlon in all kluds of beauty t r eatmt-utonJy the most mo11crn eq uipm ent Is u sed. :n MO~DAY-TUE SDAY I SPECIAL Shampoo and F inger Wave $1.00 For Appointment-Ph one Entrance W ILMETTE Ope n I<'rlda y Jo:n·nlngs 1 I 1911-1133 LA CARITA BEAUTY SALON Winberg's Drug Store 417 LINDEN A VENUE The Drug Store in the Middle of tlae Block Ricketts Collection of Illuminations at U. of C. The cn11ectinn nf me(li;:Jt'Y<tl illmninations loanerl hY C. T.. Rirkrtt<; of R07 Ashlancl a\'enne. \\'ilmcttr . tn the Renaissance societY nf the Unin'r<:it,· o: Chicai!O is on exhihit in room 205. \Yil· holdt hall. on thr rn:,·ersit,· Mid,YaY . not on the McKinlork campus. as wa ·· announced last ·week. The members of the societY "·rn· invited to meet Mr . Ricketts 'rucsrla ,. afternoon. anrl th;:Jt same afternoon Mr. a_nd Mrs . Tasper King of 575 .-\rho,· Vitae road. vVinnetlr~ . conrlnctrd mt'mbers of the societv 1hrough tlw c,h:l,ition, giving interestinl! accounts of thl' assembling of this rare t 1 tllertion . which is rankecl hY authorities as one of the most valuable ones in c'·i..;tf·n··r· Mr. R icketts, honor ary curator of manuscripts at the Chicago Art Institute. has discovered the art of embossing gold leaf on vellum. and his collection includes some of his renroductions as welt as the manuscrints dating from t h e midd le ages . ~f ost of t hi s w o rk was inspired h~· religious zral an d was wrought by monastic scribes of I taly and England. Mr. Ricketts h as made it hi:; life work to collect t h ese r are volumes 111 out-of-the-\\'a\' mon aster ies. . Mr. an d Mrs. Donald F. Brigham of Chillicot he, Ohio are visiting Mrs. nri .~ ham's par en t s, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. F o rrey, 1610 Wash ington aven ue. Mr. Brigham is att ending the Furniture Mart in Chica g o , p u rch asing goods for his firm , M . N. Billi ngs of Chi ll icoth~. I --------- The south \n·st. ~lr-.. ~te\· ens felt. is assuming an imp<1rtant in!lucnce i,r the li,·es nf en·n-nnl' todav. ior man,· nnted artists in hranchrs of art ~r~· , li\'ing thtrl' and bringing hack tn tht cast their inspirations. iound in the li1-e and a.rt oi the Indians. She named some oi the artists, such as \\'illa Cather, \rhnsL· novel. "Death Comes {ni the Archbishop." \\"as inspired by the south west. and painters. \'ictor Higgins, Sloan and 1lemkrsun; of scu1ptors, Alan Clark: dancer:-;, :\dol£ Bolm and Frank Parker. ( H composers. shl' mentioned Emest Bloch. whose Indian music- has been pla ,-ed hy the Phihdelphia Symphnny orchestra: there is Applegate, the potter, and she mc'l tioned a .number oi pods. All ha·: e enriched their enwti11n;tl li\-cs in tlw south west. she said. Preceding ~Irs. Stt-H~ n< talk. .1 \·oung Uexican tcnllr. Pedro Espin .), sang tv. ·o groups nf s11ngs. most 11f them in the Spanish tongu '. lit· .has just won a contest sponsored bv the Society of American ~fusician~. and is to be sponsored in a debut reri~al shortly. \Vearing the graceful costume of the Spaniard. and singing the colorful ft1lk songs ni Spain, he made a ;n ]ust a small do&m payment puts Frigidaire inyourlwme And think how much it will add to your comfort every day in the year NOW you can have Frigid· it iA installed. It etopl aire in your home at a re- spoilage. It gives y~u automarkably low price. And you matic, carefree refrigeradoa that actually pays for iuel£. ean pay for it as you use it a small sum each month added Come in and see the new to your regular light bilL · household Frigidaire&. All are You'll hardly notice the differ- equipped with the popular ence in your household budgcL Frigidaire Cold Control and are surprisingly low in price. And remember that Frigidaire Let us give you complete Inforbegins to- save money the day mation today. food Highest Grade UPHOLSTERING Cabinet Work · Drapery and U pbolstery Fabrin ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing H air Mattresses and Springs Made to Order PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS JOSEPH W. KEHOE. Manager 1141 H. G. LINDW ALL Highest ·Grade Upholstering 808 Oak Street Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 Central Ave., Wilmerte Phone Wilmette 1899

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