January ·17, .193Q N. T. Orchestra in Opera "Manabozo" Ia Given First Appreciation Engaged Private Hearing Tbia Week Concert Januar"' 2. 1 .__-----------.&1 whose William Lester, Chicago composer, J works are nationally known, has The first music appreciation concert for _ New Trier High school freshmen will be given Tuesday afternoon, J anuary 21, by the New Trier Symphony orchestra, it was announced this week by. Mrs. Marian Cotton, head of the music department at the high school. This concert will be used to illustrate a course in music appreciation which the freshman students are taking. The · program will include the Egmont overture by Beethoven, "Einzugsmarsch der Bojaren" by Halvorsen, "Two Gu.itars" by Horlick, and "Country Gardens" by Granger. Season tickets are availabk for outsiders who may be interested in the music appreciation course at New Trier The concert next Tuesday will begin at 2:15 o'clock and close at 3 o'clock. The next concert, to be given in Februarv, will be a song recital by Rollin Pease. ~hich js the first part of a trilogy en- l WILME.TTE I LIFE ll known Chicago singers. Margaret Le.s ter sang two arias of the wQOd fairy Miskodeed; Isabel Richardson Molter sang one aria of the Indian Princess, Nemissa; Ethel Heide sang the contralto aria of Nokomis; Leanord Huber, baritone, sang the air of Mana bozo, and James Fiske, bass, s~ng the part of West Wind, the God of Winds. One of the most beautiful and thrilling duets written is the big love duet and finale of the first act sung by Manabozo and Miskodeed. The score is built upon old traditional Indian folk songs and airs, whjch Mr. Lester was privileged 'to have from the Congressional Library in Washington. · just completed his opera, "Manabozo," tttled The Wampum Belt," by Francis Neilson. The story covers the ancestry and life of Hiawatha, the well known and b 1 d ) d' e ove n tan hero. The musicians of Chicago are much interested in the opera, and it had its fi~st private hearing Wednesday evemng, January 15, at the home of Charles Watt, editor of Music News. Mr. Le~ter gave a resume of the story and excerpts were sung by well- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ f t t WASH ·1.65 DRESS SALE 2.55 · l · I HERE FOR WEDDING Mrs. Everett Brown, Mrs. A. L. McDougal's sister and her daughter, who came to Kenilworth for the wedding of Mary Gillett and Alfred McDougal, Jr., ·stayed a few days with Mrs. McDougal at her home, 325 Abbottsford road, Kenihvorth. Mrs. Mrs. J. D. Neilson of Evanston r\!Jack of Peoria, who also came for the cently announced the engagement of wedding, is still the guest of Mrs. her daughter, Margaret Alice, to John McDougal Leonard Fix. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Vv. Fix of 304 Raleigh road, Kenilworth Mr. and Mrs. ] ames Watt were the at a small luncheon given at the Blat;: k house guests for several days last week Oaks. of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Tideman, 10~5 . ---~~~~--~-- Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs~ Watt· were among the first contingent of A.. ANNOUNCE TROTH merican engineers and their wives who Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark 'bf F vsailed on the S. S. George Washington anston have announced the engage- · from New York January 9, for Russ ia, I ment of their daughter, Elizabeth, to where they will reside in Karka for -Clarence P. Kolstedt, son of Mr. and three years. · Mrs. Otto Kolstedt of Chicago. 3.45 Sizes 2 to 6 and 7 to 14 Colors Are Guaranteed Every Dress an Exceptional Value LA J EUNESSE, 1168 Wilmette Ave. INC. Wilmette 312 In Photographs Only Can Yesterdays Live All Children Smile for A Croquet Mallet On A Golf Course -may be more out of place, but it isn't nearly as harmful as to be caught with a depleted medicine cabinet. Proper equipment is no more necessary for golf than is an adequate supply of medicine to combat the trials and tribulations of winter. Bernie Three bufle~:h~ngs $5 beautiful . Regular price $10 January Special Open Until 9 0'clock Sunday 20% OFF on all frames SNIDER·C:AZEL DRUG COMPAMY Serving North Shore Re.idmt1 for more than :15 Years ~ BERNIE STUDIO Better Pictures-Better Values" 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston University 8998 11 Wilmette Central Aves. Phones: Wil. 400-40 I Auto Delivery Service in Wilmette and Kenilworth