January 17. 1930 WILMETTE LIFE NAMES COMMI'ITEES FOR FLOWER SHOW Mrs. Fre~ck Fisher Lists Those Cooperating in Central States Show Plans 'l ' io: Mrs. Frederick Fisher, president of the Garden club of Illinois, has just announced the complete committees appointed to cooperate in the extensive plans for their participation in the Central States Garden and Flower show to be held at the Chicago Stadium April 5-13. Over eighty member clubs of this federation will have .olanned eight unique competitions in which each one of them will participate. Many new features have been added that will prove a source of real interest as well as education. Following is a list of the committees and their personnel: Mrs. Frederick Fisher, general chairman Qf the Garden club-Flower show committee~ Mrs. Walter Brewster, chairman advisory board of the Central States Garden and Flower shO\\'; Special committees: hostess headquarters and bureau of informationMrs. \Villiam Colvin, chairman, Mrs . George Plamondon, Mrs. R. R. Hammonel, and Mrs. Edward Pomeroy; P.!lblicity-Mrs. Frank Kingsley; lecture room-Mrs. Benjamin Oakes, chairman, 1frs. ]. \Voodruff Saul, Mrs. Spencer Fuller, Mrs. Austin Angeil, Mrs. Charles Bracket and Mrs. Charles F.vvcr; tea room - Mrs. Fred Court, chairman, Mrs. Edward Phelps, Mrs. C. A. Grier, Miss Ann Rankin, Mrs. Charles Cawthorne, Mrs. Stephen Foster, and Mrs. Sidney Beach; radio-M rs. 0. \V. Dynes, chairman, Mrs. Roy Mogle, and Mrs. LeMear H. Mason; classification of exhibits-Mrs. Paul Battey, chairman, Mrs. L. S. Karcher, and Mrs. John Golden; program sales-Mrs. James \Valker. chairman. Mrs. Elsworth Keith. Mrs. Fred Record, Mrs. Burr Downes. and Mrs. Elmer Little; registration - :Mrs. George Kendall, chairman, Mrs. Joseph Callender, Mrs. Harry Wulfing, ~frs. Fred Moore. Mr3. Vv. G. Mitchell, Mrs. Theodore Moritz, and Mrs. A. T. Holden; junior garden ' department-Mrs. E. G. Clark, chairman, Mrs. F .A. Neef, co-chairman. Mrs. George Arbeiter, Mrs. George Bainbridge, Mrs. D. W. Alspaugh, Mrs. Wilfred St. Germain, and Mrs. Oscar Brown; education and literature -Mrs. \Villiam Geary, chairman, Mrs. C. A. Barker, Mrs. Richard Napie:·, Mrs. D. S. Brown, Mrs. W. B. Kilpatrick, Mrs. A. ]. Dietsche, and Mrs. W . Vl. Wheelock; committee on arrangements for flower show judgingMr~. Rov Sturtevant. chairman. Mr<;. Robert \Vork, and Mrs. Daniel Kissam. GO TO SOME CHURCH and do it regularly, each and every Sunday. You'll then be taking your place as one of the builders of Wilmette's destiny as a community devoted to Christian ideals and fellowship. If you have been lax in this important matter start Next Sunday -and keep it up. The sermon topics, for the most part, are announced on other pages of this issue. Our ministers are filled with a Christ inspired enthusiasm for the advancement of civic interest and the richer development of lives; they know how to pass that enthusiasm on to you. You'll find it Pays to be identified with the institution, that, more than any other, points the way to deepest personal joy and well-being. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a. m. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. Directory of Churches: Fust Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues WILL MOTOR SOUTH ~'Irs. Charles San ford Clarke, 526 ~·ashington avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. St~ Augustine's Episcopal Church· 1140 Wilmette Avenue John A. Duncan, 237 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, are leaving tomorrow by motor for the South. Mr. Duncan will travel as far as Memphis, Tenn., from where Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Duncan will go on to Fairhope, Ala., to visit the former's son, and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Guernsey Clarke. Mrs. Clarke will remain there for the rest of the winter, but after a month Mrs. DuncC\n will leave to meet M'r. Dun-· can in New Orleans. Rev. Vere V. Loper Rev. Hubert Carleton Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Street The F~rst Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. C~trl I. Emp1on Rev. Horace G. Smith The Wllmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette A vtnues Rev. George D. Alli1on The First Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland ENTERTAIN AT SHAWNEE Mr. and Mrs. ]. W. Brashears, 12·H ashland avenue, entertained forty-two guests at dinner last Sunday at Shawnee Country club, later returning with their guests to their home where the latter were shown motion pictures of the Brashears' Alaskan trip, taken las! summer. Guests were business associates o.f Mr. Brashears, and their wives. St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park A vrnues Rev. Herman W. Meyer Publiahed by the Interchurch Advertiaing Committ11, Wilmette Church Federation