Latest School News Publi1hed weekly by the achool children of Wilmette under supervision of Told by the Pupils \V ilmette Playground and Recreation Board VOL. 2 NO. 43 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JANUARY 17, 1930 But the future looked a little brighter Monday, January 6, Howard playing Stolp Eight-D and beating them, 13 to 0.. The Stolp lin~up was: center, Foster ; right fot:ward, Crawford, left forward, Young; right guard, Torrey; left guard, Allen. The Howard lineup was: center, Hoffmeyer; right forward, J!orn ; left forward, Hermanson: right guard, Maxwell: left guard, Edwards. In the first qu!trter no l'cores were made. In the se<"ond quarter, Maxwell !hot a free throw and Stolp missed one. making the score 1 to · 0. In the third quarter, Maxwell !'hot a ba.Rket, then Hermanson shot a basket and then Maxwell shot two more baskets. Stolp waR given two free thro)vs but missed both, making the 8Core 9 to 0, Howard's favor. The last quarter, Hermanson .shot two baskets, makLng the score 13 to 0. The Recond team has a fine chance for the pt:'n_nant, beating Stolp Eight-B 10 to 5. In the game with Stolp J~ight-D Howard won by forfeit. Eight-A Howard's sect:~t ambition is to beat Eight-B Howard writing JuNIOR LWE articles. -Elmer Erickson, 8A Howard. New Girl Scout Howard Eight-A r . Let It Snow, Says Miriam Splits Brace of Troop Formed at Baptist Church Tilts With Stolp .....-~--------------: The first team of Ho'f.ard ':Eight~-4: didn't A new troop of girl scouts .was started "' look so hot after ta~irig a licking from at the Wilmette Baptist church. The new " Elght-B Stolp, the score being 11 to 5. troop is No. 3 and is supervised by Miss .4 ~ J )..._ L l .../ " y """ \·· ~ . I Hoose of the same church. Several of the gids on the waiting list at the Methodist church erased their names and went to the new troop. On Wednesday, January 8, the girls of the new troop were invested. One of the troops of Miss Humphries' girl ::;couts was there and the girls sang two songs about scouting. The color ceremony was the first of the ceremonies. Then some badge::; were presented to Miss Hoose, our captain, by Mi::;s Humphrie::;. The second part was the song, "Hail to the Scouts," in which all scouts joined. Then the tenderfoot candle light investiture service of the now 'l'roop 3 was held. Then th e last part of the <'t:'remuny was the closing circle in whkh b oth the audience and the Girl Scouts sang the J lymn of Scouting and tht>n Taps. -Catherine Heynolds, Howard 7£3. Eight·B of Howard Elects Captains of Cage Squads The Eight-B ~iris of Howard el(·<·teJ th eir ba:sl\t.>tball captains a few wet>lis ag,,, Ellen Jordan is captain of the first t ea m and the g-irls on it are: Ellt>n .lunl:ln, forward; Emily Symons, forward, Lois Sandberg, forward; Huth Pave li cek, guard; Lois C'ote. guard; Ruth Samuelnm, guard. The t·aptain of the second team is Sylvia .Jogl and the girls are Sylvia Jog!, forward; lrma Ball, f<ll·ward; Nancy 1\lay. forward; 1\Iarie Z ppf, guard; Mildred Barter, guard; Viol et Lance, guard. 'J'h ,, girls are ev nly divided for th e teams arHl we play every Tu esday and Thursday aftt-rnoon at 3 :30 o'clocl\. Our first ganw was Thur~day, January !I a nd we will have a pract ;ce game tonight. - Irma na ll, Howard SB. + ~l J~ne Gets Up Late and Finds It's Still Early Pupils Represent Dogs, Pen Opinion of Masters One morning my mothN' said that it was getting late ::tnd slw called to me and said, "Get up and doQ't tal\e your tinw like you usually do." So I got up antl dresl"ed as fast as I could and I hnni ed downstairs and ran to :-;e t· what time it was and it sairl th-e minutel" pn::;t eight. One day during camp free hour some of l had not yet had nw l.n·en I\ fast and or us decided to explore a woods nearby. course I would huny and swallow my \Ve started and forgot a compas::; and, food down as fast as my hands coul1l worse y et, it was cloudy that day so we make the spoon go. I was throug-h at fi\'c could uot tell our dire<,:tion by the sun. minutes after eight and so l starte<l to get Soon we ht.'ard th e warning bell but suspicious. I nm upstairs and brushed mv it didn't J'ing lcmg enough ~:;o we could teeth and ran into my fatlwr's room and follow it. We went in the direction in there my father had· gone and forg-"tten wh_ich we thought we had ·heal'd the b ell his wateh on th e dn·sse r. It said quat·te r ring- but we went in the oppo::;ite direction after seven ! anu ran. -June Sorsen, 6ll llownr<l. By the time the <linnet· bl:'ll sounded we were too fat: a way to hear it. Soon it began to get dusk and we were getting chilly su we built a fire. We had not t11ought of smoke signals until one girl ::;aid her brother was joining the Hoy One day, Mrs. Rtalling, our languag.· . 'couts and learning to give smol{e signals. teacher, said that we could Jll'dflnd W· Then we gaYe them. Soon we got an wer' dogs and write an of our answer and we put out our fire and folmasters. This is the one I wrnt": loweg the ::;moke of the other. When we "I think my master is n wfully eruPl. g·ot back we ate like bears and wet·e in He's always mad at me llt·(·ause I d·lll't bed asleep before taps. eat what he wants llH" to. ·~ut hh daugh-.Jane McClintock, Howard 6B. ter is awful nke. Hhe and lH:t bJ'flth1~ r take me out fnr wallo; P\'··nr <lav. '.\"h e n there is snow on the gront!~l l iJnll thc·m in theit· ~!eel . al "My master call::; nw ·p,,,.;(" Lut tht> ehildren cal( me "Trix." This is my The Howard Eight-A ~:;econd team opinion of my master." basketball ::;quad has been reorganiz ed. - J errine Fromm, Howard GB. The lineup before wa51: centers, AI Struebing and Mac Hutchins; left guard, PRESF~NT J·LA 1· Jimmie Chambers; right [('uard, Phil The Six-A and Six-B had a play. We lloelz; and forward~. I<]:ank Christy and gan it for the children of the Howard I:eg-inald Green. The lineup now is: school first. It was so good that we de- eeutt't'l::i, AI Struebing and l\1a.c Hutchin~; eided to haYe it Thursday night for our right guard, Jimmie ~'hflmbers; left guard, mothers and fathers. We sold a lot of Frank Christy, and forwards: Philip tickets for the play, which were 25 cents Hoelz and Heginald Green. After our for grown penple and ten cents for the dtsastrous game with Stolp Eight-D we children. Thur·sday night there was so thought it better to change the lineup. much snow that "' . postponed it till Fri- We hope with thi.s lineup we will win day. lt was a ~reat ~ucct>ss and Wt' earnecl the n~s t of our games. $26.50. "With the money we an· going tol - Heg·inald Green, Howard SA. buy ~ ~tatue for ~ix-A and anothl'r for Six-D. A PENIHES DOWN BLACKHAWJ{S - Howard Jones, 6A Howard. January 10, the Seven-B Blackhawks were beaten by the Seven-C Apenides 19 CHOOSF. I·LA \·s lo 7. It was the second game they have The eig-hth Kr:t<ll:'s at Jlr,,,·ard at'<' prac- lo t. The lineup for the Blackhawks was: ticing plays to giw for the P . T. A. The l'ar\'ene Bagdadi, Beryl Tolen, l\Iiriam thre plays selected are, "The Midnight West, Ruth Winberg, J eanne Rehfteld, Cry" by Bob \Villis, "The Irate Farmer" ~hirley l\lcGill, Antoinette Russo, Jean by Frank May, and "The Stolen Princess" ..\ nn Moulding and Marjorie Temple. by Virginia. Jone~. The PleD's wt.>re chosc,l Th y have one more game to play a.nd from about twenty-five play~. The three they want to win it. plays are all of different types and will -Ruth Winberg, 7B Stolp be very interer-:ting. -Regiuald Green, Ilowat·d 8A. WRONG CUE The Howard Eight-B has four cheer FINISH THE STORY leaders. They are AI Brown, John Bailey, Philip Hoelz haR been trvine- hi~ setting George Rheinhardt and David Boozer. Ou up exercises on the shade of the door. He Friday, January 10, we lead our first put a~ little too much vigor in it w;th l'heer. Then our troubles began. First of the result down came the shade. In cam<~ all Al Brown lead ;1 wrong number and Mrs. Jonef'; . -;o John took his CU( and followed wrong- . -Reginald Green, Howard SA. -David Boozer, Howard 8B. Winter blizzards and eight-inch snows mean confinement indoors and restl'iction of activity but it only gives Miriam West, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. West, 72:3 Ashland avenu , an idea for another JuNIQR LIFE drawing. In this on e she !-ihows the peace and quietness of her own home when the snow hems h e 1· indoors and the icicles hang from the huge pine trees guarding her front door . Girls Use Smoke Signals Fayette Becomes Prominent to Find "Misplaced" Camp Because of His "Accident" Second String Cagers Reorganize Howard Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Stalling said w e could write J lJNIOR LIFE articles because Mr. Stone had been around that noon and wanted some for the JUNIOR LlFE. After awhile we started writing wh en Mrs. Stalling said, "Somethings ems to be the matter with Fayette's head. Paul you go and interview him." Paul was half way there when he remembered he might need a paper ancl pencil and some more precious moments were wasted while he went to get them. Fayette then piped up with, "I don't Wt>dnesday afternoon, January 8, when want to be interviewed." the Eig·ht-B class came into Mrs. Jones' He had to consent because Mrs. Stall- room for our arithme tic class, Mrs. Jones ing's min(!. was mnde up to the proposi- asked us if anyone in our room had given tion. They had to go out in the hall so that lovely fruit cake for Christmas. no one CO'!Jld hear about it. After while lwr ~hP said she enjoyed it very they came back and Paul said, "The in- Besides, terview waR sho1·t but good." \Ve are much and that it was beautifully wrap!Je<l. Rut, as no one from our room had wondering what it is all about now. g-i \·en it, to her the mystery is still uro - Vio~_t Lance, Howard SB. solved. Afterward l\Irs. Jones showed us a book that was lying on a tablE: and And Here 'TJs asked us if anyone in our room h .' \d left As Mrs. Stalling was- giving one of it there. No one claimed it, so there are her lecture~. Fayette Lilly was in bacl{ two mysteries that ha Ye to lJ·~ sol \'eel of ht:,r wiggling his pen in his mouth and and if any one of you have :llly elues continued to do so. The reason for this to these mysteries please report to 1\Jrs. was he W::tl}ted to get out of writing be - Jones. cause of his "accident." When interviewed -Violet Lance, SB Howat d . ::\bout the ~eriouRness of the accident and the extent of in.iury sustained he said Jo~XCJo~LLENT Jo'OUG };'1 T }; ItS that Thorne Edwards and he were walkTuesday was the first day w' have had ing down an alley when he happened to ~Tammar since school started after Christpick a nice big niece of slippery ice to mas. Miss Madsen. our g-rammar t c ·acher, fall on. He received a sprained thumb tried to go on with our grammar from 'tnd a suit of wet clothes. where we left off before school let out · -Paul Urion, 8B Howard. but we didn't get very far as we all had forgotten almost everything, so we started where we began before Christmas. Miss Mn,dsen said we would not get very far if we forgot everything we learned. -Ruth Pavelicek, '8B Howard. Qne day, June, her little cousin, and [ went down town as my daddy had given WOL ' 7 ES CO~lE HOWLING me three tickets for the Chicago theatre. At the Methodist Episcopal church, .June's cousin_..,stepped on some chewing· which is at the corner of Wilmette and g-um and dropped hiH glove in the mud. Lake avenues. there is organized a club With the exception of ~hat we got down called the Wolf club. The ages are l1 a ll right. _. years to 11 years. We want more mem\Ve finally g-ot settled down in the show. bers. We are trying to get four packs AI) of a sudden a frantic scream was with eight people in each pack We have heard. My friend's cousin had spilt water only two packs so far. Please try to join. all over him:;;elf and was almost drowned. The membership costs you nothing. at least he thought so. Well we mh.;s('d -Armen Jorjorian, 6B Howard. out on most of the show but it was the Pnd of a perfect day. JUNIOR PLAYWRIGHTS --Lois Cote, SB Howard. Before Christmas, Mrs. Stalling asked u;; to make up plays and then Miss MadWELL, THEY'RE EVERGREEN SE:n asked us to make up some too. We This year for Christmas the Eight-B's have finished the ones for Mrs. Stalling nl.' Howard had a Christmas tree and .M rs. but we haven't had quite time enough to Stalling d~corated the room wit;h branches finish Miss .Madsen's plays. We are of it. And the decorations are still up. working together on Miss Madsen's pl ·1ys We are all wondering how long Christmas so w~ hope they will be good. trees last. -Ted Hosking, SB Howard -June Ahlstrand, 8BHoward (Continued on next page) Two Mysteries Troubling Mrs. Jones and Eight-B 1 Lois Suggests It Was End of a Perfect Day