lanuarr 17. 1930 WILMETTE LIFE ··· / ·; t I " t "WHY SHOULD I MAKE A WILL?" I F you do not make a WilL your property will pass under the laws of Illinois--laws made by men who did not know YOU, your family. your desires and obligations. You alone know how they should be provided for. The law permits you to make such provision by means of a Will. If you do not avail yourself of this privilege. the law forces you to accept its method. You can appoint. in your Will. a capable Executor to settle your estate in the way you want it settled. If you leave no Will , the co~rt will appoint an Administrator who must promptly .. wind up" the estate in the one way the law prescribes. F IRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETIE _ IlliNOIS A Trust Con!pany