8 VISITS HEU week-~nd, WILMETTE LIFE February 7. 1930 . Macleans also had as their ~ests last Recommends Ordinance to Miss Dorothy Jean Barker Mrs. Charles E. Nail of Mansfield, Allow Sanitation Control of Denver, Colo., who was en route Ohio, is spending this week with her home from Milwaukee, where she had In a communication addressed to the parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.ohn A. Mac- been teaching in Milwaukee Downer Wilmette Village board and read before that body last Tuesday night, Dr. lean, 924 Greenwood avenue. The seminary. W. W. Hawkins, health commissioner, recommended the drafting and adoption of an ordinance establishing a license fee for all stores handling food in any form, all laundries, beauty shops 6~5 and barber shops to permit control of sanitation in these industries. With the exception of restaurants, no such control is now possible, he points out. The matter was referred to Village ....................... Attorney Charles H. Jackson for investigation and report~ Dr. Hawkins' letter follows: N. T. Frosh-Sophs to Give "Litt/p, Princess" Feb. IS 11 Thc Little Princess," adtpted from the story by the same name . by ~tan cis Hodgson Burnett, author of Little Lord Fauntleroy," will be presented by the freshmen and sophomores of New Trier High school on February 15 in the school auditorium. Such a production is sponsored annually by the New Trier Dramatic club and as the cast is open only to members of the two lower classes of the school it is known as the FreshmanSophomore play. Through this policy,. individuals in these two groups may earn meRlbership in the Dramatic club and make their first New Trier appearance unhindered by competition with juniors and seniors. "The Bluebird," "Wappin Wharf" and "Master Will of Stratford" have been presented during the past three years. The story of " The Little Princess" is one with which the younger generation is perhaps less familiar than the nare1.1ts. It is the tale of little Sara Crewe, the princess-pauper-orphanheire ss of Miss Minchin's Boarding School for Girls. Sara's father was a rich man until a "very dear friend" persuaded him to invest all his wealth in a wildcat diamond mine. With the collapse of his fortunes , Captain Crewe's health went too, and he . died, lcavi!!g his youi1g claughtl'r to the questionable mercies of Miss ~1inchin . Poor Sara goe s from the hest room to the garret quicker than one could snap his fingers, when 1Iiss Minchin hears of the death of Captain Crewe. Only the principals arc li sted bel ow; the whole cast will be printed next week. MAIM ST. PRUIT MARKET SPECIAL SATURDAY BARGAIMS 2Se FRFf':.~~~~. ~~~~ ...................... 29e F~!kS~~~~~~29e GR~E:~N~. ~-~~-~~~ .... : ..................... FL~R:!.?~~~~~·. ~~~~ -~~- ~~~ -~~~ 990 CELf!;e bunch .................... . ....... l Se "On investigation I find that, except for restaurants, practically no stores are required to pay a license fee to the village. "For the purpose of control of sanitation, I request an ordinance requiring a nominal fee for all stores handling food in any form, all laundries, beauty shops and barber shops. · "These licenses should be issu ed only after an 0. K. -from the Commi:ssioner of Health, subject to revoking if the rule:-; are violated." · FREE DELIVERY WILMETTE 448'7 Mrs. Percy Cutler, 207 W~odstock Kenilworth, is entertaining at luncheon and bridge tod.ay at her ho:11e. ~venue, Lucky there's more where that cracker ca~e from. When you give the family Premium Soda Crackers to eat with soups and salads, you have to be sure your supply won't run out! Say· the Vneeda Boy. Ram. ......... Lesley Champli n 1\li:-;s l\Iinchin . . . . . . . Katherine Hepburn Bed<y ..... . .............. G>orgia Lottie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ancy Ermengarde . ........... Elizabeth Carris tord . . . . . . . . . .. Bob Bur('h .F ish<'r Cassel Sparks . ~fr. and Mrs. Henry B. Dearborn and their hahy have returned to their home at 739 Ninth street from Palm Beach, Fla., where they had been sojourning since the Christmas holidays. The Precious Valentine "Uneeda Bake· s" PREMIUM SODA c·R:AcKERS .As crisp as a cracker can be ! Oven-fresh JEWELRY . sentiments imperishable token that the years make more precious . Comic Valentines For those who like to make merry, we offer a large variety of comic . Valentines. and flaky, with just a trace of salt . Naturally tlu!y'd have to be made by the "Uneeda Bakers" to be so cracker-perfect! Buy them by the pound or in the package. NATIONAL B .ISCUrT COMPANY .,....... ...., DOMINIC PAGLIARULO Jeweler and Optician 1166 W.i lmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 1061