30 W I L M E .T T E L I F E February 7. 1930 LORU'S Fountain Square Evanston The· New Colflex I tell the story~~ tot Hundreds of Pieces of Silk Underwear ·Reduced · All the stock that remains from Christmas selling -much of it rumpled and soiled from handling -but all so much reduced that a bit of tubbing will save you many dollars on a supply of fine silk underthings. The high waistline that tacc effect-the smooth clingof the hips-the exquisite hndl and appliques) -.and th inE these are the outstanding:eatl Dresses. 1 New Coor: CANNA RED LINEN .BLUE Note the stitched - on appliques in the one model Up to $8.50 Kickernick Silk Combinets, $3.95 Pure silk crepe de chin e or glow silk: or s ilk je r se y wi t h ~ wa n d tops. Some brass if' re tops; e uff and elasti c kn ee. Hro l\l'll ~ i zt>s. but a good assortment. Both these dresses are to be : noted; but there are othei'tnc these and other ~hades. $2~ I Lord' s-Srond $4.95 Undersilks, $2.95 Including georgette dance sets in turquoise, black, rose, white; nightgowns of crepe, with hand-work and lace ; silk slips, tailored ; and many more expensive odds and ends. $2.50 and $3.50 Undersilks, $1.95 Crepe chemises., embroidered and lace-trimmed; silk gowns; rayon pajamas In many colors; and odds and ends reduced from higher prices. Hats of Ba~1 bought to wear with these Golflex $3.25 Glovesilk Bloomers, $1.95 Cuff and elastic knee; beautifully tailored. values, $1. Vests to match, $1.95 ' Frocks crepe ; ha nd - $10.95 Silk Gowns, $6.95 Many French importations; ge_9rgette embroidered. Some hand made. and silk $11.95-$12.95 Silk Gowns, $7.95 Heavy pure silks; hand-made in France, and beautifully embroidered . Ma ny with fine laces. $7.95 Undersilks, $4.95 A mixed lot of nightgowns, chemises, dance sets, pajamas and slips; pure silk; tailored and lace-trimmed. We cannot be responsible for quantities. Best to shop early. 'These lots should be cleared at once. Since ensembling is so. important-this season's buying reveals that you may choose your entire costume, correctly, from the "ensembled" stocks at Lord's. These new hats (of baku, or felt trimmed with the straw) may be had in the four colors noted above. They are particularly stri~ing in their new use of tuckings and crown manipulation. $12.50 to $15.00 Lord' s-Second Floor Lord's-Second Floor