February 7, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE First Evangelical 886 Elm street, Winnetka Roy A. Thompson, pastor Sunday~ Fehrnnry D 9 :30 a. m .-Sunday school. 11 a. m.-Morning worship. Rev. Theo- 1 dore Ramsey from Moline will preach on "The Lily of the Valley." 3 p. m.-Y. P. Rally at Summerdale Free church, Chicago. 7:45 I!.- m.-Gospel service. 11 Let us pray over it" Wednesday, Febrnury 12 8 p. m.-Ladies Aid at the church. Missionary-E. W. Raetz from China will speak. 'l'laursday, Febrnnry 13 8 p. m.-Mid-week service. Mr. and Mrs . .Joe Otteson will sing and speak. thus said the noble Lincoln in many Cabinet Sessions. Mrs. Gertrude Borre, Old Resident, Dies on Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. Gertrude Borre. a lifelong resident of Wilmette, ,~,·e re held at St. Jose ph's church Wcdllt'sday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. I~orre, who was 72 years old, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gt>rtrude Hilg-er, 2020 Washington avenue. Sunday nig-ht. Sh was the widow of Nicholas Borre, who died seventeen vears ago. Mrs. Borre was born in the old village of Gross Point, which later became a part of Wilmette. She wac; a member of St. Mary's Sodality of St. Joseph's church. Besides Mrs . Hilger. she is survived. by two sons, Capt. Albert Borre of the Wilmette Police department and Joseph W. Borre. a nd two daug hters, Mrs. Caroline l31e=-er and Miss Margaret Borre, all of whom live in \Nilmette . T HE Great Etnancipator, \vhose birthday annh·ersary \Ve again cotnn1en1orate next W eclnesday; called upon Goo for hell~ and guidance in ·the n1iclst of n1any history-tnaking cabinet tneetings. "lVT r. Lincoln's faith in God \vas qualified by a very \\·ell founded distrust of the 'visdon1 of ·nlan," \vrites one of his biographers. If that satne faith " ·ere graven in the souls of n1cn and ,,·otnen f \ Yiltnctte every church \voulcl be packed to the doors every Sunday. \\"ashingt on. Lincoln. Roosevelt, and other noble leaders · of the pc ple ,,·ere regular in church attendance. Father of Mrs. Paul Davey Dies; Funeral in Indiana Ziba E. Hornbeck died of heart trouble Tuesday morning at the home of his daughter, 1frs. Pa:ul Davey, 1234 \Vilmette avenue. For manv vears Mr. Hornbeck was in the dry- goods business at Monticello, Ind. During the past year he had been living with his daughter, Mrs. Davey. Besides the daughter, he is survived by hi s " ·idow. ~frs. Laura Hornbeck. The funeral services were held vesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Walkerton , Ind ., l\fr. Hornbeck's former home, and burial v;as made at that place. Are you? 'J'hcir exatnplc ans\vers in the aA1nnati,·c for once and for all. the question, "Docs it really pay?" HAVE SURPRISE PARTY Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Sumner of 1416 Elmwood avenue were surpri:;ed by about forty of their friends Friday evening, January 24, when they. returned to their home after attendmg a dinner party at the home of their sonin-law and daughter, Mr. and }vfrs. Frank Edmunds of Evanston, to find their . friends awaiting them. The guests had arranged a delightful m usical program which ·vas followed. by dancing and a midnight buffet supper. You Need the . Church The Church Needs You ENROLLS NEW STUDENTS Second semester classes at the National Kindergarten and Elem~ntary college opened today following the : hort mid-year recess. Registration record.s s:1ow the enrollment of thirtyf:ve new 5tudents at this time, and several students who are transferring to ~ational from other colleges or universities will arrive later in the week. A tea for the new girls will be held in Alumnae room on Wednesday afternoon, February 5. Directory of Churches: St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1 140 St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmeue and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. Meyer Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton The First Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette A venues RerJ. Horae~ G. Smith . First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues RerJ. Vere V. Loper The First Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland OPENS MUSIC PROGRAM Miss Virginia Marshall, 140 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, who has just become a member of the North Shore Musicians society, opened tJ:e program the society gave at the vVtlmette Woman's club this week by singing a group of Russian songs. M.iss Margaret Bluthardt of Kenilworth .lCcompanied Miss . Marshall at the piano. Mrs. Charles D. Heller, 808 Elmwood avenue, who has been ill for the p~st week with a very severe cold, expects to be up and around very soon. Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Street Rev. Carl I. Emp·on The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues RerJ. George D. Alli.an Publi·hed by the Interchurch AdrJerti·ing Committee, Wilmette Church Federation