WILMETTE LIFE February 7. 1930 Play Patroness L-----------------~ Men's Faculty Club at New Trier to Present Play at Auditor:ium Th. is Saturday The plot of "Three \Vise Fools," the play to be presented by the Faculty Men's club of New Trier High school Saturday night, February 8, is a skillfully constructed one. Three wealthy and vastly self-satisfied old bachelors living in \Vashington Square, New York City, are startled by an astonishing legacy-the only child of the woman with whom all three had formerly been in love. The child proves to be a mo:::.t attractive young woman, to whom the nephew of one of the bachelors ts drawn immediately. The complications of the plot re veal that the girl has some sort of connection with a lnotorious forger who has escaped from Atlanta penitentiary and is in hiding in Xcw York City. The play has moments of d:amatic intensity, and it also contams many humorous situatio~s. . Mrs. F. T. O'Brien, president of the Frederick A. Kahler, ~ew Tner dean ~orth Shore Catholic \Voman's league. of boys, F. C. \Vindoes, head of the is one of the patronesses for the per- science departmen~, and C. Russell pormance of "Sun-Up" to be given by Small Latin instructor1 play the parts the Loyola Players the evenings of of th~ three bachelors. Miss Agnes February 14 and 15, at the Loyola Biesemeier takes the part of the ward. theatre,· as a benefit for the Poor and Robert H. Carpenter is the Mother's fund of the St. Francis hospi- nephew. The cast is made up entiretal foundation. ly of ~ew Trier faculty members. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 The play is to be given in the ~ew Trier auditorium. Immediately following the performance a reception will be held in the men's club roum in the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium for members of the faculty and . their friends. Officers of the Faculty Men's club, which is sponsoring the production, are: Gordon VanKirk, president; Robh's just a short drive out Dunert H. Carpenter, vice-president. and dee Road. to the east bank of L. E. Hildebrand, secretary. f::~:o:;~B~ A · Practical VALENTINE is most acceptable She will love the fascinating fragrances and ex .. quisite containers of our Gift Toiletries- Charles of the Ritz, Helena Rubinstein or Hotlbigants. Valentines Come in and see our delightful display of Valentine cards and folders. Candy Mrs. Stover' s Bungalow candies put up in Valen tine boxes are sure to win her favor. Eggs and Poultry Open Until 9 0 ,clock Sunday l SMIDER·CAZEL .Serving North Shore Residents for more than the Desplaines River- and there you'll get the finest poultry and the freshest eggs obtainabledir.ec~ from nearby farms. DRUG COMPANY Baby Chicks Are Now Ready for Sale 2. 5 Years Wilmette ~ Central Aves. Phones : Wil. 400-40 1 Wheeling Farms nunliN· U1l., East hunk ~~ CLOSED LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY The Kenilworth postoffice will observe a half-holiday on February 12, Lincoln's birthday. Postmaster Douglas Crooks announced this week. The office will close at 12 o'clock no\111. There will be only one delivery of mail, but the usual dispatches and collection will be made. Mrs. ]. Robert McClure. 1215 Lake avenue, will be hostess to members of her 1\eighborhood club next Tuesday afternoon. February 11. at her home . Auto Delivery Service in Wilmette and Kenilworth Rln·r 1 - TELEPHONE WHEELING 5 PHONE: WILMETTE CITY MARKET Co. 62.1 MAIN STREET WHOLESALE - PHONE: WILMETTE 1170 MEATS - RETAIL 1170 STILL SERVING YOU The Best . Meats At Lowest P·iees SPECIAL SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY FEB. 7·8 ROLLED RIB ROAST BEEP No Bone or Waate PORK LODIS Tender Young Spring BOASTING CHICKENS LAMB LEGS 3Se Four Daily Deliveriea-9 A. M.-11 A. M.-2 P. M.-4 P. M. 3'7e WILMETTE GLENCOE 33e KENILWORTH WINNETKA