WILMETTE kol to allowe'en Party Draws Many Guests to Kenilworth Club A !.LOWE' EN served as an in,piration for a number of parties and entertainments in Kenilduring the week, the one most 1 and most largely attended the dinner-dance given by the ort h club Tuesday evening: ~r those who reserved tables for p.1 rtv where: Miss Helen Cresap, ~Irs . Grant Ridgway, Mr. 1 nci ~I r~. Alexander S. Joslin, Mr. and ,;. Fran k Ketcham, Mr. and Mrs. rt .\. Crowe, Alfred. McDougal', an d Mrs. Hugh Petersen, Mr. · \1 rs. George M. Spangler, Mr. d ~:1 r.;. Ernest Fleishmann, Mr. and r ~. \'alen tine Smith, Mr. and Mrs. 1,,, Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. , and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. M~s. Carolyn Ellsworth of the 1 Frederick Kent of Ashevitle, North It was on October 21, 1879, that I MOVE t TO ADD I Kerr'worth}t~n was a guest last week Carolina, was a guest of Mt. and Mrs: Thomas Alva Edison solnd the prinTo gain 1,000 new subscribers a teleof ~Irs. \\ 11l1am Dent at Barrington Alexander \V. Hannah, Sunday. ciple of incandescent lighting by phone company ordinarily installs durmg the absence of Mr. and A. F. -<>-Reichman, who wc;nt to LaMars, Mrs. E. M. Sweet, 320 Abbottsford Iowa, to att.end a b1rthday gathering road, is visiting her sister in Kansas City. for Mr. Re1chman's mother. -()o- electricityt a problem th'at the leadtelephones and removes 3,000ing scienusts of Europe had been de- the gain necessitating 7,000 changes. voting their attentions to during the This is due to the "moving habit" of three-quarters of a country before. Americans. .-.ooo tee within 2 10 l n tees of combus- er hom~heatina Mrs. Alexander S. Joslin, 240 Essex W. Wheelock, 132 Oxford road, returned home Wednesday' from a road, was hostess to the Garden club on week's hunting trip at Duck Island. Monday aftemoon. Mrs. Wheelock and Miss Rebecca Wheelock left today for Memphis, Tennessee, where they will visit for a week. w. -()-- Our Boy Scouts First Church of ·Christ, Scientist, WD...ate, 10. Christian Science Reading Roo~ -()-- "ol is installed it ~rvey is made of 1 !. in weather rated ~thout attention. Miss Elizabeth Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Stevens, 3.30 Abottsford road, gave a bridge party last Thursday for Miss Katharine McKinnon of Evanston who will be a November bride. -()-- the Fidelity and $30,000,000 in· issues a policy to lvean of success tban 20,000 of ,coaL Chicago re ~NY lie Street Tht tirst of the season's series of hl·r .:\[ usic concerts was held in the h Assembly hall Sunday afterThe celebrated Jacques Gordon . assisted at the piano by Howard presented a delightful program more than justified the large ate that turned out for the occaKenilworth is enthusiastic over charming Sunday afternoon musiand they could well be presented . ~[ rs. Percy S. Eckhart, Miss Scars. and Mrs. A. B. Spach, rep-o-tho.' Kenilworth committee of the ~r rs. Charles Ware and Mrs. Alfred Shore Chamber Music associaMcDougal arc entertaining at luncheon Threc other concerts will be given the ,·ca r, the next on December tomorrow for Mrs. C. F . Meyer who the Muenzer Trio will appear. will soon leave Kenilworth for a perin town will serve donghnuts dates of the other concerts will manent residence in California. -owith the cider that always goes February S and March 29. ~[r. and Mrs. \Valter Bew of At-o-with this festi,·e occasion. Dr. \\'illiam A. Colledge was the lantic Citv announce the birth of a The more experienced hostesses ker a t the meeting of the North son. Sunday. October 19. Mrs. Bew ~lacDowell society at the before her marriage was Miss Edith will make sure that the doughChandler. formerly of Kenilworth. ni Dr. and :\Irs. Arthur F. Bynuts sen·ed are \Vilson's Dough-o-lei. 843 South Linden avenue, Wed.:\liss Beatrice and Florence Pease nuts-there's really a differenre! ,da,· cveninR. Dr. Colledge talked FORTY -FIFTH BJRTHDAY "~co ttish Literary Characteristics" and .:\{iss Elizabeth Stevens enterd also told of his visit to the Peter- tained the pupils of their Sunda~· October is the anniversary month colon,· during the summer. Mrs. school classes with a Hallowe'en of the discovery of the electric lamp. party Thursday night. eld sai1g a group of MacDowell's -o-\\'1<~ AR~ FOR .\. 180% VOTE. tch songs. ~{r .and Mrs. Herbert Taylor, 631 WIL~Fj'J'TE OPTIMIST CL1JB. -o-Adv. Abottsford road. will be the guests of ~li>s .:\lartha Blair Hamm and :rederick Hamm. who went east with Senator and Mrs. McMurray at a house heir father. Edwin F. Hamm. and party at their Barrington home this DR. C. E. GEISS£ aster Peter Hamm. to attend the week-end. -o-tn1outh- Yale game last week, are Oateopathic Playaiciaa .:\Ir. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., ining east to visit friends in Villqe '11Netre ....... t· w York, Brid~teport, Boston and 431 Essex road, spent the last weekHanover. Mrs. Hamm plans to go end at their shooting club, Wild Phone Wil. 2tSZ east in a few weeks to join her daugh- Wing, leaving Thursday and returning Monday. ter. -o--o~li ss Marjorie Smythe, young Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle .:\[is~ HelEn Schulze. daughter of Dr a.·~ D T ttl \lr. and Mr . Paul Schulze of 2305 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Smvthc. 43 Kenilworth avenue, enter· ftllce · U e ommonwealth avenue. formerly of O·teopathic Ph7aieian· nilworth, is the second of the sea- tained the young folk with an old Residence and Office ·~ debutantes to become engaged. fashioned barn dance Saturday night. -o-113 Central A··atn~ageme nt was announced at a nt' r fo llowing the <lehut tea last road, left Monday Port614 Huron ur~d;n·. Miss Schulze will marry sex M rs. Robert McN'eil for Burns, r F. Burch. son of Mr. and Mrs. where she will be the guest of her mothar F. Burch of Baltimore and er i or a week. -o-et·-hurg, Virginia, early this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett, 33 Rich-oThc Rector's Aid society of the mond road, journeyed to Ann Arbor, hurch of the Holy Comforter will Michigan last week-end to attend the a bridge party on Wednesday. Michigan-Wisconsin game. -()-ember 5. at 2 o'clock. at the resiMrs. F. E. M. Cole, 315 Essex road, of Mrs. George C. Richards, Essex road. Mrs. Henry Taylor. entertained her bridge club at lunchWe have just received a full line of Bulk Candies, all r .. 431 Essex road, is in chrage of eon Thursday. Mr. Cole has returned hl· arrangements and anyone wish- from a business trip to New York City. flavors, fresh and tasty to se11 for !{ to play is invited to fill a table -o-Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hulbert, 528 Abthe occasion. hottsford road, gave an annjversary -o-Se,·era) Kenilworth members of the dinner party at their home Friday Shore Golf club were hosts and night. -oat the lovely formal dance at M iss Betty Joslin, daughter of Mr. club Saturday night. Those who ined large parties were Mr. and and Mrs. Alexander S. Joslin, 240 Joseph Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Essex road, was hostess at a birthday C. Danly, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel party Tuesday. -o. and Dr. and Mrs. Frank CheeseM rs. Sidney Y. Ball, 207 Woodstock avenue, entertained Mrs. MacClin-o-~f rs. John C. Carpenter, 422 Wood- tock 's Reading club at her home avenue, has as her guest, Dr. Mary Wednesday afternoon. -oof Buffalo. A number of small Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, are being planned for Dr. Sloan, them a luncheon and bridge given entertained at luncheon and bridge by Mrs. George Jones at her TJiesday for a number of her friends. -oOxford road. M iss Jeanette Cherry has returned -o-from Ann Arbor where she attended Thc Home and Garden club met the Michigan-Wisconsin game. ith Mrs. Alexander Joslin of EsGLASSWARE, Thompson's hand blown, now selling road Monday afternoon. Mrs. ard J. Phelps gave a most inat one-half of regular price-You'll want son1e when you t ing talk on "The Growing of InPlants." Her lecture was very h enjoyed and appreciated. see them. -oPrincipa) E. L. Nygard of the Kenschool spent Thursday and Fri. of this week attending the annual t errnce of the Illinois State School rd Association of City SuperintenAT which was held at the Jefferson in Peoria. THE --o~f rs. Harrv E. Weec;c. 141 Kenilorth avenue, and Mrs. B. C. Dowse Leicester road, entertained with a heon party at the Skokie club Friday. Mrs. Marion Schaefer a delightful group of readings Carl C. Renneckar the afternoon. Opposite St. Joseph's Church -op ..... Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Moritz, \Varwick road, are spending three .JII ks visiting in New York and ashington. Guy S. Oshorn, 330 Cumnor road, spent the week-end at his hunting cluh in southern Illinois. Warren Pease, 320 Leicester road, left the Wednesday before for a week-end at Wild Wing. -o-:Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith, 310 Warwick road. will leave next Wednesday for Pasadena. California, to spend the remainder of the fall months with Mr. Keith's mother, Mrs. Eldridge Keith. -oMrs. Ll'On Ellis, 207 Cumberland avenue. entertained at bridge this afternoon for Miss Gertrude Olds of Sheboygan. \Visconsin, who is_ the guest of Mr~ . \Vatter F. \Vyhe of EYanston. Troop No. 4 At the meeting of the twenty second, eight boys applied for membership in troop 4. They are: Richard Nichols, John Ilaff, Harold Hurtt, William Christie, John Gilroy, Tom Olson. Arnold Lindstrom, and William Paterson. As it was the regular monthly "stunt night," each patrol presented some stunt, the Silver Foxes gave a "Select first rehearsal of 'Golden Locks'." The Wood Pigeons gave "Clarence Percival Archibald Euphrates-please excuse the names." The Black Bears Rave a mock wedding ceremony. The Pine-tree and Racoon patrol~ gave similar entertainments. The judges were Senior Patrol Leader Linus Smith; Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Preston Read: Assistant Scoutmaster Andy Willard: and Assistant Scoutmaster Robert Kenyon. The Wood Pigeons won due to Oscar Anderson as Clarence Percival Archibald Euphrates. Mr. Leach has started a new arrangcnient for instruction, that is: each patrol leader shall he an instructor, after the patrol meetings they will go to some other patrol and instruct :n the suhject for that night . So far the plan has worked well and it will probably he kept up. All of us hope so at least. IllS WU...tte . A ... Hours: Services: Daily (except Wednesday and Sunday at 11 A. M. Saturday) 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting 'Nednesday: 9 A.M. to 7:..5 P.M. .... · :;aturday: 9 A. M. to 6 :M P. Jl. at 8 P · - · The Bible aa4 Wol'1la b~ llu7 Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Baker Eddy aa4 &11 otber aaU.or· Subject .of the Lesson Sermon lse4 Cbrlatlaa Sclenoe Llt.n.tllre NoY. Z. .. E,erla.tia· P-iahmeat" ~~e4~· read, borrowe4 or pr- T-tla St. aad C.atral A... Tiae Pat.Uc ia -Niall7 laftWI to ane.i tM Claarcla Sen1c:a ... .wt .... a.-~a. a.... Every Hallowe'en Party Es-l~~;;;;;;;;;;~P~b~o~a~·~-~~;;;;;;;;;~~;;;:;;;;!!!~!!!~!~!~~~!~!~~~~~~~~~~!~~;;;U Say it Sweetly With Candy 7Sc per pound. Saturday and Sunday Only Pecan-Almond Fritters, per lb.-6Sc Ranft Chocolates, per box-49c. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones 400-401 Wilmette and Central Avenue