193 w e T94F _4 ~ -li D" gj;~~~ lo-i, ~s- S-~T ~ A ~ i, Afnoew 'T'lite C&nî'.Coine amO11 î.189-91W il, PurceilDY Maijt 19-98;W le Mresti-tI I? elr~ Adnià-l 1. S., Crslv voni- e fo "ýthî? aitd4itiý elit ~ - Ofll to "Our t[o ys, Ti Mandan of t- Grea 'g-p Nva eg~ i-g i g i g c g'g-à e vre ,fý is ' , r i5 I lg g ,g s t t o gn o f t e 1 ;gg- ' I l e i i e i a ' a d h g11 Cl" gh te b Ielr Ng cg - grie -,N- 1 flc Buniw i kngw de osrtt sua e \a a d istrict will b e4~ th g-'e f y t e R v. L l n an o t lnint bandh froni Fot~ Seridan ar:o availa'ètn Phone aUniver- tM~ Lkew rts Naa Tnin~cg staio n t il gl- o esvi for Ille Elisico f d we , 41wcer gak argd tr inhç~l th ciern aiis. Yvere F raki A B'as. el Ms 1896-191g A.~dC Corte Cagjll)tl j'iitjk g81197 Week~ Day Spe Th g)rd gil foni gt guler'01 H cuz,19 -99 n M iire'la ail gyiair of th <gggvrt gg**'gon -1918 Scalp w.in Shamp ,fteto(-) a in te to1- Abhlttsforde : roa, vvittee ins odito Meios avenue gehi eos eiilworth vnu o Sts,, K-elorth -larmn are:ra Hark. g. Harion Chre D. 'The, Rev.n L. -ids L. iIltt f Keniw S.t- Uniofi-churc wil' give t ff i t-al--r M s JalsR fl Sa ,"i Sheid ans atin sil fr n ste rat Mr . G a t'is Vai icirNs Mt the eniwothMeor 11a1 in0 - - -gi t Wl g of a r eat for l\-) theiio ehiden f gg f Kenilworth.Cb.ýeiiwrl iGr O O ,DA .U )e4urer ofthe Huard if ono r and th he stdet Th - --. othe -'ho 1 fg~g- f' A 'gMss-i.g Mis g-s and~~~' -the g)tioi g-s ofKnsorh s ý ju o M the- ' c;ggg g (, gggg ,/gg)gWrag arts."~ g ~ ~ ~ h Iiie of'~ g-rc of the - ggg -Q 4ggagd' cete g"ogaggg sou onLiet- odt Wgdtckaene ws-n od -gj4 1og5gg-- gggggggg avenue~gjgg to 1 g,-g~"g -bo t f r road,-g4gg-~~-~~-g - ;g)rl g- Ab otsfr ro d o Mergg ~~~~~~~~~~~ers avenu -yrrzg --. ggQg 'tggog~- g ' gggggggg>g'ggg;g g~ .-%S--e -%es on V A C A TIOgN g-- g'---- g~ g<g ~gg- ('.iiiiii- 'g*d -oih o uii r r