'v T'v T' f.4 v~v 1r~ Tt, " 1'rýI 0 coI'putinbi l i, wv«I1 nt çâ C'n1ii*, ~h def1 t o -ti fCv-ai ---- . . ., . . 1$d furihér in the frot-e Çlong hedx, ér Tièàt esptir in hself n MTre -4y- tops, otegcr pbos hchn and ton~~g basb daed~~ the~ h ~ii sch4o ch glasswar ofr*ib thet h*ug car on pac-camin f Chicago.r rr: thre nitniecus nSeomh m n ai 'sliaqs and1 is ethe int Trier~t boy arlii i 'the th g lr' priioso tecrs. Cou * -, si'i -of rti ditit Sertra Trinng -yern an & Linef ble i he,'iain oo Commrcia Branches. Beit o- Me» __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ -cars, r r ' rOL r r tyia cee ri tesae'ago ig col rel re inr' th gils Stu i- Bdr., 171, Shr'a Ave.>r an r' hur Coord 'ano tru r r-t'sla i th' tr ain babe s Qr' M Aviat'h~io Studts1 8t~l N.~ T- filet aition Mehtic clas o r re ,rricr ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Hig scolvste h tr-tih r-s air'o-, at vln i w o e n e yp s i l r.tnet oft the t,'i sho a h inr 'vaton R. r-;.Blsneir i is th mst -comfortabe fr$r' ail ags als tli 'most cornfort- Prepare now for t'his and tuatiy ' ~bI sh~ fr ~wol~ o Jie-othbr week-ends. Those white because of the famous 'flexible IIaftneIs of Iast suumer -- shank which exercises th he h, iknba teadcoe- muscles and trengthens -the t-a sike bec oe-n h arch. If bends and flexes, with an of last~ s!eass -og - - every stop. You walk as nature coïe ac lo 8in4t 8jst lk intended you should. Corne CI(14fk~g ptl "n and get acquainted with f0s uEP~ L~N comfort.- ING wiII do wonders ini restor-, ing their originail attrataieess. - - IF Dýry Clerning wiUl restore gout F1lzg ~t 4 nat<grgt color arnd b;. gbt nest. ILPhone as todqjj and bave a "new" flag 'for- Memorial DPay t r- ~- 2 ' - r r r ~ - r,, ' vrb 't t, r r <r " r' ffl~,,~ r~r r-l r--lt