Wcilzl ii <hi oe Vtr el telle Joiiso- Iaddition to the 1anners given tIli à4mhna Ilni i1cit .îdl;>IiJohn Sthwlr winners; mne.dals viI1 be award(cdfirst., aum1 il . liqpet Jeo~re Arhu ochStfflws cîîanid third place wîlnpers, la~~eM'nqnetch~ - Joe Steff Te 'rîentire.progyn rthda.- A a i 3el-lial dira ifrte çaN .ioe ivnn Plignuidb1>1i ttldfI tdes: Radge ContPet.tm nmvv ProgTft3f 2 0re 1opu ,0w, Mornig program. Vattrnan 'parkl 1 B~ob l3racîi chiiltz « 4hiWti 2 0t 1,001 ('lock. Lawrene WebiiBrtiiis .1 0 1,0011 1. i.Grand *Murch, All palticipa lit. MctItQJ Ser-ve 1 0 O" il.First Grýade, Chimes of Duiikr. .1~pj~ < c.lineidei, B<oteiw iShoeiii.ker' Daice, Boun4 and tRound Ili Georgé Wilimfrs T3atlh4it .111,50.l. econd Grade,- Deedle ,Dee<I Vi'aiTk (uigt Vil la -t Cleînèris 0 1 .000Dulpig.bbyL. AXthiýr YunbRgIidge IPharnîacy -0O 1 .00o I. Thir-d Girýide, Carrouscel, JQ'IIy Is.ý AýIteIhlrem .j"e Lua~thea 0 1O.i 0tilt-Miller., WaîerîÎa tangé Banhk r 1 i .000 'V F(,tith lGradle, Klappan s. TnniU~iier~Stae 1ank O .--' VI . i-twnGrade, -Marnhinir Tat --