V.ývs DO i0tttý tIt and '21 le ù 1J.- W.* t4 t %$ tt -~Ft Wt~ (M ss' t.;bn el-S t1tos 1,0 m t Ie t - ai t~tt ' tt1fr fi A. At-- r 't, IL nttt3ov f M ti a i-a t-t-t-eni-n 't W . t1 Ill tw on- t t t-frp r, H. W . P rno 01 rsd it t-'iiý Wely ans r on i e ir Ott t-A tale t-I to be plce in, tht,, c h i t ; G . t4 C u e r A . L fu lt t A ht e i t -t- t h e h u c t e p e r é ftt m e r n it- M oult t-g A . ..J.q~? Nysrof A, N ,P g ,tlet e a i l.Mth d s ,c tr Et~ Poot, tttt Zipih t-3FI-N T t-PR S R I Eiilv v as h e u h s id w -ia Ao inhodeif Mito C.t-~t La dies' S. IL. Sii..wy Juimer L1, 1).I ~ ni Il b i'i g H.r C. rs J.t-e T. E -s Leera .W E L n- 'l'le Orga ni ,Po8t1ude (1BWt1,y Porter Ileap - f o f h his b t epe i~ tn ras t bIsh, 4ýr. J. MeGirt, H. . prne -igaiso thZ elu.h ATeaa..........~o Der. oa< Il. of4h IlleOI 0f dt-3 ernlioi-n S.t E wi3rdo, Clar hte Kort At, , r . - . Str ng er, M r , C a ri Wagt - f I o a ir t c u e , . v i s o i th e c l i ti n Of th M i I t-8 tfi e n w C ha r ç1 D B a r -er, D éli D .Nw ~ 104 II e r 1*.~~~chrc V<iromo ofI- 't»rid tais isyt duej~t Dr_ an ttlini Drurv.,~ thk Sii e t e b id n olilt e aý (» (1o aJ ý S ep r w k «- S lt-. i44hbu.t t-s 't-t-e Fiii n - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . - r r.IRS»t~t r ~4tt~,- i> a ~hts - .- À - ý T1ý4 S,ýfjjt- 13vl Ante tàle tol$ grac ifthe te i -; ;,.b t- ,~ t - _ý,ct t lt- "f tr ie "> t te de -tttt-eS in thttId w t-t-t-t t-ly t-ith i gu da c during t-t- X-tt -- Ote .tt--t-t t't ncu ea hit 0been mad t- the Ladies Affl socetvt copiing fiý t-t Ile t"v .j.Welid A tvt nC uc dvsins. 1" »t-4e drcto of ;t1tis -Y~tt t - t -F t The V.tli a,ýia heQirçllC neec anId the -Womait-s H-oniiet- M i-ssioI2arx -ueitnet J.îb~h- fMesittft t3aie -eso the ýVlitéMthtodist churcsh, soçÊit-et1\,eth t-tt Melena sfet"d,(~.- Fifty-tvwo of fifty-three Men 1'.t- Il a lare and attractive room, t A group of thle youngert wtnen ar( A 1'tYmf of Preparaton--408 bers entitled -te vote registered thenit- -weI1 eqtitipped, with fireplace anid kit-- orianied s aWeseya Sevic Gud Lead on1, 0 K-Jing Et-ernal" selves in favor of the ilovement. No ý-heniette, which is.the 1jttle homie"ý tfor orgnizd ataheea Servcses fi. The sermon t Ili addition terar \ocse.fi- By Bishop Edwin Hoit Hugh1les votes .were~ catst agailist the enterprie three troops of Girl Scouts. Here the women ini the Church school. desig- A Hylynm of Dedivatlon-18SO Following this action, plans moved for- g,,irls learii to do inany. things which iia:ed. the Philathea class t-and the "Mit- tjalte- Power of JesusW Naie wadtrpdyt -iqikseçsinaer uuehneaker sh-ot'ld -knc>w, ~rierd1y frck t- - t- t- ~ ~ ~ Iueîi arîeîî '~on~mttee~t-~as a-pponted arc1hitects as wellas th~e asrt oft good .stport6ra -t - t-'lhe importance of the woiùswor- Choral Ben.Uetlofl t- selected, aftIt-het visited.-tAliw studied, ýýhi and te tspi$rit: oft rteverence1. M~Ir .s ii the :tchurcli tis signified bv the fact TYhe Orgat- Postlude t tt t m ragr~tmd o iaça ide oft-<'le Valkyries_ t-...Wagnerad ragnelt-mdfoa iaca ap Mudn shina fte thai the best rooni in the. Chutrc1u Il-Ouse t-t -canvass. tGi-0-rl Scout .conimittee, ha eet-taid o t-eii thi :Fo1k>odf the tsuccessful culm'irnation ,~There is also a large room . for the roorn lias been beautifuIIy furrit-shed by tt-o ecauigiitMah 18,wr-boys inl t-i t-ey, too, »iayprepare a a ommittee miade t)t~ of soiii of the . -t - - the:pu3wrt t-deig in~~ç March 198, act wo-hihtt-rk--o-~~t-~ coniiijtte of the pat -h let. The t-round was brQoken for t-he ire. Here they larn t-e work and play t _______________ Board. Ft-t-t-U i~oflnts fist- unit: Se ýteiber 6, 1928, tand thel together and- to, be good, citize-is. Scorner-stone was- laid on November Il l'here tis one goy Scout 'troop and a Wil0et.te Mi,,isters Ald at M.~ E.' Church ote.set-ya.Th prônfte-roup of Cub Scouts. The troop coin.- mm iiw~t bovn~ The Officiai boanrd of the Wilinette building was compjetdstatit-w--t-;eçscopoeofL-EMao, Pastt~ f dtr ~~>ttait 4eom-~' t- - fr. s>e fl IItflda, Jiy -2~cntairmian; B. N. Cox and Staî er t 'P~-tt i--t -t is4so tirP oûtrtcelil- P rsiM tids hic jihasss etrd fr ts n S iaj l I oldl t-t-- t-4.s in W lie t - ret-t 45*-t-t-tt-tt-t- t-9>uin h tiii t e rc flict t-t-i s e r t-ti e c n t-t-e t-t-tr tf ttu c u t-tt-t th t- o s s a d o i i i in~~~~~~~~ th Coniiiitttsrvcet b lel e~-tt t-t in- Ill *-i- - t t-t-t-- t o p ie t- e ft-t-: A c ia e i u e t he c:t-t-li t-OR AI TO VI. Swidav %,etiiig, -u 'ýV lnett P rili etodst liir-Ii T usees A.L.Fuler E R.Jaiw , fr eveal yc rswüe rec ed tlat iem ria tet-et-t--d stli Thoe liowil asit i te, eric P. G Kpibll S.E, Lena, H W Mnsth acua chrc stucureiiiglt c fon ofthtMeht-ttchut-tbar ar r Vr . oe o ie is T .Molln, .N PgH.y erce o hs ietTecr tttl t- nieofL uh yuhu Co g e ato a htt-ýD .G o g , )ý B t f rI i a lRt t-- ttt-tp tu.e t-t-tt-4 r o t-,? isl t- is ii ~tt--~t-t- t--t-tt-t t-t t- At~t t - t t- t -t- 't-t>-tt' . -t--pt t - t t-tt-'t-d-ur St--t--tt t----- tt1 ,9-t- t ttt --t -t-t ttt- t tt t t- t-q t-t- ý0