-as fluows: mnick ioad, Railroad avenuel .4 OEIL .- g Te- neMarke RED Crown Etliyl Cas givesý Ryou smooth and speedyý riding.: Quaker State Oit soothes .your engine like a lullaby. Firestone, Tires make the road smooth ajý velvet.- Cive your automobile a long treat, and see how niuch pleilsanter driving becomes. SEE Tom FOR COMIPLETE* *GARAGE SERVICE LINDEN. CREST GA RAGE Day and Night Washl*g- Storage 332 LINDEN AVE.ý WILNIETTE 477 Rai road avenue, '(Center"street) Elm Street to North avenue, WVjnnetka, 40 fe et, 0.8 of a mile; plans approved by state;' special assessment Proceedings for the Village of Winnetka ini court. Railroad avenue., S cott to Hazel ave- nue, Glencoe,- 40 feet wide, .1.2 miles; waiting plans fronfi Village of Gletncoe. SGreen Bay road.'Dund-e ,road >.te Lake county . ine, 40 feê t, 1.3 miles; plans fifty percent conpleied;- contract to be ýletSeptemnber 1-4 Trouhy avenue, Lincoln, teoMcCor- Mick, 40 feet wide, 1.4 miles, plans c6rm- plete;, special, assess'ment proceedings for Village of T1essvilte in* court; wait- ing japproval of improvement. resolu- tien by* state., SCrawford avenue, Simpson to Cross, Poàinti 20 feet wide, 0.6 of a mile; Vil- lage ioroject;,.Evaiistoi'readv t 1pr-, ceed. in 1931. Suggest Health Exams for Automobile D)river Preventile accidents on the high- ways of Illinoijs are increàsing alarni- inlaccordjng to a statemnent issued bv the state healthi departrnent. Classifying- "preventible accidents" as those which result froni' violations of the laws, rules and courtesies of the !iigh-wavs,. the health. department urged inotorists to subinit to periodical niedical e.xainationts. Phone.wilmetté 4914 115GreenlemfAve. Packard p1Vsi ur Used Car A.ae lcet .Bya UsedCa Lot f or Bargains Cadillac 8 Type 63, Sedan-Limo usine. Good condition; 6 iood tires; 4-wheel brakes; an 4 -t - WVATERTO N ~a U~sh* EATKINSOft - ~Wi5~Ot~?N tItUNOI5 TOUDINS WUKAU Tise Ausesumuiblle Chais Proclaimed' by noteci travelers as one. of America's greatest attractions, "Thce Deî1s" 'of Wisconsiw,,bids ,%velltô toits rightful title as such. H tere the tourst, basks in thie very sutlimity of nature, formations that liad their start in th.- early ages. The faînous Wisconsin beauty spot, untouchied by work of artisan stands' by itself as being ds tînctivety different from ail others oi natute's 1.)eà.ùty spots.. Such is the itinerary of thle wcekend tour suggested for this week )Y'TIhe Automobile Club of Illinois ini ccouPer-1 ation with this niewspaper. Softlyý idtiiig its way througlh the sandstonew rock to a depth of 150 feet for a dis- tance of-10 miles, the Wisconsin rive- passes. through iany oQdd and curious formations. exposing strata of varicdl coloring. Manv tributary canyoiis have- hecii form.ed by small streanis leadin g iuto t(ie miaiin -chiannet and :pertiaps the ,.most stri.k.ing: feature, of tthe "Dells- t np is thewalk thtouglh these niaý- ture canyons, covered as they are- with' lichen moss, fernis and flowers.. In many places large trees 'with seemingly perilous hôld, cliiig to crev-* ices i i te. rocks and arching over- head, shut, out the brighit lighit an(, Qifer a cool retreat on a miid-sinniiier. TO KILBOURN E, WVIS, (THE DELLS) L'ai PACKARD MOTOR. Winnetka 3070 CAR 6«.&-aiilwcu ... ........... 1.. ... .. . £0I % Ised C~ar Department and Arrange for a Demonstration COMPANY 0F CHICAGO, HUBRARD WOODS BRANCH 925 LINDEN AVENUE <Jreenleaf 6030 elde ores............. ~J............ du Sac .................... 0 ....... .. :... ...... . .. . Cadullae- andiLa. Salle Ownes! Corne and see us about the repaira of your car We have 6 years of factory experiènee V'alvoline 1001/ Pure Pennsylvania Qils' Ail JVok Guaranteed Wimette Auto Servie'