Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 20

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Village Green Team Annexes Baîl Game From Vattman Nine Moniday..Julv, 14, the, Village Green kickball teainiplaye*d aw exciting garni against Vattnian. The playeris ou the Village, Green, teanu were as folloWý catcher, Gertrude: Schmidt , pitcher, B es sie Costo;. first ýIase, Marioni Mit-' che11-, second base, Dorothy Krier; third base,. Doris Stanco: right SieIder FMaine Angelheck;ý center field, Frau- ces Sclîmitz: left, field, Rose Toscani. In the first inning Village Green suc-I ceeded iii gettiing-six runs whiffe Vatt- mîan got oilly two. The gaine ent on and at the end o)f the second to the last iining tlic score wvas 24 to 15. Village Green. then mnade ten runs whicl madle the score 34,to 15, lcaviing Výattmian their last ups. 'I'hen Village Green ýmacle'an excit 'ing double play* througli an error 1w X'attman., Then Vattinan inade a u and Vil- lage Green deterninied to stop) V'tt- mian fromn gettiing any îîoïe runs. Vl lage. Green miace a Vattman player out, and,, tlien the score was > 34ý to> 16., That' ended the c gaine and. the, happy players :of' the Village éGreen returned home ýl 1very j( lly.-iDoiis.. Stapco, Vil- lage Green. *Frank Getsý Real Joit .on Pleasant Auto Trip t w as conuu1g home froxuî camp mu an automoliile Nvifltl;i Éc other fello%\s. 'Ve *had beeui ridig fomrtwo hours and * e were nom, approaching a verv large *city. l'le driver was enjoyinig the trip) as tnuchi as Ne. %ere and we xvere siig'inig Our Camp, songs ai liavinlg 'f.sof fun. After wc had driven 'for, quite a wlîile %ve got sleepv. 1. %'a'$ dozinig as thie others were aiv'1 -e e wcre rudely, aw%,akeiîed froni our .sniooze l)v a jolt1 that sent us 'up flvînig ab)out four feetI il] 1 the air. : \\"c lit ith no litt le bounce onti.tle seat o-ftlie car. j I found ont that * we lad gone over a railroad track whiich the driver 'hid not noughed iaftçmiiito vsodv but e al't noticed lu triîiet\vo vw bclown. i toId iie 'driver * îot to try* it again.1 Th nf C s one of thtin ies- i n 1111 e Provicles a Real Thrill Motor Trouble Thersdaci 1 y' brother and I weut thebeali.We took a dip, then nczuine out, and played in the sand.. As wýe Tuesdav, wy went clown to the be.ach e vere playiing* aloug came,'Tom Livély anid the, water wNas quiteý warm but a. and asked. i t ep hir carry the litie rough so . I dientsa iivr boat to the top of the beeh. og He. hiad called up bis, father and no It ivýas .aroun d a quarter of five and ûne lhad answ-erèd., so he thought his we were getting ready to go home. father'was îîot coming so I helped himi. XVe wvere, up in the park waitinig for They did îlot. buy ýthis boat, they made rnîy nm1other .td corne. It seemed we it. Xe 'go up with the boat, then vie Lad beenf waitinig. a haîf bour 'whenl went out and to thée second raft. We 'w'e.saw lier coiug' up the street quite * dived a few t imes %%-len TQin saw his slowly and whiei she wvas quite near *fther. \Ve junîiped off and swamn to th-,e the nuiotorÉ stopped and it shiore. Tom. changed his clothes and ulut start. *we carried the :boat ont again. XV\heii shie lad tricd 'tell minutes to Mr-. Lvely and Tom went first but start it the 1olicema r came up and w~hei thev came l)ack, MIr. Lively told tricd. to hclp) lier l)ut neitiier of thein Ill L coiulc go for a, ride. Tom ran c o ild4get it to start. Theu she said: 'the motor. and- awav we ivent to Winî- \Vhat wvilI I do? 1 have a roast in netka and *therr turned and wveni fur- t1îe ovenl and 1 have to hurrv home.". ther ont intothe lake. When we got Hesd. back mnv brother said hie cotuld not. see "W'lPusil it, up to the crband uis. Tien m-rv brather lhad. a ride. Tom theni voit cati calt a" evceManu to sai(l I was the first onie to ride ini bis Ibrinig- yotsorne gas." boat anîd the first timte lie biad takeu ' Mothier lookedat lier gas tànik and anivone Ont 'iluif.. she gasped. Vrien she said. It %vas gctti 'ng Iat.e -5 iewe rvet honme. "I ar going clow,,n,.to the l)eacli house Ve, were- very iniuch thrilled and enl- andI cal l) p ny neighbor, and have hinui joyed the niotoir boat ride.-F 1red-erick coniie and( get usi, then . wlei Dad Kaspar, Howard schiool. colites hiomlic . cair coine doîvn and. Drm asIprtn e ci cl1) and lie said lie mwould Part on Playgrounds whiil e w'e wce aitilig for îii 9:3ve 'loc sei our m i orîing M rs. ii tlier-,tried( to start the car but it 9:r0o'nconk ie takes the juniors. TIîey toih.Str. hunotirhla are giving a play namied, "The Trom IthWnk niy little 'soni put Sater iu Thuuîb) Wedinig." The seniors and in the gasoliie. because hie had a water terniediates are -iving "Hiawatlia." Th1e ctn and was puittinig water ini the. front first week .sue camie sheput us iî1t of be arandheprbabv1ut I l Othe back of theý car, too., group-s and each'.group hiad about fif Js hnteçr aet aeu teenl minutes to think, up and give a bre h aîakdny te play. r thiuik îit wîll be a: lot of' fun f4rwatiawrgadsetod in Mrs. Browni said that 'those who"didnl't ý? havea prncipl prt ii on pla vol at shie thougbt. Then lie said: hav a rinipl prt n oe laywoud 'W .ell, can't I push. the car home get oile iii another.-Kathlyn Holwýay. ladta vl aeM.Hul n clown blereP" Many New Pupils 'WiIl We tùrned 'the car around aiidý Attend Howardl Classes started off. WVe were going alon.g fine.5 At te Hwar scooltlire re. l util we camne to the railroadl trackst At te Hwardscloolther ar.oanid.dowu wenit the gates. We had a mnany niew pupils that -sôme of the. hard timie gett1ig utit> the bill but i,ýe teachers 'wil have to double up. Mrs. finally made it. Jones and -Miss Stevens will he hi- W vereei t) inip]-f .1 lllig,-wic ýtraic= * à IX % . NIJbniUVqoo u bys un viimette aveniue have meet was held at Village Green. 'Th'ey Yesterday was a big,.day for Ail ' been sitti'ug in a tree silice Tuesdav GOES TO CAMP had different rw-es and things for peo- the childreu who won ribbons in the and are- stili up, but théy have a long E linor Burpee, captain of the 'first pie' up to 15 years of age: This was track meet. Douglas Huck made thîe way to go because there is a boy in tearn in kickball at Central, left Mouday only for people who attended the play- most points for Vattrnan Park. Vatt- Wisconsin who has been up for more' julv 21 for a Girl Scout camp in Wis- grcxind for 18 days or the week *of man Park macle the most points. Vatt- than one hundred hours and is still consin. She expects to stay three or JuIy 7 to 12. Vattman received the man made 215 points, Village Green going strong. They have a very good four weeks. We wili miss ber ver highest amount of points.-Ruthi San- 1136 and Central 59 points.-.-Dorothy beginning and now for a go nig îc.-Imogene Kumn era dcrson, Central Playpound.. Davis, Vatt man Park. --Herbert Meyer, Hioward school. playground Joys of Camping Related in Story by Rayford Mann NXVlîeîîon nmv Vacation in. uorthern Michigan ive stayed -at . Ford's cam 1p te'n' day~s where we enjoyed our visit very nîuch. Everywhlere we ivent We raui ito FQrd's timberlands. ýMy >father. Mr. Mann and niyself, wvelt pike fislîing and cauglit eî.ght good sized -pIike. M_% mother and grand- mother staved at the clubhouse and took care of my lI)rothiers, Bol) aPd Ken. In back of the camp. was' a sait lick to which thedeer came down at night., Manvy times I. saw thiem witlî their fawns. The, clubhouse is, where Ford -eitertaiinei Firestone anid Edison at .iiht ..wheul they retur 'ncd..tired ouf. after a long ride. This~ camp is now owned lWv Loui J. Eppinger. for thie deer.' bea.r and w%&olf Ifhutntîing is 5l)lendi(l. Tere are also -mfaaxw trotit streains a.nd bass lakes. [n tie lake opposite the camip are tw~o beaver houses. The, beaver corne, iii everv igtcut the poplars an fily pacis fi oui the-lily stems'and eve 1ry nlighit do work onu thie.damn.-Rayfoi *d A., Manti.,Jr., Howard school. Boy Scouts, in Greece Seern to be Rough Lacis One day wvlien 1 was a Boy Scout. ini Greelce our scoiitmastcr took us to' cfamp. Thiere were abouit sixty bovs.' Tnbovs camne to mne and said: "Corne George, we can't stay around like tliis, iet's playa. gaine or som-e-7 ,Well, we started to playda-pýturiuig.. WVhen one rio-vScout .captures an-. otlier lie tics Iihi l .np. .ànd hits' Iii na d» puisheCs irno. I. was with three boys. M'e cap tured iînauv boys. but when we wvere sittiug downi five boôys came and -captured us. We start ed to fight. I Puit two boysclow&n. A. big, boy came. alotig anid. he socked mie one ini the eye. .1 .tok a"stick and bir hini on the liéad so- lie coulci do nothing to me. We tied themi up and took th.emi to camp. But ruy eye was. black.-George Collias, HIoward school.,

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