.I-rocks ol FiF MY Chiffon Prints Successfully Rout'Summer .Discomfort: And doso.with. UltimateVogue Printed chiffon -is the logical, answer to the hot-weather frock problem... and that jt: is à delightful solution, ýyou wili, agree, when you see. the c h armi ng. mode-sponsored m.odels which comprise aur.col lection at -$1 6.40. Dainty New Necklac es Are Ligkt-of- Weight ndVaried in Color The lovely necklace of crystal-and-wblaick.- shown abave, is one of a wide and- interestinrg assortment at this priceé. Coose from vryn lengths and colors to blend'or contrast wilh, your Summer costumes. Costume Jewelry-First Floorý c Above, LAft Uoon a orour of ,black. vari-c Bags of Black Faille: Interestittgly C<omplement t'he Frock -of Chiffon, at and trend of the mode in interpretations. New Appaiel. Shops-Second. Floor smaort viduaI heels, sizes 81/2 ta 101/. Oa'hers, $1.6~5 and $2.50, Pair Wieboldt's-Evanston--For Hoâiery-First Floor I i ý6.40