Rates-15. cents a. lin. 1ln one0 iaper. 25 cents a line ln. any two papers. 30 cents a line In ail three papers. MIN!IMUM CHARGWE 0 cents. Average of five worde to the Uine. No black face type used. 10% discounit on ail cash with. order advertlsemente when brought to our offie at 1232 Central Ave., Wilplette, or 561 I rncoin Ave., Wi.nnetka.ý Deàdlglne for insertios- fclsied advertlsemnents wll be for ,ýe,.WILI2ETTE LIFE ôr ail three papers; Thursday 5 o'cloek for the WINNETKA TALK and Frlday 5 o'clock .for the GLENCOE NEWS7 Telephones: Willniette 4300 or Wlntietka. 2000-2001. >TOSFOX SAILE Fiiishecl in MlbIerrv rMaroon Motor, Tires. and Paint iii Perf ect Condition Eq.uipped with large trunk and L1orrainie spot llght. Anl Excellent BEuy at $1,5W0 TIS CAR IS ON DISPLAY AT Authorized Ford Dealers 1234 MORSE AVE. IRIARGATE 4100 OPEN EVENIN(xS AND SUNDAYS ILTN44-Itc 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE. ENGINE and ttres perfect. Ail wanted accessor- les. $150. Wlnnetka 1596. lLTN44-lte ELGIN 6 5-PASSENGER SEDAN. VERY gcod cond. Very cheap. Wlnnetka 2750. ILTN44-ltp PRICE AND CONDITIO N ALL IN ONE PACKAGE 1923 Nash'converttble coupe-m....... $49.5 1928 Nash, 7 pass. sedan, 6, wlre wheels............... .........$1 (guaranteed overhauled throughout), 2 HUPMOBILE SEDANS Elther 6 or 8 for only $295 2 BUICKS Late .1927 sedan for $450 1926 coach, $150 - 7: BUSINESS SERLVICE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AND ARTISTIC. DECORATING. SCARL FRANICELL 1506 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilwette 3104 7LTN2O-tf FOR SALE - HARDY PERENNIALS and shrubs. Also expert gardenng- Rock gardens a speclaltyr. Ph. Wln- netka 329. 11LTN34-tfp TRES TAKEN DOWVN AND CUT up) for, firewood. Call Wlnnetka 1793. 1ILTN21-tfc 12 INSTRUCTION PIANIST, FOREIGN TRAININGI. Pupîls special rates. Ph. Willmette 204 mornings except Wed. and Sat. Bernice Viole, 1105 Lake Ave., Wilmette.'. 12L43-12tp 21 PETS SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPIES Sire; Champion "Aristocrat of Avandale," Dam;' 'Bubbles of Pelican Lake."~ I3eautlful black and white yomzgsters, 1very affectionate with ehlldren, and grand pheasant and duck retrievers. 1063 .Meadow Road, 'Phone Glencoe 202. 21L44-ltc es PEB8ONAL SERVICE HAVE YOtJR GOO.D NEGATIVES ENLARGED TINTED FRAMED FOR $1.95 COM2eLETE.> OUR SPECIAL. _NORBHOR9 CAMERA SHOP* es REPi IF YOU1 Phone familles in Evanston. REVIEW copy mnus be in by 5 p. mi. on Tuesday. -Telephone Wilmette 4300 or WinneRka 2000 i Ini . vare of 2 cnizuren morniagst ilg:30. Ileferences. Wininetka .3155. 28LTN44' WANTED WIIITE G;IRL:FOR 2 WEEKS begihnnng Aug. 9th must be good cook. $20 pér wk. Write B-170, Box 40,, Wil- mette, I1I.28T4-t STENOGRAPHEII, CATHOLTC, EXP. pteferred, transp. furnighed frein Win- nietka. Mission Press, Circulation Dept. Waukeg«an, Rd., Techny,, Iii. 28LTN44-ltc WANTED EXPERIENCED, FULLY Competent, TProtestant, white mnaid for general housework ln permanent place. Muet like chlldr.en and furnlsh ref. Ph. Glencoe 1218 Monday. 2LN4-t EXPERIENCIeD NURSE FOR INFA NT. $18 per week. Wlnnetka 1534. 28L44-ltp 31 SIT. WTD.-FEMALE KINDERGARTEN TEACHER. WILL care for chlldren by hour, day, or week. wI1#ette 5037- .31LTN44-tp- WANTED LAUNDRY TO TAXE HOME WilI go out by the day. Plh. Wilmette 210. 3ILTN44-2tp WANTED POSITION - !1AID, OR, mothers. helper, sewing. and niendinrg. Fond of chlldren. Ph. Wllmette 911-J. 31L44-Itp COL. MAID, WILLING TO LEAVE 1town.. Wlnn. Refer. Capital M240. 31LTN44-ltp MOTHERS HELPER, ALSO WILL CARE for children., Wilmette 2430. 31LTN44-ltp NORWEGIAN, WILL COOK ONI..Y OR very llght housework by day or week. Sewlng. Ph. Greenleaf 4458., 31LTN44-ltp MIDDLE AGED COL. WOMAN WANTS situation by the week. Good cook, lneats,' pastries and serving ,a speclalty. Wil- mette ref. Ph. Douglas 5064. 3lL44-Ite HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, AS MOTHERS helper by-the hour, day or week. Wi- mette 4274. 31LTN44-lte *WANTED DAY WORK MONS.. AND -Tues. perm. Ref. Wllmette 2832. 31LTN44-Itp COL. WOMAN, COOKING AND DOWN- stairs work. Stay nlghta or go home. References. Atlantic '1460. 31LTN44-ltp will give rer. Phf. Wilmette 240 14-ltc 1T441t USE- GRADUATE NURSE WITH PLEASAINT .714 home. cares for convalescent or elderly 4ltp people. Ph. Wllmette 4299.. AIN- 31LTN44-tfc 9 tO EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS 5. day wvork,.- hand irontng or 'cleanl.ng. 41tp Ph. Wllmette 3509. 31LTN43-tfp YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN WITH- child 4 yrs. old,, wants place as, bouse- keeper. Good 'local ref.. Winnietka 1831. 31LTN44-ltp HALF DAY OR WHOLE DAY WORKÇ by comp. col. maid, good worker. Local tet. Glencoe 1441. 31LTN44-1 tp EXPERTENCED WHITE LAUNDRESS wants any klnd of day work. Ph. Wil- mette 1913. 31LTN44-îtc WTD: WASHING & IRONING 1170 take home. Will caîl and del. Ph., Wilmette 3246. 3ILTN%44-ltc SEWING IN YOUR HOME OR MINE--, Summer rates, good refs. Greenleaf.2147. 31LTN44r2tp WASH., IRON., DAY-WORK. S$ERV- lng, care of children. Cail Wilmette 4971. 31LT44-ltp WELL FTJRN., nM.' NR. TRANSP. Priv. bath, gar, Ph. Winn. '1543. .1 31LTN44-1 tc 32 SIT. WTD.- MALE WA NTED -. ARDENING, LAWNS & general work. Aiso window. washing. Ph. Wllmette 2345; 2T4-t SIT. WTD.-EXP. GARDENER, HOUSE- man, chauffeur, go home nights, Ger- man, best ref. Highland Pk. 3779. 1 32LTN44-Itp AS CHAUFFEUR, WHITE, MARRIED. Age 30 years. Able t-o do decorating and painting. Glencoe 1653. 32L'1NL44-ltp SOUTHERN GERMAN MAN WOULD like plastering, painting, kalsojmiIing, cernent work or any klnd of house- work. .Lincoln 6554. 32LTN44-ltp DOWNSPOUTS AND STORM SEWERS and other repaire. 377 Provident Ave. Ph. -W.lnnetka. 1288 after 5 P. m. 32LTN31-tfc CHAUFFEUR, 18 YBARS' EXPER. Single. . White. Will do éther. work around house. Good ref-. Oison, 617 .York place. Chicago. 32L44-ltp GARDENER'S H E L P E R WlSt1ESý work by day or week. Ref. George Stark, 40 Washington 'rd., Lake Forest.. netka I738. - ROOM K11'CHENETTE Api steam heat, Janitor, service, portation,. Ph. Wllmette 18 M.L2nMCAN J., ar trans- 36L30-t'fc -ý p