"~ ~ g i THE DIRECTORS asw the as. WJLL to SERVE WELL 1\LWAYS. a constructive force in *the community, First National of Wilmnette now h as added another measure of. prestige through theac knowleged lades ncommerce and finance who'have taken anacti*ve.part in itsý management. Here are adequate resources plus the power of allied interests and a wealth of..experience aýt-the disposatOf Wil--ý Mette and.,adjacent territory.I Andcoupled withthselinvaluabl fetue, iSt he will1 to serve agreeably, and well. ROBERT STODDARD Vice Pres. and Treas., Millk -Boule A. C. WOLFF ýPresident, Wolff-Griffis, hIc. THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ALBFRT E. CROSS Su pitalist, E. L. EssLEYi WmT\ N. JARNAGIIN, Prt,.stdVnt, Ct nraul .Manuiac~turing District Bank ( huî'r-nwan. ladi*sc(:n-JKel'i, Truist f3Sutings Bank L. B.- KuPPENHEIMER, Caipita!ist, A RTH11UR NMEE KER P Preidît. aodj arms Millnq Co. H. E. PORONTO T rus tee, ftnta! Manuiacturinq Di.strict PreidLnÎ, . L. RoSSET. preidctPhîitp Srate Barh £1 Trust Co. D,-%\'1)EF.SHANAHAN Bn Chairman. Central MzuaçuiqDisrict-Bn EU G NE V. R. THAYER Chairman. E.ecutiL'e Co)rnitee. Central Trust, Comýpany of Jllinoi.s FRANk L. WEBB Presiden2t, ýTerrminal National Banký I Craie Co.