REALISTIC PARIS SWIRL. EUGENE ' FREDERIC6 ARISTOCRATW Madame! Avai yourself -of this very apecial, offer at once, and 'know the Joy orf carefree. hair for nmonths to corne. VANITY BOX Pèrmnanentso are no et take care of and maey. be dressedln any- style you wlsh. W. bave a correct procesi 'for every texture of hair. Saii. 222 Carsn *L~fyÀ i 5.1141. g 4 M 636 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON S P ECIA L Mo.n., Tues., Wed. ANY 2,FOR $L Shanripoo, Marcel, Hennda' Rinse, Eyeëbrow A r*ch,, K'a c u re, "Cleenup". aFacial. Evnig UNIVERSITY 9700 M 1' of 925 Forest avenue and a party of three including Mrs. Morgan's eighty- six year old father, J. L. Stillwell of Doniphan, Mýo. He will visit the Black His again after an absence of sixty years. Mr. Stillw ell, Who was a prospectar, lived in' Deadwood when, it consisted of tents only. His brother is buried- there. The two paTties will Visit miany interesting places including Hot Springs, Sylvan Lake, and the flad .Lands. M.r. and Mrs. Arthur Ruf, 236 Cum-- no r road,* Kenilworth, have had as their guests ;Mrs. J. M. Manuel,'who, lias been here a month, and Mrs. H. G. Counsmàn, both of, Omaha. Bath Mrs. Manuel and, Mrs. Counsman âre .eturnilng tao their homes: in Omaha, Nebr., on Saturday of this week. ~r~$Join the Crowdu- andtake advaîttage of these Io wp ric.e*s Have Your Clothes, DRY -CLEANED'., MEN' S ,SU ITS and, TOPCOATS ;d..... cago- Daily News tournam-ent held in a Chicago park, and at the saine timie qualified for the National taurnament to be held in Chicago Septemnbér 27. ,Having previously qualified for the, Chicago finals, Young Simonds eln tered the singles contest but. was- eliminated along with Merl Brewer,. 2907, North Lincoln street, by the. contestant, who won the singles' tournament.. Mr-., Brewer's partner in the.doubles tourna- ment was-forced ta drop out sa. the. two team.ed tgether in the- doubles'and won the championship, defeating the win- lier of the singles champion- and bhis partner, jncidentally. Medals and other awards are ta be. made to the winners at the Chicago' Dailyý News building tomarrow. This victory qualifies the doubles champions ta compete in the National Hlorseshae* pitching 'tournaniient. which is ta. be held in Chicago in Septermber. Adding ta bhis Chicago victory, Si- niands pitched, his wtiay ta the top of the list in the local singles horseshoe tournarnent started by the Playground- and Recreàtion Board last week, during the first week of play. He bias a. total of 78 points while his nearest opponent lias 67 points after fifty>Ëhoe.s pitched., Each player in Ilthe local , tournanient will pitch 100 shoes and theni thé eight leaders will be placed in anc- grou p, ta play each other one fifty-poinit gam'e. Thetotal score at the finish i11 count, Dudley C. Stone, recreation i staff. as- sistant in charge of the tournamx-ent explains. Other contestants who have.entered th~e tournamlent and played. the first gamies. are: Fred Radner, 60 points, Tai Thursby, 58 ponts,. Emil Salzmnan, 15, points, Lowell Podd, 55 points, Bob Blasdell, 52 points, Fred Proclinow, 46. points, Ed Cramer, .44 points, Ralph, Klinge, 40 points, Mark Simnonds 11,.,.4 poinit:, AI Strabs,' 25, points, V ictor Deinlein, '23 points. -John Schmidt, Herbert Marquardt, Will' Marquardt,. are.entered in the tournamhent,*but have nat play3ed their first games. Builci New Racetrack Near Glenview Villàge 'Ç / Greenleaf 37 Plant-WAUKEGAN & WEBSTER. AVJES., HIGHWQOD,. ILL. Ph one Highland -Park $110 construction engneer. The' ternparary board af governors includes many, praminent Chicagoans. Mr. and Mrs. G.1 B. C handier and Miss Faith Chandler are. driving [rom Calumbuse Ohia to spend a weekwith MÉ. and, Mrs.. Charles. Sànford Clarke, 526 Washington: avenue. w Main Office&