Dr. Martin H. Bickhain of Wilmiette, widely known social science m-orker, re cently gave an unusually interesting and timiely lecture at the University of Ill1inois in which he portrayed' the hu- man side of unempioyment.. The ogre of unemiploymie nt -that causes men to want to, lean he.aviIy upon others, deprives them *-Of their self-respect, and tears every bit of self- confidence out of their personality w~as. Dr. Bickham's subject inatter. Ex-. tracts froni the lecture -as. reprinted from the Daily Illini, folioN: "As. long as the principal canon of Anierican dernocracy is. that of sef- maintenance, we shall always have this problern of the loss. of something in, persoônality coming out of unemploy- ment crisis. Faîl la Hard "Uniemployment weakens capacity. for self-support, thereby, breaking down self -maintenance. The drive for. sezurity then 'becomes a Prini pal, factor. Proud men learn to lean on' sonmeone else when they can't break the. wall of unemnploymient.-; ch;arity organizations..h ecomne over- loaded; that's the weakening process. "Man's desire for recognition. in group and persona1 relationships, his position as provides for thé f arily, 21.1 mnake for the great tumible Jhat ii self-respect takes when hIs inability to get,,Nor'k sho-ws up. Soinetimies hie wll * be driveîî to the life of a "1)o" or tran- sient worker 1w a nagging wife an 'd in- * laws., Many of these workers 'who range froni the wheat fields of Kansa.- to the sniow-shoNveling jobs. in the metropolitan areasare intelligent, often colleg-e-educated men, but who have bren beaten bv this faîl in self-respect. Step Backward Ulnability of self-mnai ntenance is a step back.ward in *mian's relation t0 society;- loss of .s-elf-respect is a back- ward movenent i his relations, with. the gropps around him; but the great- est of aIl is the lack.of self-confidence, which is in ttheý nature of' a man's rela- tion with bis personiality," Dr. Bickhanx *pointed out. -"Llnemployinent causes a stead.y de- Ji i iereis geei c Uirp I i1ÇL A iev al alonig the line. 'ILt gives the conmmunist a g.reat op)eniig." Dr. .Bickhain said. "I h ave letters fromn illiterate honest nmen 'at- t-,cking the capitalist syste.m in a brul- lianiit' logical argument, such seeds do these timnes 50w." Wben asked by oie., of his audience 'vhat wak the "underlying cause of the présent situation, Dr. Bickham did flot g ive a definite answer, but referred to the "disýlocation of. wodrld markets by the World War an.id-its aftermaàth as, a leading contributory cau*se.", CHRISTIAN SCIENCE- SERVICE "'Spirit" will, be the, subject at the services -of the First Church of Christ, Scietitist, in Wilmette :Suniday nîorný ing, August 10, ýat Il o'clock. Sunday school convenes at .9 45 o'clock. THE, INSTALLED COMPLETE As Iow as. $39,5.O With 275 gal. tank Evanston Show Roôom -60SHERMAN AVE. Greenleaf 4t21-0700 Ol L is. the: best, because it is quieter, cl eaner and* more econo mical than other burhers. Hlubbard Woods Sbow Room 900 LINDEN AVE. Winfietka 6 50 dSPECIAL for AUGýUS.T + 6x8 der n e *pie, -and pointed out the fact that it the negroes weren't so brotherly among c ach other, Chicago wouldbe " a black heil-hole" because of conditions that would exist. "The crisis presses other niembers of * the fainily out into the econoniic wr<,as young boys apd women can 1 %-If 1 i -J1, %. * 1%. % am 1 %e a At -the Lake between WILMETTE ,nd KENILWORTH Tlephone Wilmette,650 mmmýý