Tp.~ We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinisbing roe7~Hair Mattesses, and 'Springs Made to Ord, H. G.LINDWALL Higbest Grade Upholsterilng 08Oak Street Esta'blîihed 1895 .Ph. Winnetka 145 T irst Chureh.of Christ Sien tst Tentb, Street 'and'Central Avenue wilmnette, Ill. SUNDAY' SERVICES -xiL A. M4. WEDNESDAY -TESTIMONIAL MEETING - 8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES - 9:45 A. M. AUGUST 17, .1930 Subject: SOUL REAINGROO -150~ Wiltnte Ave., First National Banuk Bidg Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. te 6 P. M. i Wednesdayg A M. tO 7-:45 P. M.; Saturday 9 A. M. t0 9 P. M. The Bible and, Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ai! other. autborized 'Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed.or puarcbased at the - Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE" CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING Room 1208 Central Ave. Phones: Wilmette 131 and 190 For More Than Forty Yeara in JNaples wnen the recent earmnquaice hit that city. The building. a miodern onxe of niarbie, steel, and concrete, rocked and swayed fourteen inches. The elevator was stopped, forcing danc'ers in the balirooinion the sixth- floorto walk down five floors of.stairs. Mfr,, and Mrs. Rice mrent abroad june to attend a- worid powcr conference in Berlin as a representa- tive of the Amnericanr Societyý.of Me- chanical, Engineers. They. traveled througlh Germany, Sw,%itzerlaiid, and Italy., Mr. and Mrs."Carl J. Nylund and son-, Melvini, of 1034 Fore-.t, ave nue, re- turned iast Saturday froin a iotor tnup through Canada and thec casterît United States.' They ýstoppc.d over for visits with friends anîd relatives ini sev- eral cihies in the 'East. They -returiwd home f rom New York Cityh ' vay of West. Point. Mr.- and Mrs. Phiiip R. Melatigton o f 925 Elmwood aveuîue aîuounce the birth of a son, John Clevuiafid NMelang- ton, on July 27. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Charies:A. Broad, 436 Tenth street, and five children returned last Saturday froiniBailey's, Harbor, \Vis, whlere they spent a mnonth. Miss GlaclYs S,,roul of Rockton. ,III.; spent two %veeks with her aunt, Mrs., 'John Clarke Baker, 347 Maple avenue. 450 according to present indications, Supt. E. L. Nygaardstated this week. There wilj be. twenty-one teachers 0on the faculty. Iiproveinents have been nmade on tlhe school buildings and grounids dur- ing the. suinier. months. A- sprinkler systern has been installed in 'the oh!. bIuildinsz. ,wlhich is not fireproof.. Many of the. roonis have been painted andl decorated. The hous e adjoining the nlew gyr - nasiurm on the south-, which *was' used for schoolrooms before the newv addi- tion %vas complet.ed, is to be equipped for housscholId-arts worl< for the upper grades. Mr. and Mrs, Jolin Clarke. Baker, 347 Maple avenue,:(Irove to Lake, Kegonsa, Wis,., last.week-end( to visit .Mrs. Baker's brother, William. E. Sproui of Rockford, IIat, bissuin- nier home. Mr.. and' Mrs. Charles *Booz. ail( famlily of Memphis, Tenn., are occupv- ing the' home of M-r. and Mrs. Nor- ton A. Booz whiie the Norton Booz famiIy is spendiing August ini the La st. 0o Miss Lotta Smith .of. Mazonîiaijie, \Vis., arrived Thufsday to spnd some- timne with lier, aunit,,Mrs. F . A. Cushing. Snîith, 431 Central ,avenue. Floyd Beeni of Kansas City, Kan,; spent twvo weeks With his aunt, Mtrs.ý G. A. Beem, .707 Iýînden àveinue, hîrigî1d a ire F.04 C*YTON STOVE1 [t-CO. DOWNTOWNr DISPLAY kO4OM: eENERAL OFFICES 151. , *Mleh. Ave. Tel. -Ra». 4951 219 E. N. Wa.ter St., Tel. Wh]. 8161. Evaugton, 1631, Sherman Ave. Huibbard W4s.,,880 Linden Avre. Groeuleaf 4480, Wfnnetka M21 Ulg1tand Parlka 858 Centrgl Ave. Pub. Service Co. of 1w.. Il. At il their offices