Tkursday, A ugust 21 'Milan Ltisk. Wihniette vioiit, re- The fifth ann al 1olsh oner Ni nithwek ftY.R9 ii cently gave an evefiii.- recital for take its place in the national concert The it ekote aia opera Queeni Marie of- Roulnania in lher stlin - series on Stinday afternoon, August 17, season xil bring the fanions fourth mer homne, Castle Pelisor. Mr. Lusk is at Ravinia park., The programi, tNhicli act of "Les Hluguenots- liv Meyerbeer, at-eetaper wi umru m xiii consist of Polish music played 1,v whiclb is to be givenl on Thursdav portant engagements abroâd.. He per- the Chicago Sympihoný Orchestra, night.- August 21. Preceding tis act sonally thanked Queen Marie for.the underthe direction of Fîric DeLamar- Mladame Elisableth Rthbberg xil gi-crecetodroflnttod hc ~ er, begins at' 3 o'clock. Seats îi n h a .recital wvitii the 'Chicago Symipbonybet conferrecl on him for*bis former opera bouse are open to ail. Madame orchestra, si.lgxnitg %orks cboôsen from apearances*before ber. t isadta na Bourskaya, ilnez-spaoo the vast musical literatuire of, ber la- li-er Ma jesty enjoyed his prograru and Ravinia Opera, companY. and. Michel tive land, Germlany. Madame Refh- onlietd1m itanuber of Wýilkotinirski, violinist, xiii be the solo- ber's ouequaitvis aulles, hr ~ autographed .photographs ini apprecir--,te.. Alexander Szczepanski, con- *terpretation ,,uperb., lier> diction in any tion of:the ýeveninig's entcrtalimient suli general. of Poland: at,,Chicago, wiIi' languagé and .especiall% il!Germanis eI)etegeto od. aslieypitre,. and tis.recital- Camle Ms Tbthe 1 encfhuder respon5se t intnierable requests maclÇifle in. the titie role,ý thatCoi's"iiar' Polonaise",; "Danc- to Lýouis'Ecksteiin. von"e Ga" i xIl he the pIrn c es.s. andi es from Mairti"- by Pa derew-ski. and .The prograni on Tbu"trsdav illîin- the restý of the 'cast inicludes1 Madame, t lePolonaise f ronm the opera "Hlaika" chude sucbi orchestral gemis-asthe over- Ciaussen, Mr. Rotblier. Mlr. Trevisan, 1) Moniuszko. Maae Bourskava ture' to *Tanntliaiser" 1w Xagner; Mfr. Cebanoveky, Mr. Xindheimi, Mr. xi-ýii si ng "Zaczarwanio Krolewiia" býy 'Dance of NXvmpis 'and. Satyrs" ly Oiir n. r Aain isPge Niexiadouîîski; "Ro-yza yMn Scbman "Cncrt alt" b' tock, andi Mr. Scott xviii Jiead tbe-ballet, and iiuszko an.ySewizkia"M.oj"' Mo and solo iitni)ers %vitli orchestra will Mr. Hasselmans will conducf. iewiadomski. Mr.ý Wilkomirski .wilf iniclude an :aria; "*Leise. 1Leise, r 1"heBree rd"wlibave ts1l "Legende" and,. "Polonaise" by Freiscbutiz" b)v XWéber: songs withi or- tihire performance this season on Wed- \Vietîa>ski. T ere ilaiso be-a group. r1testra- cotul)osed 1w JOseý.b Marx and iiesdày, August 20. witb the same cast of Polish songes sung lwv four choruses tne prelude andi"ieeto"fro-ii s 1hefore. Madame lElisabeth.,Rethbl-erg conibin.ed. under the direction of G.' ' '1Tritan anid i(le" bv Wag:iîer. Trhé nMtbe tille role, M'%ario Cbaiee as ber Chrzanlowski. conductors will le -Eric DeLamarter lover, Louis, D'Angelo a,; Kezal, aT.I. Tbe operatic offerifig for Suinday and WVilfred Pelletier. :MarekWTdeiîa Weel The nligbt will be Bîzet's "Carnien," w;thsi The fourth ac t of "'Les Huigueniots" bkilet will (lance folk dances, he.aded Madame Boufskava in' the titie rôle ly will be sunlw yan ouitstanidiing quartet 1wRt Pake andi Blake Scott. Mr. andi Edward Johnson, as Don Jose. cof prnias igl ihlv expert in the. Ha;1,selm1t1ans will conduct. c interprétationl of Frencb o, pera. Qn Thursda>', Aut *,21. is the re- "Bartered Bride" to el Madamne Yvonniie, GaI!iii bave'.the citai h Madame Rethberg. and the nthU role of Valentine: Giovanni Martinie'li fourtiiact of "Les Hntue os"ie- Be Givegai wiibeRau (le XniGnep ~îe above. Achiidren's concert S tra ,Au.1 l)Danise ill 1w Countt (ie Nevers, ai-1 villIi 1wgiveni Sthe. aftrnoon, w16 Leoni Rothier xiii siîîg the roler Of Clair Oinar Musiser an(] lusiniarimnba-- B Y R. L. P. Io Couint de St. Bris. Others ini the cast celeste featured. 1 Ollé of the greatest successes of this a L * tclude Mfarck Wiiheiin as Tavanues, on Friday season, Sinetana's s;pri,,,Iitlv "The Bar- Pe Miss Maxwvell, Miss M,\oiti-Gorsey, Mýasseulet's "MNanlonl" iillie giv-en tered Bride," wili be given-i its second sIt 'Miss Paggi, MNiss Falco, Nir. Cavatiorc. (oi Fridav niglbt, Augusit 22, thliýr timle l)resetitatioui this xveek Sat.urdav. eve- C, *Mr. Cebanov-skv. yMr. D'Angeio,' Mr. with Yvonne Gal!liin the titie role.. îvng, August 16, at Raviuiia park. -Eli sa - as Oliviero 'andi'Mr. Ainanian. Louis Ha;- \fario Chanifee xx'il sing, opposite bier' betb Rethberg and Mario Chamîee ii (le s a ns xvi co tltl ct.I l t ailis sthe f oth as t e C exalier de s; G rieux. T his xilii g i av h ' ading roles, Louis a)] act ~~~~ý(fç th t c;an t e . m u o r n ooôd o p ruii to contrast O'Aligeio and \Mare k iiu dhe'îm bave tIit aria., "Parmi les Pleurs," the ýaria for -1ff ag CeteSant.aue, Nte !ssenlet's vork ith. tbe "Manion the main conuedv roles, anti Margeryg haso "ou lesau"of* Puccini. sclieduied for Maxwell, Philine Failc{v>. Georgqe Ceban- Col ensemble nuînlber called 4'tlue consecra-' \(t(î ters ;in the, cast are Mr. o'k niPooAian.coplete t tion of teswvords." Raouil's gruppiun'r Def-rere, Mr. Rothier, Miss Maxel at The ainablltxill dance Bo- str a&ria, "Le Datî.,ger PlreNsse." and i the Faico. :Miss Paggi, Mr. Cavadore, fliian' folk n icani Ruth Pageu magnificelit. léve dutet. between 'Raotl leaos ,nd r nna.aniBaeSotxvi peri ereC aiuid X'lni ir. Hasiselmans nil c dct Intces. vr Poe uah Concl e ri t h thendy h On S turd aiv uib, A glst 23,' W hen "Tlhe 1Bartereti Bride" recCeti *m The veek wil. he in ith be ol.i h de] Tre R e" Crfie Love of its first R avinia perform ance ast xeek concert op Sunùclav afternoon, Augimt 11ee î -)xill 1*1be i wt ,1 rventl a-e.i h i 17,~~~ anr proracec 1Crn i n1 "_ ib uIFlla headine ae t)tenus of i, ad aperormace f "arnin n ',rezia Bor i in- the role'ofFiora, and cnthbusiastj~ic e h bietlas ever given f,, the. evenling, xitb Maclaine Ina Bouirs- Mr'. Widhei.anti Mr. Aain (;etin aro Papi xi!! condjuct. "arouaf" Tuesday "Marouf," the brilli1ant nxlvopera v.hicb bas 'ieen so iopular for two, seasons, xiii be given ilagain. on Tues-v day night. AUgis't 19, withî the saieî cast as beL ore1Tsi5 eans Ithat Mario Heard On Tkursday Clair Omiar' Musser, said to be the play bis famous unique inistrument, the n-a rîmba. celeste, àtthe children 's con- cert at 'Ravinia park îuext Tbursday afterniooni, Apgust 21, He wxill be ac- eompiiai,,ied af the piano l)y Miss Auna- bel Robbins. Thé. program i il be as follovs: Po.loniaisýe Brilliante., opus. 72ý ................................................ ........ ........Weber-Liszt Valse, opuis 34, no; . i....Chopin Valse in A flat major, opus 42 .. ........................................ .................... ......... Chopin Valse, opus 64, niuiber....Chopin, Caprice Espagnol (piano) . .Moszkovski Miss Robbins IV Hlungarian Concert Polka..... ............................................................Imire Alfoldy' r0 a Wild 'Rose.... Macfloxell ..ountry Garde.ns..... ... ..,Gaingf-r The inariniba-celeste xvhicb %vas cie- igned by anti built ýespeciàliiv for Mfr. Nlusser, is the lIatest -deveiopnient i ercussion instruments, andtite , out- omïe~ of over haif' a ceniturv of sci- itific experiment. Lt bas evoived frGnm hie' glockensphiel and. the 1xylophone. rhe keyboard is of special desigi, xitb 1ranige of 37 tones in txvo maiuals, niorporating .botb wood andi metal ,al- ,)y keys. Sustaineti toues, volunie,. anti uxilîary tremolo are.controlied by foot edals aniieetric excitationî. The iii rument is playe'd vith various types f rubber' naliets, anid its capabilities sa solo instrumnent are unlimitecl. The cep tories of 'the organ are, mnanifest i)( c-an, be instantl\- transformeti to ie sharp staccato, of the zymibolotn,' atiually fadfing to the delicate tonal lor of tbe barp. Mr. M.Ussér xxoi! prai se for bis in- ruinent andi bis talent. xvhen lie gave recutai at' Orchestra hall iast May. iics proclaimet iiiii a r.emarkable rtiloso anti a master of bis instru- ett. H1e is an Americani, anti he Ihe- nl bis early music carter at' the a' ) ~, ~s and De'Àyongonsnefounl nPr.agueý 1+ is bàsed on1 the life Of to b 1'Iyedà,t estval itideimand 'Anelo.' Mzart, the composer, anti'was givenj The fouirtb annualI Highland Gather- Te chorus' bas neyer seemeti so'. itst :150 years after hig death, anti in igand Scottishi Music festivali siieias' in this op'era, andi the 'sin-- the very bouse, "Bertramika," wbere he iýe1d at Banff, 'Canada, froin Atugust 29,1 ing is thriliing. Rtuth' Page, Blake Scott' residedwiehwain Prague coml- wSeptenîher .1, 'under the patrongepatîtthe ballet keep things iivey in the posing "Don Giovanni." The "er-. Of the Prince 'of Wales. The festival first andi third acts, anti in the last act tranîka" is kept ýup as a Mozart miu-. wiWloffer genus of Scottishinistrelsy, there- is a circus. It is an, opera that Éeumi by the Czechosiovak State con- Iilclu(ling dance.s anti pipers' .Jays dat- is certainly. w6 rth .seeiuîganihrng evtryaiteMortsceesf ungi back tothe early clanls. rmany times.( the world.