Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1930, p. 42

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Genetal NotiCe_. ssfe adrismnts will be chargd onl to rsidets o thedistrict froin EvanOtOn t Olenco.hIclusive whoe naines appear ln the telephone directory, or who are roplar subscribers toelether WILMETTE LIP9 WINNETKA TAISE or Ra "5cet a lninh one paper. 25 cents a lino in any two. paPors. eg3 0 cttialino in ail three paperg. NI UM CHARGE 60 cents. Average of tire werrde te the lino. No black face type used. 10% discount on..ail cash wlth order advritiueientta when,,brouqht to our offie S t:18312 Central Ave., Wilihette, or 561 Uàncohi Av#e., WlnnètkS.. Déaea4ine fi 1gerC nif adveitisemnents will be se- the. WILMETTE LIFE or ail three pêpers; Thursday 5 o'clock >for the WINNETICA TALK and Frlday 5 ociock, for, the, GLENCON NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or. Winnetka, 2000-2001. i AUTOS FOB tSALE 1925 FORD) COUPE. GOOD STUDENT'9a car. Good condition. Very reasoniable. Sullivan, 905 .Burr ave., Hubbard Woods. 1LTN15-ltp AUTO FOR SALE-OVERLAND SEDAN, 1927 model. Englue in -goopd condition. 5 good tires. Dise wheels. Best offe'r, takes IL Phone Winnetka 2950. LNît MARMON COUPE MARLMON ROOSEVELT. BRALND NEW. 25 per cent^ discount for quick sale. KELLOGG MOTOR CO. 1315 Sherman Ave,. ,Univer.RItv 0782 ILTN15-ltc LATE NsrISDAN,. IWIT-H .6 WIRE wbeels in fender wells. Exceptionally good niechanical condition at a sacrifie price. of $675. Other cars frQrn $35 to $900. EVANSTON NASH CO. D. K. VOGEDINOý', PRES. 1735 Benson Ave., Cor. Clark St. 1033 Davis St., Cor. Oak. 2 AIUTOS-WANTED TO »TJY SM.,ALL USED CAR, A-i CONDITION. Prefer Pord coupe or convertible, 192 ,9 year. Phone W'heelinig 92-J-2. 2LTNi5-Itp 7 BUSINESS SERVICE 21 PETS FOR SALEr-PEDIGREED REýD CHOW roiHoover Kennels, splendid petfor blde.Glenlcoe 846., 21LTN15-ltp 23 PERSONAL SERVICE HAVE'YOUR GOOD NEGATIVES ENLARGED) TINTIFID( FRAMrED PÈ F-OR $1.95 COM1ýPLETIE. OUR SPECIAL NORSHORE CAMERA SHOP 1145 Greenleaf 'Ave. 23Ll54tfe 25 REPAIRING AN» REFINISHING IF YOU NEED A CARPENTER, TFELE- phone Carl Bengston! He' does all kinds ot carpenter work and repairing. Winn. 2480. 25LTN15-tfe 27 WATCJIES IN THESE MODERN DAYS MODERN GIFTS ARE IN ORDER- new principies, smart designs ln our present select ion of watches and clocks. *Whatever your 'demand, costiýy or. in- expensive, ire can show you just the thing at any price you wlsh to pay. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER '1165 Wllmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6 27LTN15-tfc os HELP WANTED-FEMALE STE-NOGRA PHER WITUI SOME EX- periýiee luý statistical work, public util- ity or muLnicipal experience preferred but flot necessary. Address.B-191, Box 40, Wilmette,111. $T1-t GIRLS-WHITE ONLY If you are experienced and .have refer- ences, we. bave a position for you..18 position.s open. for general houseworki WANTED SALESMEN TO SELII THE WELL KNOWN LINE of Hudson-Essex cars. Experlence not necessary. Wilits Hudson-Essex, Inc. Linden & Merrill Sts. H-ubbard Woods Phone Winiletka 129. «I@ LOANS ANI) INVESTMENTS M;ORTGAGE LOANS QUICKLY MADE. Ph. Wlimette. 772 or flandolph 9029. 16LTN15-ltc 31 SITUATION WANTED - FEMAILE -nOMAN WANTS DAY WORK, 0F ANTY kind. Ph. Wllmette 2997. 3lLTN15-îtc EXP. COOKCATERER OR GENERALJ Hswk. Colored. N. S. references. Ph. Drexel 2130. 31L15-ltp IXPERIENCED ,SWVEDISH WOMAN wants laundry work to take home, will cal! and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 647. 3lL15-2tp. PÂULTNES EMP. AGnNC-Y 746 ELM ST. PH. WINNETKA 2662 -Free hi -employer. We speapte ln white, domestlc bel». Applicants regIstered at this office have reference as to char- acter and abillty to performn such dut1er as applled for. May 'we asslst ln se- curlng that particular kind of hplp fnr. you. LTI-f A-i CATERER WILL COOK AND serve dinners, cheap. Greenleaf 7l10. IILT15-îtp WýNANTED WASHING AND CLIEANING by day. Pli. Wilmiette 1890. 31LT15-ltp Eý'XP. 'COOXING, SERVINCI CLE AN- ing, or laundry work by the day. CaIl 'Winnetlca 576 after 5 p. 'in. 31LTN15-ltp MIDDLE AG1ED COI4ORED WOMAN woul diike gen. .hswk. in smali fami.ty. Fond of children. Ref. Univ. 10257. 31LTN15-ltp REFINED WOMýAN,' TRAINED AND. experie.uced infants' or children's nurse. Reference. Write B3-185, Box 40, WiI- mette, 1Iii.3ILTN15-tfc GRADUAT1E NURSE WITII PLEASAÎNT, home cares for. convalescent or- elderly people. Ph. WVilmette 4M9. 31LTNI5-tfc RESIDENTIAL SECRiETARIAL Wt Miss Edithi Thuringer, Ph. W\%Il] .3251. '31M LATTNDRY AND CLEANING. WH ~F l-t week. -Paullne's agency. w innetka 266Z 31LTN15-ltc CENTER ST.. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 522 Center St. Next to village Hall. MAY W#E ASSIST YOU IN. SECURING the hlghest grade Of, DomestlC help. References assu'red. FREE TO EMPLOYERS PHONE. WINNETKA 604 31LTN15-ltc RELIABLE WOMAN FOR GEN. 1-SWIC. Part tume.or whole days. Ph. Douglas 6241. 31LTN15-ltp EXPERIENCED WO MA N WANTS iaundry work, will get dinnerg evenlngs. Referenees. Ph. University 2580. 31LT15-ltp 32 SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE YOUNG MAN, COL., FOR BUTLER and housemnan. Ref.,Kenwo)od 0687. 32LTN15-ltp .WANTED - GARDENIING, LAWNS & generai work. Also wind'ow washlflg, Ph. Wilmette 2345. '32LTN4$-ItP DOWNSPO1UTS AND STORM SEWERS and other -repairs. 377 Providelit Aver. Ph. Wjnnetka. 1288 after 5 p. m. 32LTN15-tfb, MARR1ED.MAN, TEN YEARS. EXP. AS gardener,chuer and inechanlic. Best of ref. Phone Winnetka 35.71. 32LTN415-ltP 33 SIT. WTD.-MNALE AND FEÏNALE COLORED COUPLE WANTS POS. Both eook. N. S. ref. Gleneoe 1557. 33LTN1Sltp COL. COUPLE, CHAUFFEUR-BUTLER, and gen. work; good cook. Refers. Tel. ,Wentworth 6128.. 33LTN15-ltp FREE TO EMPLOYERS-HIG HGCRADÈý help, ref. positively investigated. Ask your. nelghbor. Lee Empioymefit Ageney, 1631 Benson Ave., Evanston. Davis 8116. .33LTN15-Itp 34BAR BOM WANTED A !DESIRABLE, HOME IN private family,, Wilimette, for boy 12 years, of -good standing, $60 per month., ,Write B-192, Box 40, WVilm-ette, Ti. Z4L15-1tp 36 FOR ýRENT-APARTMXENTS, ROOMS AND BATH, HEATED. 1ST door, 2nd floor. Ph. Wilmnette'2165 36L15-lte Cal plete EVANSTON A PA RTM \1E NTS r have us~ send you our com- ist of apartments or houses. This Office wiII accept classified advertising to be run 1 in TH~E EVANSTON REview,- reacing over 17000 families, in Evanston. REVIEW copy must~ be in by 5p. m., on Tùesday. Teléphone Wlmette 4300 or Winneqka 2Û00i 1 t, o vv a ..,,nu.. F1RST CLASS COOK< AND SECOND FRANCES J. WINSCOTT mald, Gernian, -want position togetheY. Real Estate Best ref. Pauline's agency, Wlnnetka £,02 Spruce St. Wlnnetka 1267. 2662. 21LTN15-ltc 38LTN48-1te WHITE WOMAN WANTS GEN. HSWKC .'6 ROOM BUNGALOW,: SCREENED and coeking. Ph. Belmont 5984. porch, fiee yard. 1010 Ash, Wihnetkia. 3ILT1-ltp 38LTN16-ltp 1' 1506 Wilm

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