WINNETKA SUBLEASE B3EAUTIFUL HOMtE 0F'SPANISII DE- slgn wlth an unusually spà.cious in- terior. 1% acres of landsca.ped and gardened grounds. Garage for 2 care. Willling 'to sacrifice. For, details and appointmeflt cal BAIRD & WARNER 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 38LTN15ttc FOJR RENT . HOUSE AND FU- yoonm apa rtnîent, furnished if aesired. Phone 1183. 38L47-ltc ATTRACTIV E 5 .RMS. & GAR. LIVr. 1R1 15_x 30. Sub *porch; decorated. Prots. pùreferred. Winnetka. 1630. 38LTN48-ltcl GLENCOE, 690 GREENWOOD AVE. furnished or unfurnished 8. roomks,. 4 bdrmis., 2 baths, H. W. ht., oi u humer, large lot,ý convénient to transp. and su~ho6Is, 2 or3 year lease. Ph. Glen- Coe 561.38T1-t i I R. . HTD). AP>T. 193î WILMETTE A VE. 4,j . l.Also 16 nu. house, sun ,pei., Wac fleat. Lit.1,UQà Chapel Court. 2Sortli- 7CkHEFR-FUL HOQMS A,11) . 1'.(44 *chanibers, 1 bath) 2 car garage ; dcvî woo)4d!d lot $115. Seil like rein or trade for iniconxi. inspect. 1220 La-ke Ave., WVilànette. Best E. lease or buy oh N. S.,Ph. owner Edgewater 0028. 38L15-ltp 1 t R EN.T:PRACT. NX EZNGLISH brick homie;, î nus. ; 4 bed ris;2 col- ored tile baths ; screened porch ; breaik- f ast iiok ; atteched gar oïl heatt elet.jef ;gas range; iiolemlu kitchen ; attractive curtain br-aeets and. ,oiii driipes; 1443 Edigewood Latt, Winiietka, open :Sat. P. M. and Suiiday o Eeclusive 2Agenits, SMIT 11ýH & GOSS, INC. 725 Elnii St. Ph. Winnutka 14'2 38LTN NE -ER BFORE. * HAVE ýWE BEEN- ABLE TO SHOW F01: vent, so înany choice' North ,,Shoré hojjiesý. Fromn Wilinette to 'Highland Park we have listed houses of froi.) five to fi! teen rooras at rentais -frini * one.. hundred to six hundred per mfontii. Onie would. be proud to be a tenant In one of theru. QUIN bAN & TYSON, Imc. Wininetka 2198. 714 Elm ýSt. .38LTN15-ltc Buyer and Seller have found the Want-Ad' of WILETTE LIFE of inest i mable value. Many àa deal ýinvolving bundreds of dollars, bas been. the resuit of, à Classified ad whi cosCt but a few cents. Classfied ads will be accepted every evenng until 9. lé PHONE WU.LMETTE.4300 Wednesday, befor. 9 P. M. for th*, 1Current .Issu.e Il - Al TOiL R ENT-RO 03S TWO L 1 G H T-HSEKEEPING IRMS. near tr-ausp. 'for enp. couple. If 1 or 2 children, could arrange for care durtflg daýy at ies charge. 'Wilniette 1913. 41LTN15-ltp LARGE RM. TWIN BEDS. ALBO RM.- suitable for couple or single person. Al eOnV-. Milnîette 3587. 41Ll5-tfc PLEASANT ROOM FURIN. OR UNFURN. Running witter. Opens otito. large poroti. Conv. biusiness., section and aIl transp. Referencvs. Ph. .Wýilmette 204. 41L15ltp 42 FOR RE-NT-STORES & OFFICES Glencoe 'State Baik çBldg. IX14 SUITES 0F 1-2 OR 3 ROMS, SUIT- able for Doctor, Dentlst, Architeet or ami business requi:ring office spae; Lo)w rent. . 42LT15-tfe 46 FOR SALE-RIOUSES REDUCED $5,500 S E V E N-ROOM ENGLISII BRICK bouse, 4 bedrms., 2 tiled baths; hot water heat; 2-car garage, attached. Consiclered the beat buy in this type at this price. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 71 Eli.St-Winnetka 2198 16 FOR SALE-HOUSES ATTRACTIVES8 ROOM RESI- dence conveniently located. H. W. hit. with gas burning. boiler, recreatlon room, in basement, modern tiled bath,> double garaee, excellent con- dition' throughout. Remarkable value at $16,600 or will rent at $125 per mo. REALTORS 340 Linden Avé. Wilmette 68 461.15-ltc BY OWNER. 7 ROQM BRICK HOME. 2 baths. 2 fireplâces. Large, heated suin-room. Hot water heat. 80-foot front or more, with. numerous trees on lot. [n Highland Park. Phone Highland Park 1111.1.46LTN15-ltp AN UNUSUAL VALUE YOU CA, SAVE $6,000 BY BUYING this beautiful 7 rm. brick, and atone. res . Spaclous lst fI. plan, 4 large bdrmse., 2 colored tile baths on 2nd fl. Attached garage. Spuice for recreation room In basem)ent, ex. lav., large lot with room for tennis court. Close to schools. 8 minutesi walk to -station. Re- cash and L7tUad. Walter P. Sniith & Co. .REALTORS 337ý Park Ave. :Gleneoe 708 48LTN1-tc tARIINGTON 140 ACRES NORTH WEST IIIGHWAY- Woods, fed creeki good frontage and buildings, aà.goigfarrm. ALSO 5 TO 40 ACRE TRACTS. VACANT and lmproved. Very best locations. .TOWERING HILLS, MAJESTliC WOOD- land, singing- brooks, charmning. ravInes. PRICES TO CLOSE OUT. QUINLAN &TYSON, Imc. Fountain Square Unlversity 2600 48LTN15-ltc el ANITIQVES 25% I,.Reduiction ON ANTIQUE FURNITURE AT LINDWALLS, 808 Oak St. Winne1tk 64LTN15-2tc ANTIQUE FABRICS. TAPESTRIES. china. French Provincial furniture. YVONNE SOHN 823 Wýashington, Evanston GrIf. 692 64LTN15-tfc Always in Perfect Taste THE CHOICE 0F' SILVER, ARTISTIC- alIy destgned, antique period patternP, superior by virtue of its beauty, worth and performance. Odd pleces restored to -original finish.. 1W5 Wflmette WINDSOR VERANI grey velvet riag, 1 bose, ladder umbri 1622 Sherwln Ave., LCHAIRS, 8150,ý i.Garden tooloi a stand. Apt. 1, ogers Park. 65Ll5-ltpy LARG E OAK BUFFnT.$10.' COMBINA-- tdon stove in good ýconditions $35. Ph. Wilmette 2130. 65LTN15-ltp' LARGE UPHFOLsTE.«.DAVENPQRT, black walnut set practically new, oalk living room set, antique. Ph. Wil. 2411, 65LTN15-ltWp roonms, steam hàeated, hot or cold watei'. 4lLl5-ttC LARGE ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 IN FR1- vate east side home. Wr. transp. Ph.' Wilmette 385 after 6 p. m. 41L5-te NICE- LARGE FURNISHED ROOM 1507 Washington Ave. Ph. Wllmette 4254. 41,15ltp CLEAN, WIELL FURNISHE D FRONT room, near ail transp. CailiWîlmette 3730. >141115-1te sale. Splendid terms. Call MI5. rOIL, 47 FOR Winnetka 566. 46LTN15-ltc ______ FOR SALE GLENCOE LOTS. BY 0 7 roomn brick home; 4 bedrms., 2 batbti, and Skokle H. W. heat, gar. Built in 1928, Price land Park. under $20,000. Write B-187, Box 40, land Park 'Wilmette, Ill. 46LTN15-lte 7 ROOM HOUSE, ATTRACTIVE OUT- ÈARGAIN. 'look, near schools and stations. Wiln- lot. Write1 netka 1910. 46LTN15-lt _____________ .18. uall :A SCHOOL g W on. In High- Phone High- WANT 47LTN15-ltp sce, 80FOT NORTHi SIIORII WANTED CLIN, RTER fll.Box 409.Wilmétte. Dl. j 10. per lb. 13$CeutralAve.,'V