large their board of' directors in theÎr me 1eting held Tuésday evening of this meek. As a further movement in the bank's development under the recent negotiatiolis whereby north shore lead- ers acquired substantial holdings of its stock, the tohodrade six other men, well known and influential resi- de nts of the, community,' to the cur- rent board bringing the directorate up to a.. membership .offif.teen. The board of directors has been com- posed of: C' H. Fox,, vice-president,. Chicago Trust Company; Frank W. Ketchgm, chairmjan, Twentieth Century- Press;. E. B., Knudtson, president of thebank; C. D. Masters, vice-presdent, Calumet, National« bank; David.. Nelson,, pres- ident, Nelson Brothers Laundry com- pany; Charles F. Reinboth, -vice-pres- ident, Northern, Bank Note company; Dan G.' Stiles, treasurer, Railway Ter-' minai and Warehouse company; Rob- ert Stoddard, vice-president a'nd treas - uirer, Milk Bottle Crate company; 'A. C. Wolff, president, Wolff-Griffis, Inc. The new 'directors elected in Tuesday eveping's meeting are: 1Raymond K. Kinibeli, president, Kimbeil Trust and Savings bank; Thomas Moulding,, president, Thomas Moulding Brick Company;. Harry C. Edmonds, estate*,managemenits; Gilbert C. Scribn'er, Wiston and comipany; B. F. Lyných, vice-rpresident, H. M. Bylles- bv and comp)any;. A. N. Page, vice- presiden t and treasurer, Q. R. S.-De V ,rY corporation. AaC.Dixon , Io Honored, h Alai C Dionvice-president ofth Terminal National Bank of Chicago wa§ named by the meeting to be a *emiber of the advisory committee.for the bank,' there 'by increasing this body to eleven principals in the new man-. agenment. The advisory comîinittee is now cornposed, besides Mr. Dixon, of the.following: Albert_ E. Cross, captalist;. E., L. Essley, president and treasurer. E. L, Essley..Machinery.compàny,; William N. jarnagin, president-, Central Manu- facturing District Bank, and chairmanl of the board, Madison-Kedzie Trust and Bank; L. B. Kuppenheimer, v.ata4.t Arthutr Meeker. res- *munity. *It is our hope that this medium of expression will receive *a constantly increasing number of contributors, Nothing would please us more, in fact, than to expand this feature of. WILMETTE LiFÉ to fuit-page size--or more. Corne on, contributors! Let us hear frorn you! Don't limit .your audience to the partners at'bridge or golf , thé neighbor across the back. f encée, or the fellows on the rnorning train. Let al of ýus in on the dope Your opinion is as good as an- other's and rnay even be quite valuable. It's the f orce. ofý public opinion that spins the wheels of progress. The Public Forum affords a meaàns of expression-make use of it !- oe:Whiie it Is.flot necessary that the contributor's naine appear with the pubiished eomTniufltcatiofl, it is essentiai that we be advised of the authors identity.. Anonyràôus contribution$ are neyer pubpIished.ý -TuE EDITOR RECITAL O N SUJNDAY Chicago Seminary Leader to Preach' Roger C. Friabie Will Present an Hour of Organ Music at Wilmette at. Union Ser 'vice Méthodist* Church Auguat 1 7. Prof. Arthur C. McGiffert> of the Cicaoi theoloial semnilary. Will be Roger C. Frisbie, director of the or- (an departnment of the schooi of music at the University of Wyomiing, will give an organi recital at the Wilmette Parish Methodist church, Lake and Wilimette avenues, Sunday afternoon, August 17, at 5 o'clock. Mr. Frisbie is a graduate of the Northwestern uni- versity school of music. He is.the son c~f Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Frisbie of 1101 .Forest avenue, Wiimette. An opportunity is -to be affordedl those who attendi the recitalt:to make a' tour ofý inspecction through .the new -Methodist edifice, it is >annountlced.. Mr., Fnisbie's prograîn wiil be as foilows: Toccata and Fugue, D minor ...Bach Memories............... Dickinson Will O'The Wisp ......... .... Nevmni Minuet, fromn the Symphony ini E Fiat ..... *-. . . .......1....Mozart In Moôonlight ......... ..... Kinder jubilate Deo..>.......... 1.... . Silver Londonderry Air....... ... Colçnan l Torrliioht *March ....... ..Guiliait the preacher at the- summier union services Sunday morning, August 17, now being conducted by the First, Congregatioial church and the Wil- me tte Baptist church. The service this Sunday wilI be held in the Baptist church. The series will continue until September. During Jjly the meetings were helcl in the Congre- gational church. The service hour is 11 o'clock. HEAT VICTIM Miss Anne Hyland, 17, of 1433 HOoId avenue, Chicago, was overcome bythe 'heat at the.-Kenilworth. beac1i last en-ý day af ternoon - abot i o'clock. She, feul down- the steps. 1leading. to the beach' and was taken to the Eyaniston. hospital in the Wilmette police ambu- lance. Lhe normal ,increase is about UîIrty pupils per year, and in September, 1929, the enroliment was 1,617, according to the records at the school office. .Rooms. in. ail of the public schoo! buildings of. the village. have. bejen Eecorated since the close of school in june ý and other improvements bave been made. A drain t ile system bhas been installed at 'the cZentral schàol. playground. This, playground, former- ly unfit for use after a heavy rain,.will now. be available at ail* tîmes. ,N.ew Sboilers have been- placed in the Tenth street building. O0nly a few changes will be noted in teteaching personnel of the Wilmette schools for 'the 1930-1931 terni. The faculty will number about seventy-five. New Music Superviser A new tea:cherbasË been engaged as supervisor of music. After serving in that capacity for eighteen years Mrs. Stelia Maber'retired at.the-close of the school year last lune. Her place will be taken byi Miss Mary iMcKay, whG. has-had several y'eafs' teaching experi- ence. Miss McKav taugbt at the ele- mentary school of the University of Chicago last yearý. Miss Edith Franks, a graduate of- Northwestern university, who took practice teaching in'Wilmette last year under Miss Moore, will be here nect' month as a regular teacher. She prob- ably will have a fourth grade at the- Howard school, although the ýarrange- ment of teachers is flot yet complete.- Ariother new teacher in Wilmette wili be Miss Elizabeth Evans who bas, been teaching in Iowa. She will prob- ably be assigned to a fifth grade at the Central school. Mrs. Virginia Thompson .Delana bas resigned as lkindergarten teacher at tîhe Laurel school, and that position re- mains to be filled. At the Howard school new« second grade-and a new",sixth grade will be added for. the 1930-1931 term. One of -the older menibers of the faculty will teach the 'new 5iûcth urnde, while a new teacher will bave the second grade. ivith the titie of casiee. i-e oas nad *a wîde business and banking exioeri- ence and be en a north shore resident for several years. Mn. Chaffee. will assume his duties with the bank on next Moriday. * As announced withý the original' *(Conùtinued on pge38) greatest economy possible. Ii Une garbage is properly wrapped it will be kept drier, will burn more easily, and will requirc less fuel to burn it, Manager Oshorn explains. the alley at the rear of thei Crest apartmnents on a tricy<' ptruck, driven by J. Leeds, 5643 lia A~venue, Chicagzo, was bacl of the alley wýhen the acci( curred. The boy suifered. a right ankie and bruises about1