Phone 514 spECIAL SALIS AUG. 15 t0 AUGE 21 Frlday Thuàrsday FIVE FREE DELIVERIES DAILY Our meat -prices. have been greatly-re- duced during the past week- this is cspeçially truc ýof beef and lambcts- and the fine quality is unchainged., LAMDCHOPS Fancy loin cuts b.490 ROUND STEAK Fresh ground lbe. 3901 A...... ............5 Ibs. 270 Fancy Duchess for pie or sauce. .................. ....110 lb.. 59é: Pure cane-granulated in cloth sacks. ]ROLLED OATS ... ......... ..Pkge 9e Richelieu 3-minute oats. Nothing finer packed. 1 lb. 4 ozs. net weight.. KJDNEY BEANS ......2 ins'35e0 Richelieu red kidney beans, No. 2 tin. Especially fine for sal1ad. RASIS.......2 pkg..ë' 25e Richelieuseedless or seeéded. 1.5o. catOins. cês AR .. .......e a charity enterprise sponsoreci by the Wonian's club of Wihinettç- Mrs. Henry E Cutler, chairman. REGAINING HEAN4TH Fred Stebbins of 329 Releigh roail, Kenilworth, who, was taken ill, with pn eumonia at Yellowstone National park and has, been in:"the Presbyterian hospital since then, is repoted to have shown a. decided improvement in his condition. Miss VirginiaHicks and Betty Kaul- back of Glencoe and Miss Helen- and, Buddy Holden of -KelilWorth, chaper- oned by ýMrs,. Hicks, drovýe to Culver. nd., -over last'week-end. The girls attended the First Classman dance at the 'Acadeniy on. Friday evening. DEFLTA.H, Trade Mark Xcg. U. S. Pàt. bc. A new perf urne > beautiful arnd rare as a perfect gem. sold only Numero 7 in ThreeLopeiy Odurs Ja sm in Gardena - Mggnolaa : Presentations $135- $700 býy jewelers. .95,~I phone 510 COMMUNITY KITCHEN BREAD -ROULS -DOUGHNUTS SPECIAL ORDERS Yonr package these prices. Il ~ calte i for and delivered at LADIES' DRESSES. and. COATS $1 .00 Cleaned and Pressed A and up (PERFECTO:. 35.CLEANERS tg DYERS, îNc. Two cases of malaria have, been re- ported - on the north shore, but the source of neither of these is traceable to eitber the anopheles or quadrîmacu- latus mosquito,, the two types of mala- r;a-carryingr pests that have been found' in- this section, according to Su- perintenden't William, Edwards, of the North Shore. Mosquito -Abatement.-dis- triet. There are! ofly two. malaria breeding Places, throughout the North Shore Moe.quito AÀbatement district, Superin- tendent Edwards explains, and since these were located and'charted. nearly, years ago, they, have been con- staitly watched and treated tçi destroy al larvae.1 ,1 Oniy three mosquitoes of this t ype have ever been caught at any of the, variousflight stations. Ward Off Epidemic Had it nét been for the early dis- covery of these two headquarters for the malaria infested mosquitoes and the constant, attention which these dis- tricts have received, a t the hands of the Abaterrnent district ope .rators. there, might by quité another story :to relate. at this time, Superintendent Edwar!s explains. The Abatement district in general, is in excellent condition, ýat. this tinie, heý says, as a rtesult of cQnstant workc by a fôrce:of 38 men, including six inispec-, tors. The inspectors are, for the most part, mnedical students, engaged in this wvork during the summner vacation., They are under the direction of Prof. A. H. Meier, entimnologist f rom the, Ohio University. .The 'district, long aàô. charted in every quarter as to the location of miosquito breeding places, is now thor- odghly cared for, but the greatest source of trouble. Superintendent Ed- w,,%arls. states, is th½e great numnber of mnosquito 1reedingplaceswhich the in- spectors find throughout . the settled areas of thle district. Tiiese are in the formi of. gabage canjs, brokenAtue, etc.. and ýccnstitute -a real -menace in thé fight against mosquitoes. li. t Breedng Halantà Durinig the Week of August .4 to 9, inclusive, the inspectors located a total of eighty-nine of these places, which are listed as, follows: -Glencoe-Jugs, 5; .garbage cans, 7-1 pools, 4; tub)s,'6; fish, ponds, 2; catch basins, 1 ; roken lie, 1:- wooden bowl, 1 ; pails, 3. Winnetka-Pools, 2; barrels, 1;- fish 8 21, EMERSON STREET 1.EVANSTON Greenleaf. 0405 Bria rgate ...................... 1.1 i