locals at the Village Gireen next Sun- dày after.noon. The second garne xil be played Monday at the Evanston High school field with the Evanston .News-Index (Mason Park) attempting to take the nieasure of. the C. of C. outfit. The Sunday baittie: will be -the second in' the, cup series. Wilmnette, survived the first round when they trimmed the Bricklayers in a recent tilt. Kennedy and Robinson will perf ormi as the, home battery. The Labor Day battle is expected'to he the diamond classic of the nortli shore. It certainly hrings two of thçe strongest seùîi-proclul5s ini the viciiiityr of Chicago into action. The Evanston- ians- have just as impressive a record as the -Wilniette, nine boasts, of 'and the world knows, or should know, that thle locals have won nineteen ganles while Iosing only four during the cur- *rent season. Phillips will huri for \Vil- mette. Incidentally, Wilmette wilI be ouf to *avenge a ' pair of defeats suffered Pt the hands of the Evanston squad last season. The locals are* considerably stronger than at this time last year. The -hurlers are miore effective, the boys are hitting and fielding at a 'bet- ter clip,. and the addition of Wilson. Baird, Dugdale, Christman, and Sehroeder have, strengthened the club considerably.. Christrnan, who bas been away on business for more than a month, is expected to return in time for Monday's. pastime. The Evanston high school diamond can be reached ýby auto very easily. It is on Cburch street just west oi Dodge avenue. * IS GUEST IN WILMETTE * Ray Conger, who is considered the best distance runner in the. United *States, with Mrs. Conger, is the guest of the Dudley Stones of Wilmette ave-, -nue, during the International trick, meet this week. Mr. Conger also spent several days week before last with the Stones *while he attended the police games in Chicago, at which he was a guest of honor. Mr. Conger and Mr. Stone are fraternity brothers., to~ cý servi ve sales rooni, eof the niost in this vicint;- MrÈs., Edwar.d Mendsen, 531 Eighth street, -has a bouse guest, ber. grand- daugbter, Miss Dorothy S.* Kline of Mitnneapolis, M 1in n., who will, also visit her matern ai grandfather, Maj., Gen. Joseph B. Sanborn.. iii Chicago. their three children, Edith, Ruth, andi Robert, who have been in Germiany for the past three months, are expecting t.o return to their homne the latter part of next week,-ý Mrs. Ostermann and the children sailed on june 11, from Que- bec, Ianding at Southampton. They spent som e time in London and-Paris before. going to iGermany. Mr. Oster- marin. joined his family about three weeks ago and will return to the Uinited, States withthem. Chidrene misseaneute Adln SS.8ANNOUýNCES J3eginning -September 10 she wilI. con duct classes for beginners and ad- uvanced pupils, teahngble-ie -tap and baliroom dancing to, chil- -~-dren and aduit s at the MASONIC TEMPLE, WILMETTE REGISTRATION MAIN LOUNGE. SEPTEMBER 3-10 TO'4 Jeanette Adland Sehool of Dancing,. 845 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111. Greenleaf 3 744 Rev. and Mrs. L. M. Morse and daughter, Carol, have returned to their home at Rice Lake, Wis., after. stop- pinig en route 'to the East, te visit their brother-in-law and, sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Salter of 505 Maple avenue. SURE COMFORT FOR TORTURED F EET A MESSAGE TO FOOT SUFFEIBERS There is no need to suifer anothý&,i moment from flat aching arches Or. painful weary feet.' Ground Gripper Shoes give relief at once-and then bring your feet back to a. healthy. normal condition that assur~es life long comfort. There1 are three vital principles combined only in Ground Gripper Sbnps that auidclv briniz an end tço woric Mrs. Amios Miller of Evanston, for- merly of Kenilworth, entertained a, group of ber Kenilworth. friends at, luncheon on Wednesday,ý.- ve. , Phones: Wâinette 131 and 190 r More Than Fort y Years 1735 SHERMAN AVENUE GREENLEAF 6181 EVANSTON -