.00 DiÏnncer MONDAY, SEPTEMBER I ST Ch;ck. Soup wtb Noodies CHOICE 0F Bro!ed La. Trout with'Stio.string jPotiatoo's Roatt L.g' of Lamb *wlth Mint J.IIy Roast Chck.n with CeIery Dresting -Chicien Livere Saut. with Mushroomt BroN.ed Special Club Stak$ 1.25 Frenck Fried or,EscaItoped Potato.s Corn on Cob or New Green Béant SUic.d Tomatoos'wtk Fr.nch Dr.ssing.', Ico Cream or Sherbet and Cake' Hon.y Dew Mellon Fresh P.ach Shortcak. with Wipp.d Cr.am Appte Pie ButterscotichPie Pineappi. or, Chocolat. Sunda. Roquefott Cheese and 'Crac ers 4e Têà tAlk Iullrmtlk Iced- A WIDE VARIETY 0F A LA CARTE SERVICE. "There is no substitute for good food" LUNCHEONS 50c" DINNERS $1.W AND $-1.25 1Tea I GLDEN DAYSY By E VANSj Drawn for Wilmnette, Coal & Material Yatd I Thére'. neghin to-goodness se 'Wl LLYA àter thban savil Money. ~.1 Ih.Y%-A there's a mali, hc *Arthur. W. Friskie, Jr., 2756 Rèeese Street, Evanston,baýs- been appointed manager of the Loop agency of the Federal Life insurance company -with offices in the First National Bank build- ing, Chicago. CIVES BEACH PICNIC Miss Lorraine Briggs, daughter of # ind Mrs. J. H. Briggs, 2597 Deere wPbdrive, entertained twenty of the, Kenilworth and Wilmette .young ýpeo- pie at a beach picnic last Sundày eve- iiing on the grounds of lier home. Sup- per -was served at 7 o'clock after a dip in the lake. Miss Jean White, daughter . of M.r. and Mrs. joseph White of Sheridaii road,. Kenilworth, will return front 'Stonehili camp, Hayward Wis., on Saturday of this week. PREVENTIVE SERVICE Did you ever notice that you seldom. hear people complaining about the old fashioned toothache any more? 0f course, -when we stop and think it *over, it is easy to understand what the reason 'is. It is. due. to the preventive meastires now taken. We havÉ been educated to use a first cl ass dentifrice, and we have our dentist examine our teeth tWo or three times a year. In tjiat way. he can check in time any- .thing that rnay cause us .discomfort the evening tbh Special I 11011 I Wine 4200 car to u 's and l et us inspect it! We returneci Saturday , nÔorning f rom a will niake any- minor adjustments that montb's trip to Alaska. may be needed to avoid greater trouble * -- carg Tisc be done for a nomTinal Mrs. Julia W. Carroll of Boscawen,. chargeN. H., is visiting her son, H. C. Car- ,Motors, Service, 721 Main .Street, roll, and his farnily, of 1121 Lake ave-: Phonie Minette 2600-01.' -Adv. 'nue. wedcttng reception toiiowing at Shaw-, nee Country club. Attencting Miss Phillips will he Mrs. Edward Pfeffer of Lebanon, Ill., as niatron of honlor, and as ber brides- maids , Mrs. Laurence. Pridmiore of La Grange, Ili.. and Miss Agnes Pren- dergast of Providence, R*. I. Attend- ing .Dr. Cunninghamý will be bis brother, Dr. Leo Cunningham of Bos- ton.' The ýushers will be John Ph 'illips, a brother of tbe bride, Thonia s Cun- ningbamù, ànother brother of the groo-tobe, bo ill come here f rom Findley, Ohio, with bis parents,' Mr., and Mrs. Daniel 'Cunningham; Edward Pfeffer; and Lawrence Pridmore. The weddinig d-nner will be beld a. the North Shore Golf club on Friday evýening,, August'.29. A. party for 'Miss. Phillips and her fiancé this week was.-given. by Mrs. Colquitt Otis Ritcb of Chicago. Mrs' Ritch is the former Lorettoý Mary Janette of Kenilworth wbo was mar- ried this spring. HOME FROM TRAVELS MIrs. Claude E. Fitch of- 1033 Elni- %vwocod avenue retu>rned,,to ber borne Monday-of this week from a tbrec, wek'trip in the East with, ber daugh- ter, Miss . kebecca, sbe. motored to Frainighàm, Mass., for a visit with relatives and tthen drove to New York City to meet Miss Lillian Fitch and Miss Katherinie Moore as they disem- barked fromi a voyage abroad where they had been traveling and study- ulig. They aIl drove to Provinicetown, Mass., before leaving for Wilmette. Mrs. Fitch returned bv train and ber daughters, accomipaniied by their cou- in, Miss Virginia Merriam of Fram-, iugham*, and Miss Moore, mo10tored back. arriving Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flentye and famùilv, 919. Central avenue,. returned on Tuesday from Sawyer, Wis., where they have heen vacationing for .theý past few weeVs. Miss Marion Flenty e. who graduated f rom New Trier Higli school in Jupe, wvill leave for, Ward, il' M(vON!IA 1 j 1