A Il the Major Stars Ail the major stars of the Ravii:.- t' Opera conpany; will be beard at the closing performance of the season. which w11 hbe on Monday igh.It, Sep- temhber 1.- This announcenient-alone is.enough to iaike opera patrons cheer*, but they will :have more ca use for satisfaction 'whe'n they hear that one act .apiece from tbree of the' most fpopular operas will be. given. cabaret scene 1W' "Builler's". from. "La Rondine";- the fourtb act of "Les Huguenots."' witb its. vocal display and dramatic spirit; and the third act of "The Bartered:,Bride," wbicb has bie- corne a ,prime favorite- sincé its first performance in this part of"the court- tryý several %weeks ago:« That is a gala performance of wbich any opera bouse migbw bproud. and in giving the operas added te the repertoire ini tbe last few wieeks, -and ."La Rondine;" which basý neyer faiîed to bring a capacitv bousýe, 'Louis Eckstein has fit- tingly broughit tbe season. to a climax. Cheerful Opera "'La Rondine," needless to say. *was introduced - last seasonby. Lucrezia Boni, with a peTfect cast., It is ligbti, airs'. and for .the môast part cheerful and almost exotic. Constant repetition lias not seeme'd to dini 'this Puccinli work for opera' patrons. and uindoubt- edlv il is good liews'«, to tli that thev a re to 'bear the seco nd act on the last nighit. Edvard Johunson is again sing- fing opposite MNadamne Born as Ruggero, t he two comied>' parts of th e iaid andi the poet Nvill lie sting i)v Florence. Mac- hetb and Arnmand Tokatvan, and the resî 'of the ca'st will be coinpos-ed of Margery Mfaxweil, Ada Paggi, Philine Fco, Loulis D'Angelo, and the ballet fieaded liv Ritli.,Page and Blake Scott, GÇennaro Papi- will conduct. In marked contrast to this will lie the 'clebrated f 'urîh act of -"Les Hugue- nots," which i s said to be the greatest single act. ever .wi tten mbio an opera, for it contains every elemnent that goes I o niake operatic 'greatness. lb suin% ii h s(r of the eatire work, and . hich 'is sunig in Germiar at Ravinia, lias a love story that is vastly appeal- ing, and fun tlhat is contagious. Elisabeth Retliberg is revealed in a mnood different from that in wbich sbe. ordinarily appears, but one that proves lier to be an expert, comiedienne, and thaàt gives her mucli opportunity for dispflaying lier beautiful voice.. The opera gives -Mario Chamliee, Ywho' pîays her lover,1 Hans, a splendidly romantie part wbich demands, bis -most skillful si-nging,. and. .acting. L1ouis D'AngeIo is superbly cýast -as the' ponpous marriage broker,- and Marek, Windheim is com- pletely satisfying as- the ludicrous WenzeL. Others in the cast include Ina Bourskaya, George 'Cebanovsky, Miss Maxwell, Miss Falco and Paolo Anan- ian. One-of tbe imost pleasant features of this work is the dancing in wh.ich Miss Page and Mr. Scott are seen, lat the head of the b allet.in several of the IJoheinian folk .danices,.-Mr. Hasselmnans- Ballet Concert TIhe festive spiit marlcing the close of Ravinia's nlneteenth season will also lie mianlfested the day before, at one of the niost entertainiflg concerts of the season on Sunday afternoon, August 31. There. wil'l be a concert o! ballet music and an. uniusual, program of ballet divertissements. The concert will,:be given by the 'Chicago SYmphony orchestra, under the direction . of Erie DeLamftrter, and the ballet pro- grain will be presented by 'Miss Page. preiniere danseuse; Blake Scott, premier danseur, and the Ravinia Opera ballet. ,rhe orchestra numbers on this occasion wiIl include-Strawinsky's suite, "The Fire Bird," the ballet music from Massenet's "L Cid"; the dances froni Borodin's "Pic g.or," and Ravel's' "Bolero' *The ballet divertissements will consist r'! Mendelssohn"s "Rondo Capriccioso," dLanced l)y, Miss Page and 1%r. Scott; Surawinsky's "'Gossips,' by the' ballet; ~~Barnum n fd Baile\y," by M~iss Pageand Mlary Ani Stone; Chopln's "Revolutionary 1'tudt,." by MNr. Scot; Hlandy's "St Louis, Bluesý," by Miss Page and. ballet; De- I'u~ys "heSnow is Dancing," by Vir,ý g Inia Nugent and Barbara Warren ; Pol- dinis,'.'Peter Pan. and the Bùtterfly," by Miss Page; M-Nozart's "'Fantasifa," by M. Scott; and the polka fromn "The -Bartered Bride," bylMiss Page, M.Nr. Scott and the ballet. Puccin i's "ýTosca" w ill be the opera tic offÉring for Sunday night, August 31. 1M1adaine Gaill will have the manéme part in . this lighiy dramatie work based' on the stage play o! the same niame by."Sardou, Giovanni MartÈnelli ivlll be opposite her. Arnold Dolmetscli and lis orchestra of ancient instruments is giving bis sixth annual music festival at Hasie- mere, England. According to anl an- announcernent in the New York Times, spe cial programs will be dlevoted tù Spanish, Frenchi,.German'e Italian -and English music chos'en from rare' items wliich. Mr.. Dolmetsch bas accumulated for almnost haif aý century. "Precious old mnusi c," says the Time 1s, ranges from t he fifteenith to the eightee nth' centuries. There will be * special sessions fior Purcell, 'Iawves,. Bach, one concert. for1 var ious comn- posers, one evening devoted to festive ,music. and dantcesi of the fifteenth, six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. and, another to a sixteenth centuryý fete with music and dances.. '*The instrumentg. to',be heard wilI. include the lute, the comrplete famhily of viols-treble, tenor. alto bass (1viola da.gamba). violone (double bass viol), and lyre (a. smaller. bass with. variable tuning). In the violin family there w.511 be the treble and tenor violins, viola, violoncello and viola d'amore. The harpsichord. virginal (or ýspinet)ý the clavichord and chamber organ wil supplement these. In. the recorder, famil.y are the discant,. tenorn treble and. bass. The ýserp.ent,, oboe d'amor-e and, rebec complete the list." Story.of Huguenots, Reaches Climax In Famous FQurth Act' The draînatic story of "'Les Hugue- uîots," and opera bSr Meyerbeer, reaclies a climax in the foùrth act, which wil 1ýe. included on the fial program ôf the Ravinia Opera compan ' Monday niight, September 1. -Madame Yvonine Gail will sing the role of Valeriitiine, Giovanni Martinelli is to hé Raoul 1de Nanigis,, Guiseppe Danise will sing Comte de Neversand Leon Rothi er is the Comite de St. Bris. Before the fourth ac-t opens. Raoul, a leader. of the Huguenots, lias fallen in love with Valentine. the. daugliter of- the royalist noblenian, Comte dle St. Bris. The queen wishes them to be married in order to bring neace be- Music Festival E ight nations' will be represented in fifteen compositions to be performed iu the festival of chamber niusic nert Octobet in Chicago, which is spon- sored by Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, AIl the compositions baveé been dedi-, cated to Mrs., Cooi'dge. -According to an. announce ment in the Chicago Tribune, American compos- e rs will be Charl Ies Ma rtin Loeffler of Boston, who will cotribute a new par- tita for violin -and piano; Frederick Stock of Chicago. a new concertante for solo string quartet and orchestra of wiid, instruments; Gustav Strube of Baltimore, a sonata for cello and nianocomposed in 1926.,but played fo r the first time at the festival. England will send two comffposers, Frank Bridgé with a new piano trio, and Arnold Bax with ýanew "Legenid" for piano and viola., Germany bas, only' one representative. Paul Hindemith, ivho bias written a new piano concer-to. A whiole programn will lie devoted to Italian composers. Francesco Mal-. -pierô's "Ritrovati" for chaniber- or- chestra will have its first, performance in Americà;à, Mario Pilati sends a son- ata forý flute, and piano .,wl.hb on a prize off ered I)v Mrs. Coolidge in theý name of the Scarlatti, association of NKaples . and whicb w-ill have its first Amierican perform'anice hiere: 'Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco bias written a new string quartet. France is rep)resented by Albert' Rousell's trio for flute, viola and cello,, which -,as written in 1929. and Chia,rles Salzedo's "Preambule et Jeux" for harp. string quintet and winds. jaro- slav Kricka of Czeclîo-Slovakia, pro fes- sor at tbe Prague coniservatory, hias sevt a sonatina for- violin and, viola; Conrad l3eck represents Switzerland_ with a- new concerto for string quar- tet -and orchestra and Theodore Szanto, aa Hungarjaàn. senids a "ýChoreo- graphic Suite" for string quartet writ-. ten in 1929. Last, there will lie the third act of "The Barter ed Bride," which contains the circus, and which has the elenm.-nts of comedy and.romance comningled in e quai mneasure., This wyork was added -Lte..to the -Ravin ia repertoire and The managers of several Germaxi One of the greatest moments. of the Nu ler l b hecompan cesr. owr 'nusic schools have insfituted courses opera follows whien the swords are Ntmle illeteacmait nl-film music for students. Professor blessed, and the men leave. Raoul Paul H-indemith directs the film music cornes from his hiding place and at- love for bim, but already the massacre :orein 'the Acaderny of Music in fempbs to leave Valentine in 'order to bas liegun, and Raoul is desparate. In * erîi,î and Dr. Kurt..London -directs %varn bis own faction, but Valentine ,spite of Valentine, lit leaps from a lie film music cîass- in the. SterjnCon- debains hini, telling bim that le is rush- window intotesre eoadi *ýn 1ra6y.* 'o bis deatb. Sbe declares'-ber shot.