Catholic club of Wilinette is arranging and sponsoring for FridaN.. September 19, the first of its parties for the sea- son. It is to bc an aftertuoon bridge at the Woman's club building. The proceeds will be used for the needy Mf the>village as well as elsewhere, and the coninittee hnpes for the, coopera- ion of the villagers, to make it a suc- cess. Among other philanthropies the phil- anthropy department finances is :a bed at St. 'Vincent's orpbanage- and >, scholarship at :.Mallinckrodt High Club- menibers and others have re- sponded. generously to the appeal o1. Mrs. George E. L;udwig, the chairinian. ýand her committee, and beautifül prizes have been donated. more than enough for every table. RefreshmentNs wilbe served. The membhers of the l)hilaiitlropYr comitte.completing arrangements >for the affair .are: Mesdames 'A. H. 8arry, H. L. Barker, C. Berold, W. P. Beinminghanm, J.,. Budinger. G. Cum- fniskey, A. J. Elias, F. Fieberg. P. il. Hein, P. L.. Hillinger. B. Ianzill,, Robert Little. G. Meginnis, F. H. Mc- Adams, L. McCaffrey, IW. Miller, W. Obermeier, B. F. Patterson. J. W. Lachner, M. A. Rediin, A:* B.- Stail.. H. Schroeder. H. Schmidt, J.-H. Wal- ker, W. WVolff', M. Lynch,, -H. E., Lersch, P. J. Joyce and Miss Gertrude Stack. Emily- CIaaett to Marty Phillin Fallén Sept.. 5 Miss Emi-ly Clagett, dailghter of Mèrs. C. j. Mu'rray Clagett of 425 Lake avenue, bas chosen Fridav', Septeinber 5, 'for her m arriage to Phillip Vernon Fallén, son of Mr. and Mrs. J1. A. Fal- lén of Rogers Park.- Miss Clagget.. attended Southern seiùiatrv i Vir-_ ginia and bas been a student at th e !Evanston Academiy of. Fine.Arts., Mr. ealn. attended North weste rn. univer> sity and is, a, menber of Tau, Delt Kappa fraternîty. Amon- the nunierous. affairs' given for the bride-to-be wvas a boudoir. shnwer. zin M)v M L isb r41 oss a2 Th'weý ucsdayý o'clock. Cnapnian, jr., to Miss rzarriet, ighter of Mrs. Theodore H. Nye- Iding ccremnony occurred Wed- afternoon, August 27, at, 4 o'clock Saturday afternobn in the WiI- mette Baptist cburcb. The cereniony was performed by the Rev. C. R. Wheeland and the bride'S brother-in-law, the Rev. Theodore S. Scblundt of Navarre, Ohio. The 'bride, 'wbo Was givenl away' by ber uncle, J. A. Melone of. Rochester. Minu., wore a- long lined, close. fitting gown of ivory satin and a veil of Brus- sels, lace, worn previously by her sis- ter. Sheý carried «a-round bouquet oî white 'roses and. valley fhules. *Sbe was attended by ber sister, Mrs. Tbeodore ,S. Scblundt of Navarre, Wbo'was in a robin's. egg blue period gown of point d'esprit and a sand-colored,-picture bat of. horse-bair braj7d. Her bouquet was of talisman roses, baby's breatb, and, 1bluttélarkspur. The 'bridesmaids. who were Miss ,Marian Born and Miss Helen, Eltis of WTrilmette, Miss Vera Hoerber of Ev- aniton, .and Miss Alice Froeschle of Chicago, wore,.lavenider .point- d'esprit g owns of the sanie model, sand-colored hats, and carried bouquets of rosés. baby's breath, and purple larkspur. 1 The best mian was Norman Schu- mracher of Evaniston and the ushers were George. Drew and Loren Win- grenof Chicago, Raymond Roskins ofj Glencoe, and Wesley Perry of Racine, Wis. Mrs. Melone was ini orchid chiffon and a. close fitting orchid felt bat and MIrs. deBerard m-ore sheil pink lace with matcbing borse-hair braid bat. Botb had sboulder bouquets. of talis- mxan roses and valley tilies. The church wa s decorated %vitlh l)aInis, ferns, and great baskets of pearl gladioli, and purple liastris. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. J. A. Melone, lier son, James, and ' he' dtaughter, Fdwini Rentchier, al ofý Rochester, Minu., and Mrs. W. C. BoWers 'of Butler', N. J. Adinner for ~tbe bridaI party. and faniily was giveni at the Orring9ton'j hotel in Evanstoni after which the.1 bride and groom lef t for a motor trip tlaronghi Wisconsin and the Black Hilîs of South Dakota. They. will be at lhonie after Septeinber 6, at 914 Forest Oak Crest.apartmient hotel in lEvan- ton, formnerly a resident of Wilmette. l'le marriage ceremiony is to be per- formed Friday, September 19, at the Westinster Baptist church in. Ev- anston. êr.U 10 *l* 5 .OLCts acl*. î= c DUtfl daries for 1'the hunt will bc Dempster street, Evanston on the south; Tower road, Winnetka, on' the north; Ridge road on the west. The party wilI bc limited to tbree- h.undred, and will be divided Ïsito three pirate teamns,. known as thé White Ghosts, the Black Skulls, and the Rèd Buccaneers. Eacb team wil .be given ,sixkteen clews, sending six members after each. Assisting the entertainiment commit-. tee in arranging the tireasure h4unt and in -the sélection of. prize's are -A. R. Carman . and James, S. Ford, Jr., of Evans ton, and Mr. and Mrs; George H. Dorman of, Winette. After locat- iîng the treasure the. pirateswill return toi for a dance and the award- .i ng of prizes. The womaÙ's- bridge committee an- nounices a luncheon and pivot bridge pàrty for the first Monday ýof. each month,. beginning,.Monday, Septcxnber- 1. The followinigMonday marks the beginmng of a ten-week progressive bridge tournament. Each member wil l)e permitted to discard ber tbree low- est scores. There will be weekly and- tournament prizes. Members may bring guests to any of the tournamentý games as there will be a special ýprize for guests., The Tbursday evening,buidge. tour- nament is to start Septernber 4, run- ning for thirteen weeks., The nine. bighest scores will bc couinted. Mcm- ber anid guest prizes to be given in addition to those for tbe tournarnent. A. lobster and chicken dininer is the soecial feature of the. dinner- dance Saturdav, September 6 wben Nat lames and bis' Collegiàns will furnisbi tbe music. Dancing is. to start at 9. Miss Bernice Nvhtind. tbe "storv lady" ill relate a story,'>rhursday eve- ,ning, September 4, written 'biy the Misses Edna Dean- Baker and Clara Belle Baker of the National College Of Educationi, entitled "The Littie.Yel- loýw .Bird" alndaniother story, "Tbe 01ld Womlat Who Lived in thé Vinie- gar Bottle." .Fridav eveniing, September 12, is th-- occasion of the next junior dance. M iss jean Giardner of Milwaukee on September 2. - Miss Gardner's father is to perforni the ceremionv. Janice will return to Gulf Park college, Gulfport, Miss... September 17, cntering ber sec- nid 'year,. were arrangea, artistically DQtflat fte Charles F. Bunte' home at 508 Central avenue and at Shawnee Country club last Wednesday evening on -the occasion of the wedding of Miss Catherine Marie BuPte and Stuart Curtis Johnson of Minneapolis.. Following the service -per- f ormed by the Rev. Bernard Brady uii the Bunte resîdence at 8 -o'cl ock, the reception was held at the club. The same note of* autumn was, carried' out from the eggshell tint of the bride's gown through' the pale soft tan toi the deep gold and orangeý of ber attendants' dresses.. The bride was gowned ini satinf ash- ioned into a: period. dress ýwith long tight sîceves 'puffed at the shoulder, *with a bodice that tied in- the back with a bow, and'a long, graceful circular skirt thar f eli into a long fishi-tail train. Her- long veil of lace was formed into a:' close-fitting cap covering her hair and her bouquet. was of, gardenias and lilies- of-the-valley. Panne velvet was made. into the long evening dressesý worn ,by the attendants. The' 'brittesmaids, Miss Ailiefle Gore of Hollywood, FIa., Miss Margaret Mary Sweeney, of Evanston, and Miss Helen Pri ce of Columbus, Ohio, were in burnt orange with -gold metal cloth bows at the back ,and. sides. Their bouquets offered direct -contrast with 'their deeiv blne delphinium and Talisman roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. Howard Jobnson ,of Minneapolis, wore a gowil of gold made in straight lines and car- ried a bouquet of lighter blue deiphin-- iin and creamn colored roses. Mis-ý Jea nette Eddy of Chicago, as brides- maid, was ini a gown of light brown. witb a touchof burnt orange. Flo4verz shading froni deep burn 't orange to ligliter . sbades were in her large shower bouquet. that was. made- like those ,of -the bride, and her ,other at-, tendan.ts.ý Howard Johnson served bis brother a«s best. man and the, ushers w*ere Alvin Fnhrman and. Nus. Sasser'son o 0! Minneapolis, Tomý Palmer of -Chicago,. and Robert Bushnell of Evanston. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jobnson have tcf t on a. motor trip in Minnesota. The Iast of the affairs in honor of the bride included the open bouse Club Having Dance In celebration of the Labor. day season Wcstmoreland Countr-y club is announcing an informiai dinner dance. Saturday evening, with dinner at 7, dancing a.9.