National 4%UthOritYT On Subject Gives Views in Talk to Yale. Engineers Ilu a recent address delivered before of, graduate Yale trafficegi neers,' RoIiert- B. Dodd', atîonially knownm traffic authority, said, "'The traffic probleiini an. citv is a counulnityý problein. Qne of tbe difficulties 'in iis solutioni lias hbeeîî that each in dividual lias approacbed it fromi the standpoJiit of bi,1s own . in- terest. Trhe individual motorist tlîinks of *tratic congestion as somietlîîng tbat restricts tlhe speed at wvichi lieCal drive is car througbi the city stre ets, and.lirevelits lîim froin parking wheré lie Wishies. ,Tlhe nierclhatitbitks of traiic coLigestiôn as something whicb increases blis (lelivery costs and causes restrictions to 1)e placed on. parking, but lie objccts strenu ously« to parking regulationis w hich are dfesigned to re- lieve congestion., as lie -thitnks tbey are ikely1 to injure lus Ibusiness;. 'Élbe transportation cotnpanies know traffic congçstion in ternis of its cost M Mii- creasing nian-hours and Capital invest- ment per pas sentge r-miile or per toni- ,Mile. eTlie àeneral ý public 'attitude towatLd theý traffic -problem is oneoLiriato and criticisrni Each citizen 'lias bis. own ideas about niethods. for reliev- ing -congestion. and is proue to critic- ise the city officiaIs if these ideas are îîot immediately. accepted. These ideaso. oever. are based on personal experiences with the automobile, and are usually imipractical because thiey dIo tot take into account the inany factors w-hichi must be considered ini effecting an 'equitable solution to the probleni. New Conception of Problein "An incrçasing number oj people. are gàining a new conception di the traf- fic problem. as a* vbole,' They are be- ginani. to realize that .trafic conges- tion and its atte ndant. danger inust be paid for,. not only inÉ personal inico'n- veniience, but also in- actual dollars, throughi the increase in price 'of com-- .mo1dities due to the highi cost of trans- portation delays, and throughi increases in insurance rates due to accident is .evî*ent at nirst tiouglit. "People sonetinies move frorn-one location to another because natural re- sources have caused jnIdustriýes to Io- cate in that ;irticular sectjon of the country. Iii sonie cases climiate lias been the cause of igration. In Jmot cases. hoNwever,,tlie migration lias best prompted bv l)etter genieral ivinig con- (itions iii 1the, new. location., Tra.ffic Co,,fusion and congestion *wllich niake it te(lious and unpleasant -to ,traàvel back and iorth through tbhe city a.dd. thecir fuîll share toward inakitig the conliniunitv lcss attractive thani another -.výhere snLcbi conditions do nôt1 prevail.. \Vhat Ioss -a citv sustains from this cause can tiever lie. exactly esimated excePt itbroutghaà conîparison of the çyrowvthi of that jcit;v wit tbhe, growtb' of otber. cities biavinig. simiilar natural resourc!es1 and. locations, but liaving bett er l1iving con(litio i.. ,1 1 do have. andi the balance is patu iui 1LWiAns. y I Congestion Chokes Growth rTraftc congestion chokes t h e growvtl of a citv. Tliis cati be sub- JO stanitiated Iiu numuerous instances by poiting tô' localities wlhere deveiop- . L abo muent bias been field back bv traffic conjgestionj. but where a treniendous ~ * new (develop m-ent lias -been stimulated b)v tble opening of a.,new boulevard or D ay * artery tlîrougli the area. hringing iîew honmes and 1 iew citizenls to tliat.section New~ Tires > -let us get of tlle city. 'hue use. of arbitrarily T *.oo!crrad o tinuied miechianisuis as a nîeaiîs of regu-T ared fo lating traffic lias cost mnicipalitieý eaeeupe oia rp untold siums of nioney due to tihe Coli- the'are equipped of atn gestion create ' d1w thiis tylje of cotitrol. with a complete térsosblt ftkn \\TItb tlîe ady.ent of veliicle-actuatedof ou tiends'P a signal sy7stemjs tilis congestion las been ,Si z e r a n g e o fofy rtre eed U t renmoved anîd iost cities are now adopt- Goodrich Balloon You" will find Our prices rea ing this nietlîod of contr.ol. n u evc ns ,I soine communities tiiere exists tre ...aiVorab ad u svce-ms the fall acious idea tlîat thîe governuiietit service. cient. May we serve. you? of thI e coimuluiiiitV i_ a separate . and (itiict enitity froinithîe conxult.y it- self. and the citizeils of sucl a. coin- lnîiuiitv are Verv likely to he apathetic I-1R B O N BR TH R to thîe affiso gvrnetflic peo- Ie eltatat ftb oeiuiia 732-i 12TH STREET PHONE WILMETTE 2 (lepartnient.s affect thielnuoly indirect-. lv- Noting ý-Col d be furthier from thîe truth. Evcrv conîntYlltll pays for the I ,di W v r u seu a Bargain s Low 0v Ros WiIui.tte 3555 aihie Aire. Ba Cali the Used C PACKARD MOTOR CAR Coi Winnetka 3070 rn ent ansd for HUBRARD WOODS IBRANCH Griienlaf 6030 your your Put care *US. wson- efi ZO-21: T 1