a bulletin issuéd this week. function properly and ci "Thoughtful. motorists will keep in tion is nore or less tal miind the fact that mjany littie ones,. icaors ach Mof five and six years old, will be leaving C-cz rnho the protection of their homnes and par- ent s for the first timne to venture out on, the streets, 'on their own,'"' the bulletin .stated. "They are, of course, ignorant 'of the danger of the str.eet. Even the older children are, likely to be careless 4for a while.. * "erhaps the greatest hazard conf- fronting motorists in the vicinity of a. *school is the nossibility that a chitd will dart into the street from betweeii parked cars,ý Careful car owhers wilI. drive under those conditions at a speed which will enable them to stop within* a few -feet. The. driving public can côooPerate by complyinq with the school boy patrols. The members, distiiiw'u- ishied- by a, ba.dge, and a white Sani Browne belt, are well1 known'to motor'- igts in this: region.. The boys stand 'on *the curb.. holdinz their classtnaties ini check until a. break in ýthe traffic -per- inits safe crossinz of the street. If a car approaches whire th'e 'pupils are crossingz. the patrol mnember raises his arni as a signal for it to stop. 1Endorme School Boy Patrols Y u * Edùeational and police authorities Y u have endorsed the patrol as one of the direct greatest means - of preveftting traffic accidents to schôool children. "Paren~ts of pupils can cooperate li)y As a instructinig their children to look both ul wavs before crossine- streets. Safttymui ina jiffy. -whe Fordi reai poli ed for toq and t saf e service. satisf action with. the prformance .fyu proportion to the service it performs. Ford, car is in DPealer and part of the business and social life -of- the com- ty, it is our intention to s0 conduct the, business of. Servicing cars that complete satisfaction is. obtained in so far as it lies witbin our power. Over a period of seven years we bave built up a~ corps of mechanics to handle Ford repairs'on the most approved methods, out of date equipment having been junked' and replaced by new. A fiat. rate, charge. covýers.every item of repairs. Our co-operation with- you on theý maintenance of your Ford car will be a big factor in keeping operating cosns to a. minimum -and' making a satisfied customer.for US. Cleanliness and courtesy is our formula f or satisfaction. Ol W ELL BOB 'N MAC MAiN STRETai LINDIN AVENUE 'Phne WiLmrmTH3334 Phone Wilmet 955 I