SPECIL SAIC "aUG. 9 teSEPT. 4 FIVE FREE DELIVERIES DAILY SPRNGLEG 0F LAMB -The very choicest of 193(k Spring stock it is possible to buy. CHICKENS Broilers, roasters or' stewing hens. Lb.38., HABURGER Deliejous lean beef, fresh, chopped. b.25e groMoX COOIMS- ... .... 2 Ibo19e Sunshine. Two crispy English chocolate wafers with creamy white filling-a very popular cookie. * SOAP FLAKES ..........2 for 98e A merican Family. This is the largest size, full weight 2%-Ib. carton. SANDWICH RELISH .... ..........190, Heinz. Finely chopped pickles and olives with a spe- *cial. creamy mayonnaise.. A regular 25e item. Choice of Pime unusual value i Il -9 ....2 £rot350 ;rick, Swiss or plain blend. An regularly at 25é each. GINGER ALE.......dom."$1,98 Canada Dry., A superior ale, properly aged-with lavor and quality.unchanged year after yea r., CHUTNEY........................... 33C Tro pic. A palm heart delicacy, imported for. use with roas ts, chops, cold melats, sandwiches and 'salads. president of bis class that year. JHe was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternitv. For the Iast twenty-five years Mr. Gillette -had spent niost of bis Urne ini Wilmette when he was. not traveling. Hewas a iield' retpresentative of Gillis anid Gochegan, 'New York, an elect rie Dower concern.. His, parents... Mr. and Mrs. T. Siater -Gillette, moved *herc* twenty-five years au ,o from Evanstoni. His widow, Mrs-. 'ageieF. Cil- lette, and his parents, al of*wlbivbeý at 8M01,ake avenue; are thieonly sur- vivors. The fun erali service this afternoori will be conducted.bv. Mrs. S. 'S. David. Christian Science reader. 'Burial will be at 'Meniorial Park, cenietery. Home Enitevtiinment Co. Opens. Store in Evanstoan, Tho nas W. Boyle. .who has .been engaged:in bufsiness in Evanston for' nine years, last week onened the Home Eiitertainiment comouanv at 619 Grove street, Evqnston, to handle the new products of the Genieral Motors Radio corporation. Mr. Boyle is the franchised dealer for the entire north shore. Inlu decorating bis store Mr. Boyle lbas created an unusual atmosphere by furnishing it in the manxner of a living room where patrons may be at ease while thé various models of radios arc de nîônstrated. two teams to share irst honors in the circuit. nig The pastime was a. seven-nng masterpiece from start to finish. The Confectioners. scored first in the third inning when A. Hoffman reached first*:on a funible, stole second ati scored oue Phillips' sing1 to left. ln the fifth inning*the tailors knotted the count when Bill Huck reached sec- ond base on a wild throw to fiîst on bis inifield ht., He mnoved to, third. while Ed Huck was being.throWn out b4 Johnson, and scored on- a long'k sacrifice fli propelled to left fiejd by Hartman. Schultz and Nord's entry took the, lead in the sixth on Udell's double an.d a single bv Hartman.. Th.e candy men oulled -up on, even ternis with the enemv in the seventh frame. on Bohnen's smash to center and Thalman's bit to rigbt. Prior to this tilt each teani had woni. nineteen lzamfes and suffered 'a. single 1 defeati.-The setbacks in each instance were administered bv thé two con- tenders. Ini the first erleaunter t.he' Nord nine- nudged out a 5 to 4 win. In the second gamne the Confectioners won 6 to 0. Both teanis uayed stellar; bail thfoughout ýthe season. Trhe pitchi ng of James Hoffmnann for the Schultz and, Nord teamn saved many a: contest. The Ridge Confectioners presented- the strongest pitching staff, in the leagzùe in M'iller. Guv and, Phillipsý w"-..- 17.ukusiad, quartt> M sland Dressinmg, pilat ... ... ........... 39 'artar Sauce, 9o. .jar................................... a*s4c Du.sig, 8*... botts. .............................C j 'renc1 Dressing, 1-os.bottle............................. 39 I 1133 Centrai Avenue I Phone Wilinetto