tory included in the North Shore Mos- quito Abatement district have been enjoying a summer as nearly free from the mosquito pest as thcy have ever experienced, is due -to the-work of the Mosquito Abatement organi- .zation *and flot '>to the so-called 'drought, according. to Superintendet William Edwards., Asa matter of ýfact, Mr, Edwards insists that. this section has tiot ex- perienced .anything .resembling, a drought, as the record of precipita- tion for the season here. is only one inch less than it was a year ago. Northi Area Intîested. Furthermore, Mr.'Edwards declares the Highland Park area, directly north of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district, where there .has been, no organized warfare against the mosquito, this season bas proven one of. the w orst experienced in yea .rs, insofar as prevalence of the pestis concerned. t is a fact, officiaisof the North -Shore Mosquito Abatenient district point Qut, that fuit benefits of organ- iked,,effort agailist mosquito breediiîg -in any particular district m-iU n ot be fully accomplished'until adjacent ier- àritory is Iikewise organized and, the benefits of mosquito eradication effort are realized. -Steps Iookiing to such organi?.ationl in the Highland Park terrItorY,. Sup- erintendent Edwards says, bave re- *centIy been taken by the officiais of that city, where a committéee o ,further the. work bias been appointed. Clear East Channel The North Shore. district is 11oW engaged in cleaning. out the eiast channel, running through the west niortb shore area, to irsure an unob- structed drainage of water when the fait and sprilig rains corne;ý The more thorough the.drainIge,ý the. more satisfactory is the result. in mnosquito abatement :work, Stiperin- tendent Edwards, explains, adding that' the work which lias been done alotig this Iiie during the past two years is now. showing proniounced resuits. * The district is also receiving a son, to wing tneir way out over the district. Thiese. places are gradually being- elimiinated, however, and wheni full cooperation is obtainied, redtiction ini the Mosquito hordes on the north shore will be S'tili More noticeable... Miss Anne Matson. 616 Fifteenth street, left on1 Montday. for Benton Harbor, Mich., where she. has ac- cepted a position as a teacher -ii the Dub1ic sehools for the coming year; g 'J EXPER T CLEA NING Preserving the'color, tex- ture, and restoring the sheen of your rugs. L owtest Prices See or Coilt 1157 WILME'rIE AVENUE' NZEIL9S MILK vo/lt v U Wherever you ive in Evanston, Wilmettel, Kenilworth, Winnetka oMG1encoe,you-catnbaveWanzoe's delicious milk, cream~, butter and eggs delivered dally at your door. *Every da y more families in these CO-mmunities are discover- ing the rich flavor of Wanzer"i rnilk. In order that others rnay aiso make this disecovery, wc sug- 1, .- , ' l * stop the delivery- as clieerfully as we stafl, if you are not fully pleased. *Wanzer's milk: cornes te ye from the -famouisSunlight Plant*. the last Word in the scientific han- dling of dairy products. Yeu are invited te visit this plant and se Pho ne * MASONIÇ TEMPLE, REGISTRATION MAIN LOUNGE, SEPTEMBE] Or cal! Evanston Studio Jeanette 'Adland Sehool of « 845 Chicago.Ave., Eva nston, II Dancing ireenleaf 3744 KENILWORI WINNETKA GLENCOE SIDNEY WANZZER a s*iýs w*Etblsel r -J . JLrý Li, LI-j-, Established .1 a a 7