1930-31 season. This decision.bas been made Ececutive comrnittee of the chu prised of village leaders, aci to W. Frank McClure, presie Last sprinig at the close of th 30 season of Sunday club pr( the comnittee p.ondered the' bility of continuing the progra cause of a perceptible falling attendance.. due largely. it w to the keen -coippetition provi radio programs. The' sixteenth season - will *Sunday evening, October 19, i MCueannounced this wet ph.asizing the fact that the pi this secasoni will be of a *different type that should cl, interest of 'al villagers. Musi( grams. he stated. will be less ber and confined solelv tQ en ment that is flot heard regula the radio. Dehates on. tim jects and with outstanding leý participanits will p)rovide ar *tant feature of the seasoin'g p tions. Travel progyramis. brini plorers and scientists of W nown. and illustrated by mo t~ies.man insoud-1wîi ýthe ssemaason'sloffeérinL7s.,St; wbom nýeojpe will want to set as lhear. have, been secured, nearance on the club's proig The Sunday Evenino, club *vene at the First Congrý churcli. Detailed announcement of soni's program will be iad early issue of WILMVM ~LIÉ, Village Board Appr( Paving of Three Ordinances authorized ti of three alleys-the first a Of Tenth street between Cen nue and a point 585 feet Uco estimfated cost of $5331.90; alleysouth of Lake avenue-fi mette avenue to E1eventh an estinated cost of $3,20- that immçdiately south of avenue between Ninth -an FIg lilW% cei is e by the cai ib, com- w cQrdiflgreç and needs ber daughter's ir this reason the veteran school teacher 'decided to idnt.. In point of, years of service Miss ie 1929- Hayes was. the oldest teacber in the 'ograms, Wilmette, public schoois. WJien she ativisa- came to Wiiniette twenlty-e.ve years asbe- -ago she taught a sixth grade for a. . off in niumber . of Years and later taugbt an as said. eigbtb grade. History was one o videti by ber principal ubjects.During the beinetire prioti of ber teaching service [I béi l Wilmette she was at the Central reside.it scbo.ol buildings. ek, em- Miss Hayes is the last of h rogramns teacbers wNho wqre bere .wen SuPt. .radically T1. R. Harper came to, Wilm *ette Iai tbetwenty-two years ago.. She a cal pro- w~ays a leadèr ini school activities it in num-1 Wi me tte andi was popular. witb botl ntertain- pupils and parenlts., She serveti w rly over president of the Wiimette. Teachers ýely sul) club for tbree1 years. aders as1 Miss-Hayes' successor bas liot beer a imnpor- namied. Unitîl a niew Stolp school prin- presenta- cipal is seected Supt. J. R. Harpet .gîng ex, iI take over those. duties. 'orîti re- ving pic- Dr. Vere V. Loper tatsmen. Preaches at Union ýe as wel 1 1for ap- Services Sept. '4 ra Dr. Vere V. Loper, retiring niiniste wili con- of the First Congregationl church o egational \Vilmnette, wi11 preach at the unio services in the Wilmette Baptis the sea- church Sunday miorning, Septemhe le in an 7, at Il o'clôck. ~E. Sunday's service wili mark thi termination of the seuies of summ( loves union services held jointly hy th Ail Baptist cburch andi the First Coli i-iie'ys gregational cburch. e paving Dr. George .D. Allison, pastor of th aliey easi Baptist churcb, wili return to bý rtral ave- ptilpit Sunday .morning, Septemnbc rthi at an 14. He bas been e ngageti on a "goc ,the first ii preaching ýmissi on in Enfglar from ýWil. 11,fiis;ummer ,undàerauspices, of,ti street à. Ptederateti Churches o f Christi )5.44; andtinerica. fd -et Improvement Board Seelc Osborni. . Egnt tons uil c41 weIC I r 415an IItIurnenr i a jut. J V ----u.. quired to hurn this amount. and a. faculty of sevcnty-on.e. 0f the 205 tons of refuse burnei Onlv five of the seventy-one teach- iast nonth about 25 tons were Oh- ers will be new members of the' fac- tained from Evanston' when tests ulty. Miss Mary McKay. wiil ta4ke were being made at the new inicinera- Mrs. Stella Maher's place as music to. e, remaining 180 tons camesuevs. Miss, Elizabeth Evans frôm Wilniette. nd figuring on the will. replace Miss Margaret McPartlin basis of a 15,000 population, twenty- as fifth grade teacher at the Central four pounds of garbage were humned )Uilding.ahdi Miss Virginia Davis will for ver peson n W lmete ast have, tbe kindergarten at the Laurel forerl every personin Wilmette monith. school formelytagtb Ms.ir Village officiais have reminclet resi- gnaT Ieaa Kdents repeatedly that failutre to drain A h oadsho w e their garbage of ail surplus water and. to wap t i plnty f ýape men .grdesý have been atdet, a second a nd toa it win l enty r o apl o ians afourth. Miss Mary Reese wili have, thatritusillt*tke imorcalto bTurshescodgrade, and Miss Edith therefseat heincnerto. TusFranks the fourth g,rade. {I e cost of operating the inicinerator M is increaseti and its efficiency is de- Mss McKay, the new music super- creased.. visor, bas had several vears' teaching ~ Rsidnt ca c-oprat wth heexperience. Last vear'she taught --at village officiais by osriig the fol- teeeetr colo h nvr lowing simple regulations: ity of ýChicago. Miss Evans has been 1. Drain refuse of aIl surplus water. teaching in: Iowa. 'Miss Franks,, a 2.- Wrap it well in plenty o f paper., graduu"e-f Nortbwestern universîty, 3.~ Place it in covered containers tO(k practice teac'ing in Wiimette where it may be picked up by Vil- iast vear unider Miss Moores super- lage trucks. vision. Miss Davis bas been studying at the National College of Educaticn Shows Sharp inEvanston.reantob Report S o sS ap Only one vcanvean o Decline in Building filled on the 1930-1931. teaching staff. 7' Théresignation of Miss Margaret Building activitv in Wilmette for Hayes, principal of the Stolp school, Tthe first eigbt months of 1930 felI f ar was received last week, and ber suc- >below that for the corresponiding per- cessor has not been -nameti. An n iod ini 1929, according to a repor t account of Miss Haye 1s' work in,. the s' submnitted to the Wiimette. Village Wilmette Public schools appears in Pr board Tuesdav night. The total esti- nte oui fti su fWL niated cost of new buildings and al- anthEer.llno hs su fWL ler 1929 ws for the frtegi otso Following is tbe faculty of 'the local er199 s$1,343.044, whilefte schooîs for* the coming year: ,le first eight montbs of 1930 it was only. '$747,045. This information was. in- .SpcialTeïches cluded in the miont hly report of C J. R. Harper, superi nten denit; Low- lé C. Schultz. superintendent 0o1f public el F. Todd, principal of the Howard 1 i works. Nineteen building permnits school; Miss Nelle. E. Moore,. ele- eï were issued last montb for new build- mnentary supervi.50r; Miss Mary M~c- :4 ings and alterationis, tbe total esti- Kay. music. supervisor; Mrs. Cather- ia ad .cs o bih>$6,85 eG. Wagner, orchestra;-,M rs. Edith he M. Vivian,. Melody Way piano 1i i. William Owen of Winter Haven, classes; Miss Frances- Donnelly, art Fia., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. supervisor; Mis sGrace Gayton, li-,. E. John Hicks and family, 240- Mel- brarian; Miss Mary Green andi Mrs. :s rose avenue, for a f ew days.. Emma Stopka. scbool nurses; Miss. ____bl._.._.._.._+._.._.._.._.4_.._.._.._ Kernie -Woodlev and Miss Florence without the use of water. hicav ifenLidays' e.v',.. inlud ______________ av fitee das' eae, lo ncl +ing: elpf ulsuggestions as ta ' PLÀYHOUSE BURNS Sundays, andi will be back on duty +* Wilete irme wee aledtoSepemer15 Wth her etrnth + b Wilett fremn wrecalet toSepemer $.Wit thirretrn t + wbere and wbat ta by. Isabella street near the North Shore Wilmette postoffice will resumne s + line tracks. on M onda-v nigbt when normal schedule for the faîl anti win- + ,a çhildren's Plavhouse caugbt fire. ter, al employees having had their + Trhe' plavhouse was- destroyed. vacations.6 Mrs. Julia P. Davenport, kinder- garten; Mrs. Ella R. Clegg andi Mis Fannie Ferris, first grades; Miss Apollonia Petrie andi Miss, Eva Et, (Continued on page 9