cago Yacht clubs as h[lU t memlu which will be sailed off Belmont har- bor. *It is the victory which Max - Hay- tord, sailing "Twinkle Ditto," won last year in the Great Lakes champion- ships Which brings the event here this season., Sectional winners have been determinied for seven regions and will compete for -the titie. They include two Lake Erie, boats and others f rom De-. troit, Toledo, Cleveland -and Peoria Clubs. Représenting the Lake Michigan fleet wiil be a Columbia boat, Dalseg's "Bee," which qualified i.the eliminations -as runnér-up to Frank Manegold's "Fram" of Sheridan Shore.. ",Frai»" as theý winner of the e limination series wiI compete in fic Internationals at Chesa- peake bay- f rom Sept. - 25 to Oct. 2. ýHayford with, "Twinkle Ditto", just missed qualifying for the Great Lakes event by a point or two. Thr. Days of Raiug Evenits of the championship series will begin Wednesday, Sept. 10, with a buffet dinner for contestants and dele- gates at the Columbia Yacht club. The first of the three races will be held TÉhursday morning, and that evening the visitors will be entertained at 'a theater party. Friday morning the sec- ond race will be held, and in the eve- ning Sbheridan Shore Yacht club will hold a dinner dance at the Vista del Lago at which trophies for its own *Membws.$ ofCognitteS. Servirng on the regatta committee are, Maxl Hayford of Sheridan Shore, George F. Harvey of Chicago and F. R. Weisgerber of Detroit. Charles H. Pajeaq, last year's commodore at Sheri- dan Shore, .f ormIs a. personnel commit- tee to, -have charge -of the contestantsl. and delegaItes. Sheridan Sbore's own .season wifl end Saturday with the holdinig of the Ilast race of *Seis C, thopugh the fleet will 'take part later« in the .Chicago Yacht club- nvitation regatta. Miss jean Marx, daighter of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Marx,. 522 Esex road, Kenilworth returned, to her home on Friday,- August 29, after spending a month, in Boulder, Colo., She expects to, return to B-ostoft .this fal. where she is a kinder- garten course at. Miss .Wbeelock's school, .Mis. Walter Marx and her, sister, Mrs..Allen Lovejoy, of janes- ville,.Wis., arc spending their vaca- tion in the Black His of I4orth 13a- kota. Outboawd Motor Coîmpletely .quipped 15-foot, Johnson, 16 Boa horse, îiatclîed nVit a n trailer. $450 value'- bargain at $250. Winnetka 876. 50c LUNCHEON .- 75c. DINNER FIRST NATIONAL BAN KBUI1LDI NG 1150 WILMETTE1 AVENUE WILMETTE 120i Special Perman ent Wavimg 7.50 Mlthoi'gh these permanients are reduced to lneet the youthf ul budget, the sanie care and quality o!if a- teriais is. used as in those which are such a deliglit to Mother. AIbr.ghts Beauty Shop.. '167 WIL METTE AVENUE P HON E W1LM ETTE 4 51 Draper g inet Worlk and Upbolsterg Fabrics ANTIQUES We pecialize in Antique Furniture Repairin ad Refinisbing Mattresses and Springs Made to Ore LINDWALL Purchase Yourl SCHOO L:> BOOK0XS. TODAY. The Bible and Works of Mary Clinstian Science Literature may Reading Baker Eddy and ail ot be read, borrowed or p jRoom. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM A Good Family Store 1123-2527 Central Ave. Ph. Wil. 1914 III :III I - . - - SUNDAY DINNER $ 1.00 ~Hair He