Restock Your Pantry Ba con RE ARmour'8 .STAR Domino Calûmet PIlsbury'ýs CONFECIONER'S OR BROWN SUýGARt »AKING POWDEi PANCAKE FLOVR Log Cabin Syrup 20e 2 L.13c 25c ~2 21 U23e Malted. Grahams chl. .Pk: 15C PURE IVORY Ie Ivory FlakesSOAP FLAKEl)dr 39c Olivilo Soap 'z =t3, Scot Tissue 2 1..~7c Choice Fresh Meats C HICKENS., STEWING i '/1.y2 lb. Avr. died about forty years ago, was a German sea captain who sailed be- tween Germany and England. Upon his retirernent he moved to Chicago. Mrs. Dumimert hiad lived in Wîlmette about* twelve yea rs and had many friends here. Besides the daughter in. Wilmette. Mrs. Dummert is survived by twvo -daughters in. Chicago, Mrs.. Hannah Pupke and Mrs. Elizabeth Steffens. and one son, Henry Dummert,, also of Chicago. $he leaves five grýand- children and tbre.e great grandchil- dren. The funeral services were field Thursday afternoon at Scott's under- taking parlors 'in Ei'anston, With* the Revý. C.- I. Iimpson of the Wilmette English Lutheran church officiatinig.- Mrs. Dummnert was a memiber of St. *Paul's Lutheran cliurch in Chicago. Burial took placeat MNemorial Park cemçteryý. Mr. and Mrs. George -Shipmlan of 412-,Warwjeik road have returnned t their home in Keniilworth after ha, - ing spent mlost of the summier at their home, Syivaiî Bealchi, t Waban- ingo, Mich. Mr. 'and Mrs.ý Ravmond A. Smithi and'their son, Robert, 1334 Elimwood avenue, have been aIl summer on a miotor tour of the WVest and the Pacific> coast., They returned last w..ek, of the development of hew' varieties sinc.e about 1900 and- spoke of the mnethiods used by hybridizers ini cro5ss' ing new varieties., Mr. Kunderd, who is the originator of new varietiecs of the gladiolus, especially the ruffled anid.tle the cinatus, described gladiolus culture' and showed somfe of thle new orcbid and upright varieties. S. Samuelson, gardener for. Harin(l I. Ickes, gave an interesting talk on "Dahlias." One of the features of the meeting was the> flower exh'libit by members .of the club, a display consisting for the most part of *dahlias,' now at the heîgit of their blooming.- One, of the mi oit interesting -exhibits. was that of the lilium sulphurum by Frank, Eager of Wilmette, whio introduced, for, the first ýtime to Xilmette, thîs rare lily.. During the evening plans for the clnb's, participation in ýthe Village Floiver show on September 13, WÇËre discussed. ANNUAL MEETING The aniual meeting of the \Vil - mette Golf club wiIl be. held at.-thec club bouse, 'Lake avenue and Hàrm,ý road, on -Friday night, October 3,ý at 8 o'clock, according toan announce-: nient this w,,eek by O. A. Bestel,. presi- dlent. Three directors for 1931,.wifl be elected and, other business trans- acte&. Bri sk weather will bc followed: bycold 30-c 1208 Central Ave. Phones: *Winmette 131 and 190 For More Thaii 40 Years Mothers, are better, enpbled ýto dlay. by taking aàdvanÇage of our mnoney oavingpriceson wellknow.n quality proteries. Our modem, sanitary methodas of food distribu- dion kerp foode fresh anddecl and create new savings ýthat are pasaed on to you in everyday Iow prices.. MIU 8 22C Leg O"Lamb GENUINE SiPRING