e ne e te mec!- THE. NEW PACKARD EGI WVTE MOST.cordiallY Invite you go corne V in ind loèok over the new Pacar cars now on cisplay at our soros You will flnd them as fine gold reflned-as one of the world's finest cars made sfl i fler. A Wide Choice of Beautiful New, Models The new Packard Eight includes more notable improvements and refinements than any Pack-, ard of recent ycars.It as available in thirty-two beautiful models rangimg i price froun $2385 for the ever-popuiar Standard Eight ive-Pas- senger Sedaun go $6075 for the finest Individual Customn creation. (At the factory.) lmproed carburetion and manifoldig have increased the power. With addcd power, per- formance, cspecially in traffic snd ut the -red light",hasbeenbctteredL The advantageswhidi. only a four"seed tanmisincan 9give have been retained, wvith the transmission couverted to the -short-hifer type. Longer and softr springs and new shck absorbers provid more MN WHO KTHBE-1 Bodies made in Packawds own factries arm the flnest in , every way that Packard lias eve .offered.ý Traditional appearance bas been rem tained a nd beauty of Unme refiied.Llnteriorshave been beautifled and. made more luxuriOu.ý New color combiations have been provided. Thirty yeansof building for the MOU disc"ii .nating clientele lias tauglit the Packard Motor, Car Company what sucli a clientele demanda. And year by year-and agan this year-new luxuries, new refinements and new improvo. mxents have been added. An Inve=uent in Lwxious Transportation Today whcpn narly everyone ia thinxing li terms of investment instead of speculados. and buymng more carefuily, w. ask you to view reJined amnirww cars - cars wiout a single speculative or uuuied festure With- Packard the car lis aiwas becs. greamthdaf. ony one féature. You could not buy, cxpecting bo keep your car four orefive years if h. were otherwise. O W ~4 S 14