Nd;~orth Shore Outboard Motor clubi was represented by Lawrence Mas-, ters, JackSalmon and Red Woodworth.« Masters, driving a Caille "Redhead" motor on a Century hull, won both heats of the Class B. race and. took home a beauitiful cup. Masters tips the beam at 220: poéunds, and bis weiebt was decidedly in bis:.favror'in: keeping bis* outfit rigbt side up in the treach- erous white caps. jack Salmon, using a combination' similar to Master's, placed in the first heat of Class B but was forced out due- to a broken r e- Mote control ini the second heat. Red Woodwortb started in botb Class C and the f ree-f or-aIl MacDon- ald- trophy race, but was forced out. Trhe latter event,, hich is held yearly for motors up to fifty cubic inches pis- ton dispiacement, attracted but three motorsý above tbirty inches in. size. Owners of the larger four cylinder jobs decided that-éven the winning oi. the McCleliand Barclay-designed ,tro- phy would flot recompense for a> severe. pounding and the possibility of a crack up. Thbe racé was won by Art Rein- king of Indianapolis, who, with a sec- ond and a fourth took first on points, an occurence which would neyer have, takeri place in ordinaryý water. .Jack "Sbadow" Maypole of River Forest provided excitement. for the smnall crowd of spectators and evoked the admiration of ail outboard menrb bis plucky drivir.g. in both Class C, and the MacDonald Trophy race. "Shadow" is 13 years old, and weighs less than 100 pounids but. with a good mnotor and large boat hie won one heat each of the two classes he was .ini. In the second heat of thé finaI race the lake became too lumpy, and he upset .when he had the race well in hand. 1Cloudy skies, fitful rains and a biting wind kept down the regatta spirit. Driv- ers of the. outboards proposed a ;Pnir- lied appeal to tbe sponsors of the rac e to hold if in other than Lake Michi- gan. waters in ensuing, years, as this year'fs meeting wvas but a repetition of last year'sý, and both were ýdisappointing. C. of C. Nine to Meet Pioneers Next Sunday R.. AI SLm.fr ýve left for I. bey are both ity of Illinois. JEJmwôod ave-- seniors at the1. PATRONIZE OUR ADVJSRTISERS:: [MAL E G ~. * g ? T * g t v *L~ ? g v of L4ake avenue, is enroffing as a stuaept in the National College of Educationi, Evanston, for the fail term. which opens September 12. The college, formerly known as the National Kin- dergarten. and Elementary college, is You are' cordially invitcd to the. Au tumn Presentdtion of the Interpretive Style Originations ,-, . 1 . k - . '. > 1 , , 1 ý L 7 - . 1 , . '. 1 ý ý, , m - '-. . , l