ball t'eam tbrough their paces in the first practice of the year Monday, the day. school opened. Coach Aschenbach hais only three weeks tô prepare for the opening gaine with Maine Toôwnship High schooil on. Septetiber 27. The number of candidates for New Trier's vrarsity team was expected to reach 100 by the end of this week, but this nuâmber will be reduced, as the final first'strinig. squad is picked frôm players showing. the most prom- ise of. making the teamn. Four Letter-men B*ck Only fogur letter-men' remfain froni Iast year's, team-Capt. George Ogan, guard;, Bill Sellery,' tackle; Lenl Wolff, end, andË red Lind, quarter- back. Candidates who. have. showni promise of being chosen to fil in the. other positions includie Albert Linid ahd Bennett, centers; Stanton Schu- man and Frank Riley; guards; Wolf, Wilbur. Kunz, "Red" H iowe and Robert Gordon, a niew stuc/eut at. New Trier this year f romi Fond du Lac, Wis., tackles;, Colin Finlaysoni and Ted Wachs, ends; Jack Hicks, quarterback; 'Geiie Nickel, Chester Thorsen, Ernest Enchelmayer and Oakley jenks, halfbacks, and Rich- ards, fullback. Most of these players were rnembers of the freshmt-an- sophomore squad last year. New Trier is faced with a hard scheduile this season. Besides meetin~g ail of the Suburban league teams- Proviso, Morton, Oak Park, Evans- toin and Deerfield-New Trier's degreen" team will play three other gai-nes, one with Maine Township HTigli school, another withi Waukegan and a third with Joliet. The gante with Joliet, the first mieeting between. the two schools; will be played at New Trier.' Announce Schedule Followinig is New Triér's 1930 foot- bail schedule: September 27-ýMaine at New Trier. October 4-Waukegan at Wauke- ga. (Fresh man -sophomore teali plays at Deerfield). October li-Proviso at New Trier. lu- -n4 T.- 11- Morton of uîcero, ueernieîci, intiocn and Waukegan. Teams that defeated New Trier were Lindblom of Chicago, Oak Park, Proviso and Evanston. M embers of -the varsity. squad w&Ill flot be the only New Trier boys play- ing football, . Candidates for the fresh- mani-sophomore teamn were to report Wednesday of this week. Intramural. football practice will get under way next Mondayi Assisting Coach Walter Aschen- bach of the varsity squad thi's year will be Harold Caton ýand W.14 Brown, Chester Persing, who was an assistant varsity coach. last season, is tùo be in" charge of thé instruction. of intramural ,teanis. Kenneth Punk- hauser 'and Robert- Ream will be, the freshman-sophomore 1mentors. Townley Be gins Grid. Worko ut s at. Sears. Robert W. Townley, athletic direc- tor at the Josephi Sears scbool i Kenilworth, is busy getting his boyi ready for the opening of the> North Shore Grammar School Football league season late this month. The prospects for winning teainc; at Kenilworth are 'good in the light- weight and. middleweighit divisions, but the heavyweight material is lack- ing, Mr. Towley- reports. Competi- tion in the league each year is in these three weight divisions.. This year the Glencoe Public ISCRIMINATING- FOLK PREFER. OUR CLEAN1NG Men's Suits $1025 $1.50 andi up Il SCHULTZ & NOR[) Cleaners ta the Discriminating 1152 Central Avenue, Wilniete Phones 320-321 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660 MILK IS YOUR BEST FOOD... DRINK MORE 0F-*IT! MIJK Io ag "C0 3014 N. TRIPP AVE., Those who appreciate thé finer things are the first to express appreciation for',our superior cleaning service. The men are pleased with the way our experienced tailors reshape their suits. The ladies are delighted with, the ex~qui site f reshness and the dainty re-stylin ,of their f rocks. IAGO - ---------- ------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------- . . .................