THis sTORE RzmAINs ol»EN SATuRDAY EvE NINGs uNTIL 9 O'CLOCK ýHippMoulding Girdies of Silk Webbing They' ré Sc tupp1e you hardly feel them .. . but so firm tbey take inches, off hips and waistline! 0f Pink woven elas- tic that launders wel and wears endlessly! One, of Hand-Lôomed Frenchi Elas, is mfucb ligbter in weigbt than you'd expect. Beautifully designe'd, rather bigh above the waistline, té absorb the fullness at the dia- phragm tbat's so ikely,,ta be fatal to a smart Une! $27.50.ý Others of Hand.-Woven Elastic of. domestic make, in. models adapted f rom the expensive French ones-$ 10 and Up. But aftet al, it'a fitting that mazkes the corset. Let 'ua chOose for gou e xactly the model that suits gour figure beat. Stevens' of Evanaon->Ffit Floot G1oveoeFiting Is An Art, ____ ___ ToQ! Edward rMeltzer* The',MUlt.zer' School of -Music zWiII begin :its fail terrn Mondas', Septembeir, 15. In addition to the studios in Chieago, Evanston, WiI.- Wette and Winnetka, branches areé being- opened in Highlaiid Park and Laerest'. Thist red.çoii~will mark the tenth ivear of Mr. Meit-, zer's mitgsical service to the îzortlî shore, during which time ke hasý tivities as the director of the Nor+h western îriversity baiid, as a mcm-ii ber of 'the Evanistoii Symphomy orchestra, and as the teacher of hundreds of pupils. former years, the faculty Nvîll1 include only the most competent of artist teachers. ail of whom have been selected for their thorough schooling and many years of successfuI teacli- ing e,çperience. In addition tô giving instruction in every branch of music, the scbool wilI offer* theory. harmionyi. and aprcation courses: band, or- chestra. and chorus training; courses in dance orchestra plaving and 'ar- ranging. and a musical kindergarten for children of pre-school age. I I NEW PIANOS FOR RENT For a snail rentai sum month, you can have a1 each Owely ats doors to ail pros and amateurs' in this area who care to participate. Pros are requested to make their own team's pairing with any amateur tbey choose and the best bail for the 27 boles .will1 determnine. the winner. Entries have been coming in rapidiv and players are urged. to send their names in this week if they choose te play.. .Howard Davis of Ridgemoor. has signi6ied bis intention to play with Richard E. Beck and Lew..Waidron wilI he there wîth a good amateur. Vernon Ridge is entering two tearns with both the, pro, Bert. Krogstad, and bis assistant: Arthur -Vogriteer paired',with Lester Simon and Earl *Levy, or llalpb Wanger. Acacia's pro bas also.sent -iu an entry. This wilIe one of the iast tourna- ment's scbeduled by the Chicago Dis- trict Golf association- and tËe. only one tbis year in which the pros bave beeni invited to play. It is hopçd next year to bold a Chicag*o District Golf Association Open tournament as was done several years ago. ]Portland Rose.,Newest Crack G, & Ne W.- Train Thýe "Portland Rose,"' new,: de luxe train of the -Chicago7 and, North West-ý ern raiIway service betweeû Chicago and Portland, Ore., will heoï eý,hih.t between 10 and 4 o'clock Saturdav,_ Septemnber 13, ini the 'Madison street station of the North Western. Foliowing the public inspection Sat- urday 'morning and afternoon, the new train will go into regular service Saturday night, leaving on the fast schedulé of the -"Portland Liniited" the train which i t replaces in. the North Western's fleet of transconti-. nental trains. The new train takes, its name from Portland, the cit -,-of roses, and the city's oýfficiai rose, which is a. soft, deep pink in color. furnishes 'the motif for the -interior. and, furnisbing of -the -train. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Substance" will be the subject i't the services in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette Suin- day morning,, September 14, at Il o'clockc. Sunday school convenes at i . . VlI attractively Steven' of Evanston-Fiwat Floor E ~ Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Ord H. G. LINDWALL Higbeat Grade Upholstering m1> Oak' Stret EstabIiabod 1895 Ph. ýWmnetkm 145