Travel andi Transport building. It is now being laid on the roof of the Ad- nministration building on the lake shore southeast of the Field. Museuni. A train Ioad - of cornstalks pur- chased froin corni belt farns was used in manufacturingÈ the roof instulation wbich bias beeni ordered .for these two. b Uildings. The roof of the Tràvel -and Transport building alone bas a spread of, about five acres, which will .be covered1 witbý an, inch-thick blankct _of Maizewood, the cornstalk insula-' tien board. The general contractors for the first two exposition buildings are the J. B. french conipany, for the Ad-l ministration. buil1ding. and the John Griffiths anàd Son company, for thé Travel and Transport building. These cempanies awarded the, contract fôr the toofing *of- both buildings, te the Luse-Stev'enson conipany. which place theorder' for 'the roof insula- ien %with the. Maizewoo0d Products Corporation of Chicago. The total roofing order cals for 460,000 square feet of one-haîf inch insulation, whiclh is -being shipped to Chica go frein the cornstalIk insulation board factory at Dilbuque,. Iovva. AlfredMc irr of Kansas Citv,- Mo., left MNonday aftcr spending a week as* the guest of Jack Nason. 733 Cumtnings avenue, Kenilworth. Among the citations whvich com-* prised the lesson-sermon was the following f rom the Bible: "And be- cause ye are sons, 'God bath sent for the Spirit of bis Son into your hearts, crying, Abba Father. Wbere- fore tbou, art no -mh.ore1 a servant, but a son; and if a son, tben an beir of God, Christ" (Ga.1«tians 4:6, 7). The lesson- .sernmon also included* the- following passages--f rom te Christian Sciencé textbook. ".Science andHealth with Key to "the Scrip- tures," by. Maryý Baker Eddy: ý"God is the creator offman, and, the divine Principle .cf mani, reniaininig perfect, the divine idea or reflection, mari, re- mains perfect. Manl is the expression cf God's being" (p. 470). SOUSA ON TOUR Lieutenant' Commander John Phi!ip Sousa and his band are mak ing the! 1r thirty-eighfh anlnual tourx, and wili reacb Chic ago for a concert on Sun-. day, October 12. Th'le "'March King" bas Written several ne\\,composition-; for t.he, tour. H. G. Baldwn aîand bis daughter.anti soClaand Kriet è, motor'ed_ re- cetlv te California te lIive. The. lived in Wilinette until this sp ring . when they nmoved.te Evaiisto1.ý "RBetter Pictures Ail Children Smile for Better -Values'. JO Beautif naO BERNIE STUDIO. 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston "Ma.' Shaa' AllahI" Mefaing: "Alflah& Be,.Praised!" Says i. Persian when he. admfires something of rare beaufy created either by man -or nature.:This w iII protpct th thing aclm'red from evil ýspirits. Our buyer, M r. S. K. Jorjorian, has just refurned from the, Ruan tarnc Rusan rean estimates. vice CT '.Jrentai prices. Ask for EVAN STON Tel.. Univ. 8998